Polls: Indigenous voice, leadership approval, skills shortages (open thread)

Strong support in principle for an Indigenous voice to parliament; a largely positive response to the Jobs Summit from those who noticed it; and no sign of the sheen coming off Anthony Albanese.

Time for a new open thread post, though I don’t have a whole lot to hang one off. There’s always US pollster Morning Consult’s tracking poll on approval of Anthony Albanese, which continues to record no significant change since June, with Albanese currently on 60% approval and 27% disapproval. This gives him the third best result of 22 international leaders being followed by the pollster, behind India’s Nahendra Modi and Mexico’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

There are also two new sets of supplemental results from last week’s Resolve Strategic poll in the Age/Herald:

• A series of questions on outcomes from the Jobs Summit published on Saturday had favourable results for multi-employer bargaining, more TAFE places and allowing older Australians to earn more before losing the aged pension, but only 34% in favour of the increased migration intake, with 33% opposed. Only 24% rated themselves “definitely aware” of the recent Jobs Summit, compared with 38% for “vaguely aware” and 38% for unaware. Thirty-six per cent agreed it had achieved its (non-political) objectives compared with 19% who disagreed and 46% who were either undecided or neutral.

• The Age/Herald had a further result yesterday showing a 64-36 break in favour of a constitutionally enshrined Indigenous voice, evidently based on a forced response. Clear majorities were recorded in all states, and while there is no reason to be dubious about this, the Tasmanian sample especially would obviously have been exceedingly small.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,553 comments on “Polls: Indigenous voice, leadership approval, skills shortages (open thread)”

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  1. Asha @ #175 Tuesday, September 27th, 2022 – 6:24 pm

    I quite honestly doubt Donald Trump has ever had a “close, genuine friendship” with anybody. I’d be surprised if he can even comprehend what friendship is. His relationships are purely transactional.

    Someone can be friendly and cordial to a person while still holding racist views about them. They can count them among their friends while still thinking of them as a “lesser person”, or perhaps “one of the good ones.” Most racists aren’t attending lynchings or screaming racial epithets at every person of colour that they encounter. Prejudice is much more subtle and complex than that.

    You’re making a lot of broad assumptions there, Asha. I believe Trump’s friendship with Omarosa was genuine because in her he found a kindred spirit. Which is why he took her into the White House. It’s true that a narcissist doesn’t have many friends but my example stands.

    I just think there are too many examples of people of Colour that Donald Trump aligns himself with to say he’s purely a racist. Look at Diamond and Silk, Kari Lake, who’s running for Arizona Governor, Candace Owens. If they can advantage him politically, he doesn’t care what colour their skin is.

  2. ‘poroti says:
    Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 6:30 pm


    But there does seem to be some significant swinging to the right in lots of democracies.

    Unfortunately nobody is asking why. It seems easier just to say they are all a bunch of ‘deplorables’ or some such term than ask why such parties are suddenly finding their views appealing.’
    1. Racism
    2. Xenophobia
    3. The Right has persuaded the poor and the downtrodden that the Right really and truly loves them.
    4. Ineradicable faith in trickle down…
    Which reminds me… There was a homeless guy asleep on a park bench when I walked past over the week end.
    Determined to help him I headed for adjacent mansion and dropped a hundred dollar note in the letterbox. Now it is only a matter of time before some of that hundred dollars trickles down to the homeless guy. You know it makes sense.

  3. Ven: she clearly has fascistic sympathies, but according to the Britannic Dictionary, fascism is defined as a right wing “way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government”.

    So, I guess the new Italian government has aways to go, by its actions, before it can be considered to be fully fascist.

    Of course the problem with that definition is, by the time as government proves itself to be fascist, it is then far to late to do anything about it peacefully.

  4. “ Is it because Italy is a NATO member and people don’t want to portray Biden administration to be an ally of Fascist government?”

    Biden isn’t an ally of any foreign government. He is the President of a Country which is allied to other countries. In this case America is allied to Italy. Italy is still a democracy, and there hasn’t been any of the suspensions of the various institutions that would call that claim into question. Yet.

  5. Trump clearly has the autocratic tendencies of a fascist dictator. But the admittedly flawed institutions of the American government were at least sufficient to defeat those tendencies in the end. For now, at least.

  6. I veer on the side of wranslide’s & Andrew’s argument re. Hanson. As for Thorpe, if she’s bullied First Nations’ elders, she should do the right thing by apologising. I think she’s hot-headed, angry, and disrespectful. But she’s very probably got good reason to be so. What, for instance, did Bonner & Wyatt achieve for their people by being compliant?



    I don’t mind at all that you’ve coupled me with Rex & nath, both of whom I respect for not towing the party line.

  7. Mavissays:
    Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 6:57 pm
    I veer on the side of wranslide’s & Andrew’s argument re. Hanson. As for Thorpe, if she’s bullied First Nations’ elders, she should do the right thing by apologising. I think she’s hot-headed, angry, and disrespectful. But she’s very probably got good reason to be so. What, for instance, did Bonner & Wyatt achieve for their people by being compliant?



    I don’t mind at all that you’ve coupled me with Rex & nath, both of whom I respect for not towing the party line.

    I did not couple you with Rex and nath. I did not cast any aspersions on you.
    I understand your comment is based on legal niceties. But nobody is trying to prosecute Thorpe.
    Honestly I expected nath and Rex to react first because they are biggest defenders of Thorpe. Thats all. 🙂

  8. https://www.pollbludger.net/2022/09/27/polls-indigenous-voice-leadership-approval-skills-shortages-open-thread/comment-page-9/#comment-3985167

    Vast right wing conspiracy.
    Hmmm, Europe appears to be to the left of Australia, Australia appears to be to the left of America?
    America has Biden .
    Australia has Albo .
    Canada has Trudeau.
    England has Truss. After BoJo?
    New Zealand has got Ardern.
    I guess that leaves non-aligned.
    If it isn’t a social/ direct/ liberal extreme disaster capitalism democracy we’re talking fascists, commies, theocrazies?

  9. Andrew_Earlwoodsays:
    Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 6:54 pm
    “ Is it because Italy is a NATO member and people don’t want to portray Biden administration to be an ally of Fascist government?”

    Biden isn’t an ally of any foreign government. He is the President of a Country which is allied to other countries. In this case America is allied to Italy. Italy is still a democracy, and there hasn’t been any of the suspensions of the various institutions that would call that claim into question. Yet.

    OK, Biden Administration is not ally of Fascist government but the US government led by Biden is an NATO ally of a country, which is led by a person of neo-fascist roots.
    It seems Hitler had Jewish friends in youth.

  10. “ OK, Biden Administration is not ally of Fascist government but the US government led by Biden is an NATO ally of a country, which is led by a person of neo-fascist roots.”

    Much worse than that, is the ongoing ties between America and the House of Saud. And all the other relationships with various Gulf States.

    Not to mention Alabama’s very existence with the Union, especially when coupled with the denial of Statehood to Puerto Rico.

  11. VCT Et3esays:
    Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 7:16 pm

    Vast right wing conspiracy.
    Hmmm, Europe appears to be to the left of Australia, Australia appears to be to the left of America?
    America has Biden .
    Australia has Albo .
    Canada has Trudeau.
    England has Truss. After BoJo?
    New Zealand has got Ardern.
    I guess that leaves non-aligned.

    Are you implying that Meloni party is to left of ALP ?
    Are you implying that Marie Let Pen party is to the left of ALP?
    Are you implying that UK Tories to the left of ALP? 🙂

  12. Oh no has c@t gone off to soon now that Penny Wong has come out against Hanson and her comments (rightly so).

    How quick can you put the car into reverse now? It’s a bit hard when it was written off given the recent performance.

  13. Ven:

    Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 7:05 pm

    I did not couple you with Rex and nath. I did not cast any aspersions on you.
    I understand your comment is based on legal niceties. But nobody is trying to prosecute Thorpe.
    Honestly I expected nath and Rex to react first because they are biggest defenders of Thorpe. Thats all. ‘]

    All’s good, but even if you did cast aspersions, it wouldn’t concern me one iota. I rarely take offence to anyone’s opinion expressed on this splendid site, though I did occasionally take issue with dear GG, who’s regrettably(?) no longer able to post.

  14. Many of those who voted for Meloni are expecting lower taxes, higher salaries and greater support from a more efficient public service. The problem for those voters is that Meloni is not just a traditional Fascist, she is in reality an Authoritarian Neoliberal. Therefore, what she is going to deliver is lower taxes yes, but also lower salaries and a more de-financed public service….

    That’s an explosive combination in Italy….. Bets are open to predict how many months will the Meloni government last.

  15. Andrew_Earlwoodsays:
    Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 7:21 pm
    “ OK, Biden Administration is not ally of Fascist government but the US government led by Biden is an NATO ally of a country, which is led by a person of neo-fascist roots.”

    Much worse than that, is the ongoing ties between America and the House of Saud. And all the other relationships with various Gulf States.

    Not to mention Alabama’s very existence with the Union, especially when coupled with the denial of Statehood to Puerto Rico.

    Maybe US Liberals feel that governments who come in contact with Democrat led US Administration are cleansed of their bad deeds. 🙂

  16. Alposays:
    Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 7:27 pm
    Many of those who voted for Meloni are expecting lower taxes, higher salaries and greater support from a more efficient public service. The problem for those voters is that Meloni is not just a traditional Fascist, she is in reality an Authoritarian Neoliberal. Therefore, what she is going to deliver is lower taxes yes, but also lower salaries and a more de-financed public service….

    That’s an explosive combination in Italy….. Bets are open to predict how many months will the Meloni government last.

    There is a saying during Mussolini time that Trains run on time. Apparently that was his achievement.
    So Meloni will strive to have atleast one achievement.
    I think Meloni government will last atleast 3 years because of the internal stability of the coalition.

  17. “Andrew_Earlwood says:
    Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 6:56 pm
    Trump clearly has the autocratic tendencies of a fascist dictator. But the admittedly flawed institutions of the American government were at least sufficient to defeat those tendencies in the end. For now, at least.”….

    What has saved the USA from a Trump Fascist dictatorship, above all, is Trump’s being an utter coward. He would love to be a dictator, but he is not ready to march to the battlefield leading his troops. He wants others to go, as he safely stays in front of the TV ready to deny everything if things go wrong, and as he pushes everybody else under the bus to save his arse…. He will be finally abandoned by everybody, and his life is not going to end well….

    Fear for the USA future when a real Fascist leader emerges….. So far, however, I can’t see any.

  18. “Ven says:
    Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 7:36 pm

    There is a saying during Mussolini time that Trains run on time. Apparently that was his achievement.
    So Meloni will strive to have at least one achievement.
    I think Meloni government will last at least 3 years because of the internal stability of the coalition.”

    Yes, many Italians also say: “we were better off, when we were worse off”, referring to the Fascist era. The only achievement that I can see for Meloni is to be hard on borders protection and bash the migrants. That she can do and will do with first priority. Will that be enough to stabilise her Coalition? I doubt it. Matteo Salvini is extremely unlikely to be happy with just playing the fiddle for Meloni. As for Berlusconi, he seems to be happy to be still alive and dreaming of becoming president of Italy. That would be the culmination of his ego ambitions, I guess. But Italians want to see clear improvements in their lives: more full-time jobs and more secure jobs, better salaries, lower costs of living, better and more efficient public services…. Good luck to Meloni to deliver that or even start delivering that, especially if she adopts Neoliberal economic policies….

    I have very serious doubts whether she will last the full term…..

  19. The swing to the Right has been Trussed…

    The latest YouGov/Times voting intention poll, conducted following Kwasi Kwarteng’s ‘mini-Budget’ shows the Tories have taken a severe hit following the poor reception to the Growth Plan. The figures show the Conservatives on 28% of the vote (-4 from our previous survey on 21-23 September) to Labour’s 45% (+5) – this is the highest Labour lead YouGov has ever recorded.


  20. Alpo:

    Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 7:51 pm

    I have a thing about paras, circa 100 to 200 words max, the only slight criticism Clem Lloyd, a staffer of Gough, picked me up for. There are two matters that I recall in my relatively late tertiary career: avoid long paras and strong adjectives! Pepsy.

  21. Drumpf is not a happy chappie. His Special Master is teaching him a lesson.

    Will Trump go to a Federal Prison or get home detention at Mar A Largo? That is, if he still owns MaL by then. He maybe reduced to a trailer in a trailer park. lol

  22. Ven says:
    Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 6:44 pm
    Why are people calling Italian government a far-right parties government instead of Fascist government. Meloni is on record saying she admires Mussolini.
    She might admire him for (allegedly) making the trains run on time!! 🙂

    I doubt she is a “classical” fascist, if there is such a thing.

    If Italy was to be ruled by fascists it would be drummed out of the EU.

  23. The Age 27/09
    South Australian Labor Premier Peter Malinauskas spoke positively about the tour when asked on Monday if his state would host an event.
    “I haven’t seen much evidence of the US PGA doing Australian golfing supporters any favours recently,” he said.
    “I think it’s about time golf had a bit of a shake-up. So to that end, I wish LIV Golf all the best.”
    Looks like we have to go to SA for our Golf as well as our MRI’s.
    Andrews is sticking with the establishment.

  24. Election Maps UK

    Westminster Voting Intention:

    LAB: 44% (+2)
    CON: 31% (-1)
    LDM: 12% (+2)

    Via @DeltapollUK
    22-25 Sep, Changes w/ 16-20 Sep

  25. England is in a terrible mess. Maybe one day they will choose democracy but i fear they prefer destitution. But will the majority of the Scottish and Welsh populations finally wake up.

    The London Labour Party’s Scotland branch manager Anas Sarwar, like his leader the Most Highest Poo Bar Lord Starmer, is the cream of society (rich and thick).

    His family company does not allow its serfs to be unionised and does not pay the “living” wage.

    Failing Scottish voter support, he is obviously destined, under a Lord Starmer regime, to be appointed a Labour Peer and unelected become the Scottish Secretary .

    I suspect Xi and Putin would be jealous of the Westminster show.

    It’s surprising the EU allowed such an undemocratic country as a member.

    No wonder the London Labour Party in Scotland is called the red tories (tóraidhe, Irish for robber).

  26. I dare say today’s effort on this blog only further confirms the inevitable Labor slide to the right. Perhaps this is why so many political academics now discuss the hollowed out shell that once was the Australian Labor Party. It makes one wonder what’s worse in this race to the bottom, the party on the right that appears not to represent anything, or the other right parties that exist to oppose the party that doesn’t represent anything?

  27. nath says:
    Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 5:02 pm

    There are only two things I can’t stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and the Dutch.

    Are you good buddies with Nigel Powers (Austin’s dad)?

  28. Penny Wong is a diplomat. Also Leader of the Government in the Senate. It’s her job to call out Senators for bad behaviour.
    It’s not my job. I was always simply pointing out that Pauline Hanson was performing yet another one of her attention-seeking stunts. She used a now common turn of phrase to dog-whistle to her supporters. It was offensive.

    Does it make her a racist? I’d need more proof before I could definitively say that.

    Maybe I just set the burden of proof for that higher than some.

    Anyway, suffice to say, her little stunt has garnered her the attention she was aiming for.

  29. Taylormade says:
    Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 8:35 pm
    The Age 27/09
    South Australian Labor Premier Peter Malinauskas spoke positively about the tour when asked on Monday if his state would host an event.
    “I haven’t seen much evidence of the US PGA doing Australian golfing supporters any favours recently,” he said.
    “I think it’s about time golf had a bit of a shake-up. So to that end, I wish LIV Golf all the best.”
    Looks like we have to go to SA for our Golf as well as our MRI’s.
    Andrews is sticking with the establishment.
    LOL Taylormade

  30. “ Does it make her a racist? I’d need more proof before I could definitively say that.

    Maybe I just set the burden of proof for that higher than some.”


    Where have you been since 1996?

    Most of her maiden speech could be excused as merely ignorant bigotry and arguably ‘not racist’ but there was this bit which really tolls the bell:

    “ Immigration and multiculturalism are issues that this government is trying to address, but for far too long ordinary Australians have been kept out of any debate by the major parties. I and most Australians want our immigration policy radically reviewed and that of multiculturalism abolished. I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. Between 1984 and 1995, 40 per cent of all migrants coming into this country were of Asian origin. They have their own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate. Of course, I will be called racist but, if I can invite whom I want into my home, then I should have the right to have a say in who comes into my country. A truly multicultural country can never be strong or united. The world is full of failed and tragic examples, ranging from Ireland to Bosnia to Africa and, closer to home, Papua New Guinea. America and Great Britain are currently paying the price.

    Arthur Calwell was a great Australian and Labor leader, and it is a pity that there are not men of his stature sitting on the opposition benches today. Arthur Calwell said:

    “Japan, India, Burma, Ceylon and every new African nation are fiercely anti-white and anti one another. Do we want or need any of these people here? I am one red-blooded Australian who says no and who speaks for 90 per cent of Australians.””

  31. Didymos / Dimorphos is a mini planet-satellite system. Didymos, the larger asteroid, is about 800 metres in diameter. Dimorphos, about 170 metres in diameter, orbits the larger body at a distance of about 1.2 km in just under 12 hours (so at a speed of about one metre per six seconds).

  32. I’ve read a bit about Mussolini. Like most things accredited to the right wing, making the trains run on time was bunkum.

    Italy’s railways were in very bad shape following WW1, so substantial improvements were commenced before he came to power. Like bullshitting right wingers everywhere, he claimed the credit. Although there were significant improvements in rail services in Italy, they were far from perfect. The same could be said about many things in Italy during the reign of Mussolini, including the very poor effort at training and equipping the military.

  33. Granny, Mussolini claiming credit for improved rail services is a bit like Giuliani claiming credit for the drop in NY crime because of the ‘broken windows’ reforms. … which were actually brought about by detailed studies commissioned by democrat mayor Ed Koch and largely rolled out before Giuliani assumed office.

    Also a bit like Howard claiming the credit for 30 years of unbroken economic growth that Keating’s hard work made possible.

  34. Alpo @ #477 Tuesday, September 27th, 2022 – 7:37 pm

    He would love to be a dictator, but he is not ready to march to the battlefield leading his troops.

    Dictators (mostly) don’t do that. Their reigns would be drastically shortened if they did. Might as well put a giant “shoot here to end war” sign on the battlefield. Would be lovely if Putin could be so persuaded. The Ukrainians seem to be fairly good at sniping high-value targets.

    And in fairness to Trump (not that he deserves it), if Jan 6 testimony is to be believed he did try to go to the Capitol building to “lead his troops”. His underlings thwarted him. That makes his failure more like being too impotent to inspire loyalty when he needed it, and/or too incompetent to surround himself with absolute loyalists before attempting a coup.

  35. I introduced the phrase on the basis that it was a clichéd expression of faint praise that the Italian Fascists, AT LEAST made the trains run on time.

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