Newspoll: 56-44 to Labor

Newspoll adds its weight to a grim new year polling picture for the Morrison government.

The first Newspoll of the year, courtesy of The Australian, is a horror result for the Morrison government, crediting Labor with a lead of 56-44, out from 53-47 in the final poll in December. Labor is up three on the primary vote and the Coalition down two, to 41% and 34% respectively, with the Greens up one to 11% and One Nation steady on 3%.

Scott Morrison has plunged five on approval to 39% and is up six on disapproval to 58%, whereas Anthony Albanese is up four on approval to 43% and down two on disapproval, also to 43%. Morrison’s lead on preferred prime minister is cut from 45-36 to 43-41. The poll also finds Albanese leading Morrison 33% to 32% as best to lead the country out of the pandemic and 39% to 21% for handling climate change, with Morrison leading 33% to 31% on creating jobs and growing the economy and 31% to 26% on dealing with the threat of China.

The poll was conducted Tuesday to Friday from a sample of 1526.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,588 comments on “Newspoll: 56-44 to Labor”

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  1. Watching the grabs of SfM from the NPC on the news a couple of things struck me:

    – his reluctance to turn to Tingle when she asked him questions, clearly preferring to look anywhere else but at her.

    – the smirk on his face as PvO read out his question suggests PvO’s insider goss about the text messages is 100% accurate.

  2. What happens at the NPC is normally irrelevant for 99% of Australians.
    The only thing that Australians will see/hear is the Gladys text question.
    Anything Morrison was promoting will be lost in that story.

    Andrew Ferguson @AndrewRLP
    Surprised that #psychomo isn’t trending.

  3. Boerwar says:
    Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 6:18 pm

    We know the Greens will gut the ADF if they get the chance.

    Maybe correct, however the ADF are doing it themselves & spending a fortune at the same time..

    They might perform better if their budget was cut in half… force them to focus instead of fantasise that they are somehow relevant.

  4. Shellbell

    You have the wrong poster, Comrade.

    I have no idea who Tegan George is, nor what her undoubtedly worthy complaint is.

  5. For me, the correct answers are:

    1 litre of Vitasoy Unsweetened Protein Plus is $3.
    1 Wholemeal Grain Block Loaf, sliced, from Baker’s Delight is $4.20.

    Can I be PM?

  6. I note that a number of posters do not understand what journalists are supposed to do for their employers. The best thing a journo can do is find a “scoop”, which, like him or loathe him, is what vanOselen did (and before you jump up and down saying I don’t know what I’m talking about, I am married to a ‘Super A’ journalist, who was the youngest editor with NewsLtd in his time there … he explained this many years ago – and it has nothing to do with which ‘stable’ they come from).

    Also, many posters here applauded Sam Maiden for a similar exposure about sexual harassment in Fed Parlt.

  7. You can judge a person by who their mates are and in PvO’s case one of his mates is Porter.

    Its one thing to have a heated argument but undermining a colleague is just nasty.

  8. When Canberra staff complained about having to write Van Onselen’s TV news packages as well as their own, news boss Ross Dagan said “words to the effect that Mr van Onselen was the Network’s number one and said that they were all expected to build Mr van Onselen’s brand”, according to the statement of claim.

    Wow, isn’t that exactly the problem with our media? It’s not about reporting and journalism, it’s about building and promoting the right ‘brand’.

  9. The first rule of AusUkUs is be a pay pig simp for the AusUkUs industrial military complex which is in reality just the UkUs industrial military complex and when you have utterly incompetent brass it is irrelevant if the thing you buy is fit for a purpose you have or even delivered in our life times. It is the funnelling of taxpayer dollars that matters nothing else does.

  10. I can’t help think a scoup is something more than being handed half censored data to be used in an internal war?

    But I literally know nothing about MSM, and avoid it whenever I can.

  11. “Wow, isn’t that exactly the problem with our media? It’s not about reporting and journalism, it’s about building and promoting the right ‘brand’.”

    If channel 10 did their own brand due diligence before appointing PvO we know which end of the pool they chose to be in.

  12. Shellbell says:
    Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 7:47 pm

    With the picture The Guardian chose for the story, I am thinking butter is definitely melting in that mouth.

    NB:- this is just a butter comment and nothing to do with any allegation.

  13. “ I suspect that one of the problems with the RAN frigate process is that they keep adding things to a hull that was designed for not so many things.”


    Although I don’t know if it’s got anything to do with being ‘too heavy’ as most of the weight of the primary weapons system – the VLS tubes and ordinance are situated deep inside the hull.

    I actually have a sneaking suspicion it’s got to do with the actual hull shape – which is apparently very stealthy against sonar (hence it’s ASW focus) but the RAN decided that they wanted extra AW and long range strike capabilities after all. I note that the Hobart class – which has 48 VLS tubes with full length strike missile silos – has no reported stability issues. Even though it’s a much smaller ship by tonnage.

    I think the solution is to acquire more Hobarts amd pair them with the Hunter class: have the Hunters stick within their original 8,000 tonne loaded weight envelope.

  14. The Prime Minister used the event to appeal to Australians to focus on the economic recovery and back the government because the economy was strong and unemployment had fallen from 6.6 per cent one year ago to 4.2 per cent today.

    “That’s what economic resilience looks like but you must project that into the future with a clear plan,” he said.

    “In 2022 our focus is squarely on locking in our economic recovery to create jobs, jobs and more jobs.

    It would be very fitting if Labor wins the election and benefits from an post-Covid economic recovery that sees the Liberals’ better economic manager tag trashed.

  15. Confessions says:
    Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 7:55 pm
    When Canberra staff complained about having to write Van Onselen’s TV news packages as well as their own, news boss Ross Dagan said “words to the effect that Mr van Onselen was the Network’s number one and said that they were all expected to build Mr van Onselen’s brand”, according to the statement of claim.
    Wow, isn’t that exactly the problem with our media? It’s not about reporting and journalism, it’s about building and promoting the right ‘brand’.

    I did wonder how PvO could be a professor of something and spend so much time on Ch 10 news and the Project, while also writing regularly for the Oz. Now it would seem that PvO’s news appearances might be in the same league as Morrison’s curry creations.

  16. Dr Julia Baird@bairdjulia
    · Aug 28, 2021
    In private, Gladys Berejiklian has reportedly told colleagues the PM is a “bully”, going “so far as to tell a colleague that Morrison’s behaviour was “evil”. Peter Hartcher on the tensions between the PM and Premiers.

    Maybe Gladys can’t recall these texts because back in August she was too busy bungling the Sydney Covid response.

  17. citizen:

    After the accusations from Ch10 I’m wondering if he writes all his own Oz columns, or ‘delegates’ to an underling?

  18. Clive Palmer
    @CliveFPalmer South Australia Police just raided our @UnitedAusParty meeting where we introduced our Candidate for Grey, Suzanne Waters to our members.
    #SAPOL entered the function room at the @PtLincolnHotel denying our right to political free speech.

    I am now considering legal proceedings.

  19. PvO strikes me as the student that likes group assignments but only makes an appearance in the first and last week of the semester to tell other team members all about how it should be done.

  20. “The worst thing for Morrison at the NPC today was Albo’s appeareance there last week. Such a stark contrast in so many ways.”

    BK, the difference was stunning to me. I know Morriscum is an arsehole, lies and i wouldnt believe anything he says, but i really did expect a better “performance”.

    Seriously, as a cave dweller i have asked the question before, just what can the Libs campaign on in W.A. ?

    And that’s against a backdrop of my expectation that electorally the Libs were pretty safe in NSW.

    Having seen some of the recent news out of NSW, and now todays omnifwark at the NPC , well, i wouldnt count on NSW if i was a Lib planner.

    If the Libs suffer at all in the NSW bye-elections then its a serious Maccas moment for them in Canberra.

  21. The reports of actual and attempted rape of women employees at Rio Tinto is revolting reading.

    These multinational mining companies love to promote themselves as embracing diversity, gender equality etc, when in actuality they’ve still got that disgusting blokey culture running rampant across the company. And it was Rio which destroyed those Aboriginal sacred sites in the Pilbara.

    Obviously there’s something very rotten in the company when management can treat Indigenous culture with such dismissive regard, and women employees with contempt.

  22. Mexican:

    I think Berejiklian’s reply says it all about her remembering the texts with clarity. She could’ve just denied outright she said those things.

  23. Granny Annysays:
    Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 6:46 pm
    Nostra, so your list is more about pissing off your opponents by causing a bit of outrage than actually improving the country.

    You know as well as I do that no conservative government would have the guts to introduce any of the items on your list, let alone announce them before election.

    You are a bigger fraud than Morrison.

    I think if Morrison government is re-elected, then Nostradumass list will be implemented with Murdoch media help because all other media types will be completely cowed down.

  24. So clever Samantha Maiden. But maybe Gladys Berejiklian came across a friendly toddler that accidentally wiped her phone. Necessitating a change of number too perhaps? It happens now and again after all 😉

    Edit: grammar

  25. “She could’ve just denied outright she said those things.”

    Nah…she has been burned by people accessing her communications already. 🙂 She is not going to risk that the actual texts (with metadata?) will come out.

    So, she doesnt directly shitcan Morriscum, but doesn’t support him in a way that only, well, implies (Lol!) that the text does exist as reported.

    And really, daS BinChook owes Morriscum nuthin. 🙂 If anything she will be looking to her standing in a post Morriscum Liberal party and wanting to be seen as being………not on the wRONg side of history.

  26. The Bread and Milk question asked of Morrison today has been an absolute show-stopper for Labor….without Labor having to do anything at all.
    That Morrison should have known the prices or not or whether a PM should have to have such knowledge to answer such a mundane question has absolutely blotted out (on this side of the Rabbit Proof anyway) the content of the whatever else he was hoping for.
    Liberal luvvies on local talk-back have been ranting and raving about the “unfairness” of it all……………………..
    Meanwhile, the so-called “good news” and mea culpa from Morrison hasve been lost in a sea of outrage over the Bread and Milk poser……

  27. Holdenhillbilly says:
    Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 8:36 pm

    Is there any reason why SAPOL would raid Palmer’s campaign launch in Grey for his candidate Suzanne Waters?

    An anti-vaxxer connection?

  28. Berejiklian has learnt the hard way not to deny the undeniable.

    Counsel assisting: “Well let me help you with that. Play the tape please …”

  29. “The Bread and Milk question asked of Morrison today has been an absolute show-stopper for Labor….without Labor having to do anything at all.”

    I reckon the journo who asked that one was trying to create a John Hewson, GST, Birthday Cake moment. 🙂

  30. “Is there any reason why SAPOL would raid Palmer’s campaign launch in Grey for his candidate Suzanne Waters?”

    Meeting breaching covid mask and or gathering size rules??

  31. ‘Sceptic says:
    Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 7:49 pm

    Boerwar says:
    Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 6:18 pm

    We know the Greens will gut the ADF if they get the chance.

    Maybe correct,….’
    There is no maybe about it at all. It is a certainty.

  32. Just watched Ray Hadley on Sky after dark talking to Paul Murray and was most surprised at some of what he said. For example:

    1. Perrottet has royally screwed NSW by his decision to open up on 15 December despite getting health advice that Omicron would explode if he did.

    2. Albo has told him privately that he ‘can’t stand’ Kristina Kenneally.

    3. The NSW treasurer Matt Kean was most likely the one who spilled the beans on Gladys regarding what she allegedly said about Morrison.

    A very interesting conversation it was.

  33. Mexicanbeemer @ #1475 Tuesday, February 1st, 2022 – 8:40 pm

    PvO strikes me as the student that likes group assignments but only makes an appearance in the first and last week of the semester to tell other team members all about how it should be done.

    That story about PvO by Amanda Meade in The Guardian re the Tegan George case, is damning of the man:

    After George complained to news bosses about the lack of a “clear chain of command” and “conflicting instructions” under Van Onselen’s management of the Canberra bureau, she was allegedly told by the network’s executive editor, Anthony Murdoch, “Peter is batshit crazy but we just have to get used to it” and that Van Onselen expected George to apologise for “hurting his feelings” by raising the issue.


  34. Holdenhillbilly @ #1472 Tuesday, February 1st, 2022 – 8:36 pm

    Clive Palmer
    @CliveFPalmer South Australia Police just raided our @UnitedAusParty meeting where we introduced our Candidate for Grey, Suzanne Waters to our members.
    #SAPOL entered the function room at the @PtLincolnHotel denying our right to political free speech.

    I am now considering legal proceedings.

    He hates the law being enforced but he will use its tools, lawyers, to enforce it on his own behalf.

  35. Confessions @ #1471 Tuesday, February 1st, 2022 – 8:35 pm


    After the accusations from Ch10 I’m wondering if he writes all his own Oz columns, or ‘delegates’ to an underling?

    When Canberra staff complained about having to write Van Onselen’s TV news packages as well as their own, news boss Ross Dagan said “words to the effect that Mr van Onselen was the Network’s number one and said that they were all expected to build Mr van Onselen’s brand”, according to the statement of claim.

  36. @Nostradamus and your list
    You could ‘possibly’ get away with these and appease big capital and big tech. One they won’t allow you to do is make same-sex marriage illegal.

    As much of the world is going, we are a branch office of big tech. To attract bright and best talent, you need to do social-democratic things to keep them.

    The minute you start bringing in stuff like military conscription and abolish the ABC, the smart ones will leave Australia and not come back until retirement. Because the landscape will be barren of variety and creativity. A concrete mental valley.
    *and just to add to this: the future of work (non-robotic) is creativity and joined up thinking. Nothing in your list helped us increase this, and a large subsection of capitalism is about this. In fact, from that pov, you’re anti-capitalist*

    It sounds more like you are willing to condemn Australia to just being a quarry and nothing else. Is this true? Meanwhile the country gets older and the tax base dwindles.

    Maybe all you wanted to do was ‘own the libs’ (which I don’t think you did, if I understand it correctly), if these are what propels you, then there is little for us to be ultimately differentiated from Azerbaijan or Tajikistan. Down on most indicies, and almost out of the OECD. Hungary and Poland can get away with their ultra right turns, however, they are in NATO and the EU with Russia on their doorstep. Us?

    I’m serious about this: how will this list help keep us going as a 21st century economy within the sphere of Asia, dealing with metaverse/automation/climate change? Or if that’s not up your alleyway, try this: all of these demands of yours and way more are implemented in a hypothetical future. How will large corporations (Google, Meta) that rely on innovation and bringing people from outside of Australia in, as well as relying on the local brains trust be persuaded to make Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane their APAC capital? (there are plenty with no morals, so try them to start with, then work your way up to the Googles etc.)

    And if you didn’t mean any of it, but instead, just want to ‘own’ some people, then you didn’t go far enough. I can think of plenty of things to put in which could make us worse than North Korea, and I don’t even believe in that. But I can think it and just go worse on every rewrite.

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