Australia Institute gas industry poll (open thread)

A finding of strong support for gas export gaps and windfall profits taxes offers the only relief amid a post-budget polling trough.

The only recent poll I’m aware of is an Australia Institute survey on gas industry policy, which finds overwhelming support for export caps (52% strongly in favour, 28% somewhat so, 5% opposed and 2% strongly opposed) and a windfall profits tax (39%, 31%, 7% and 5%). However, the setting of the questions, which noted that the proposals had been made by former ACCC chair Rod Sims, might be thought encouraging to favourable responses. The poll was conducted November 1 to 4 from a sample of 1001, using an online panel licensed from Dynata. Such a poll wouldn’t normally be enough for me to hang a post on, but a new open thread is needed and I’ve been too consumed by the Victorian election to look into anything else. So there you have it.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,412 comments on “Australia Institute gas industry poll (open thread)”

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  1. Ven at 9.20 pm

    NYT has it R 217 to D 204. See:

    See also

    If Repubs win AZ 1 they would get 3 of 5 AZ house seats, compared to 1 of 4 in NV.

    Perhaps the point is that Dems still did not do good enough on turnout after all.

  2. I guess I must have imagined video after video after video of Kherson citizens greeting with jubilation the Ukrainian forces. 😐

    Note to self: must marinate in Telegram more 🙄

  3. What more can I add to what’s already been written here about the execrable alfred venison? Maybe just that the term that springs to mind is “schadenfreude”, which is what his posts drip with whenever he salivates over the Ukrainian sufferings of his fantasy.

  4. Chinese president Xi Jinping:

    “I am very glad to meet Mr prime minister Albanese here. This is our first meeting so hereby I congratulate you again for your appointment as Australia’s prime minister.

    Since you assumed the leadership, you have talked about China-Australia relations on various occasions and expressed multiple times that you would handle China-Australia relations in a mature manner. I attach great importance to your opinion.”

    (Guardian live, 19.46 AEDT)

  5. alfred venison says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 9:38 pm
    Logistical and other problems experienced by the Ukrainian forces will be more than compensated for by the fact they have the support of the people in the cities they are freeing from Russian control.

    they’re evacuating the civilians from kherson.
    Regardless, the Ukrainian forces still have the support of the population in surrounding areas, for the simple reason that those forces and the civilians are all the same population with the same goal: keeping the Russians out.
    BTW, you did not answer my question. Are you in favour of the Russian invasion of Ukraine? If so, by what twisted morality do you justify it?

  6. A. Kindergarten. Teacher.

    KHERSON, Ukraine — Olena Naumova’s descent into two weeks of terror began in late August, when three Russian soldiers with automatic rifles banged on her door in the occupied city of Kherson. She said they ordered her to turn over her gun. She had no gun.

    “‘Don’t lie,’” she said the Russians warned her. “‘We will shock you with electricity. We will break your bones. We will put construction foam in your body.’”

    Stunned, Ms. Naumova, a kindergarten teacher who had posted some pro-Ukrainian videos, said she felt herself go weightless as the soldiers threw a plastic bag over her head and dragged her to a car. Then they took her to an underground prison where she said she was interrogated, beaten and forced to hear screams emanating from other cells.

    As Kherson celebrates its fresh liberation after eight long months of Russian occupation, and as residents pour into its streets with bright smiles and shiny flags, disturbing accounts of torture and abuse at the hands of Russian soldiers are emerging as well, with people finally free to talk.

    I’ve unlocked the article so you can read it all. So that you can smell alfred venison’s bs from a mile away.

  7. Sir Henry Parkes @ #806 Tuesday, November 15th, 2022 – 9:48 pm

    alfred venison says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 9:38 pm
    Logistical and other problems experienced by the Ukrainian forces will be more than compensated for by the fact they have the support of the people in the cities they are freeing from Russian control.

    they’re evacuating the civilians from kherson.
    Regardless, the Ukrainian forces still have the support of the population in surrounding areas, for the simple reason that those forces and the civilians are all the same population with the same goal: keeping the Russians out.
    BTW, you did not answer my question. Are you in favour of the Russian invasion of Ukraine? If so, by what twisted morality do you justify it?

    As I said, SHP, he’s got relatives in Canada that suffered in some nebulous way under the Ukrainian government when they lived there and it has embittered him for eternity.

  8. I see that the US defence industry funded ASPI has lost Michael Shoebridge who is now shopping his anti China views around town under a different guise. It works for the Nine stable cause they can quote two different ‘institutes’ even though they are both singing from the same song sheet.

    I see Mr Shoebridge now styles himself as from Strategic Analysis Australia. And then Nine quotes Justin Bassi who was part of the mob in the former Liberal Government that wrecked the relationship with China. He is still at ASPI. Disgraceful stuff.

  9. “He is still at ASPI. Disgraceful stuff.”

    Yeah the media seems to have no skills, or they aren’t prepared to use them, to put these paid shills into context, rather than dishonestly boost them as independent experts.

    The again the Age in the Costello TV stable seemed to run an LNP advertorial as independent editorial, could just be they are themselves owned partisan puppets.

  10. I still struggle to understand how it can be in our national interests to have ASPI funded by the Commonwealth and owned by them but yet receiving funding from foreign governments and defence contractors. Surely it is a conflict of interest?

  11. As I said, SHP, he’s got relatives in Canada that suffered in some nebulous way under the Ukrainian government when they lived there and it has embittered him for eternity.

    that’s a lie. i didn’t say that. you’ve got piss poor reading comprehension skills.

  12. WWP I see that Gai Brodtman is on the Board of ASPI. Of course, married (I presume still) to Chris Uhlmann who used to run his daily China rants on Nine news nightly.

  13. Andrew Earlwood

    “Sorry, a typo on my behalf. Yes. A 5 year drum beat with the build scheduled at a leisurely 10 year period per boat. Hence the build hall only operating at half capacity. Thus, spare capacity for us to plug into. Something that the AUKUS partners realistically can’t do (but I’m willing to bet a hundred bucks that the Brits will promise to do exactly that, and the forelock tuggers in Fort Fumble will be urging the Aust. government to sign on to a pig and a poke with BAE Marine).”

    Yes obviously either UK or USA could say “invest in us setting up another SSN production line here and we can build some subs for you”.

    But isn’t this a crazy idea. If we are going to pay to set up another submarine production line anywhere, we should pay to do it in Australia! It will be cheaper than USA, similar in price to UK, and we get to control it. We have sovereignty. We then spend money building boats in Australia, not paying overseas workers. If there is a war, we can repair our own boats. New workers need to be hired and trained in both cases. And there is a 4-5 year delay for the yard upgrade build phase in either case.

  14. “WWP I see that Gai Brodtman is on the Board of ASPI. Of course, married (I presume still) to Chris Uhlmann who used to run his daily China rants on Nine news nightly.”

    I didn’t know that. I do know that I blocked Chris on twitter many years ago, and it has been great never seeing or hearing the rubbish he sprouts. I think I heard he has left twitter, but then again Musk is trying to make us all leave there. I’m enjoying the death spiral, it is hilarious. But I need to be careful there are a lot of Musk disciples on here who get very very upset when one speaks ill of their saviour.

  15. C@tmomma says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 9:55 pm
    Sir Henry Parkes @ #806 Tuesday, November 15th, 2022 – 9:48 pm

    alfred venison says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 9:38 pm
    Logistical and other problems experienced by the Ukrainian forces will be more than compensated for by the fact they have the support of the people in the cities they are freeing from Russian control.

    they’re evacuating the civilians from kherson.
    Regardless, the Ukrainian forces still have the support of the population in surrounding areas, for the simple reason that those forces and the civilians are all the same population with the same goal: keeping the Russians out.
    BTW, you did not answer my question. Are you in favour of the Russian invasion of Ukraine? If so, by what twisted morality do you justify it?

    As I said, SHP, he’s got relatives in Canada that suffered in some nebulous way under the Ukrainian government when they lived there and it has embittered him for eternity.
    I see. It’s unfortunate AV can’t untangle some atrocity in the past from the realities of today. It’s true that during World War II many Ukrainians collaborated with the Nazi invaders and murdered a large part of European Jewry.
    I suspect Noam Chomsky, whose family also hail from Ukraine, might be similarly influenced.
    But heck, Ukraine today is not the same as then. Russia today is not really the same, as it is pursuing a war of aggression, not defence.
    I know I don’t have to convince you C@t, but I do despair at the lack of logic from some posters.

  16. Is there such a thing now as Gender Fascism?

    A woman has just been ordered to leave a public meeting at the Scottish Parliament for refusing to remove an ordinary scarf in the Suffragette colours (purple, green, white).

    Other attendees wearing “Rainbow” lanyards were not questioned.

    It’s entirely possible the increasingly mad SNP regrets that women were ever “given” the vote.

    The hateful scarf:

  17. one of my ukrainian brothers in law flew for nato, the other one and his sister took themselves at their own expense to the ukrainian soviet socialist republic to help bring in the harvest when local labor was short. both their farming families emigrated to canada before world war one. maybe austria hungary or imperial russia did something to their families to cause them to emigrate, i don’t know, its irrelevant.

    btw, like many canadians, i’m a “tanker”. been one all my life, proud of it.

  18. Whatever Putin is paying AV to dream up lies about the Ukraine War, Putin is not getting his money’s worth.

    Consider the devastating requirement to get 1400 tonnes of supplies delivered per day. Sure, by truck that is tough. A single six axle semi has a gross weight of 44 tonnes carrying a 26 tonne load. Over 50 trucks each day.

    But a single train wagon can carry a load of 50 to 60 tonnes. So you need a train 28 wagons long, once per day. Nothing! Typical interstate freight trains in Australia are carrying up to 5000 tonnes of freight. Coal trains more. You could run one train per hour on a single track line if you had to.

    So that single train line running from Ukraine to Kherson can easily support an army plus the city. Why is Ukraine moving some people out? It isn’t logistics. It is because the war criminals in the Russian army blew up the city service infrastructure, including water, power and heating, before they moved out. Ukraine is worried they won’t get it all repaired before winter hits. Those who can are staying regardless.

  19. ethnic cleansing, Mavis, ethnic cleansing. 14,000 donbass civilians artilleried to death by the ukrainian army and neo-nazi militias over the 8 years since victoria “cookies” nuland and john mccain’s $5 billion dollar coup d’etat. the 80,000 man elite force (their descriptor) assembled on the line of contact (loc) at the end of last year. and no they weren’t there to counter the russians. the russian exercises began after the 80,000 had been assembled and were conducted a thousand miles away. i smelled ethnic cleansing in the air, so did the russians.

  20. William

    In my view, it is getting to the point where Alfred Vennison should be booted or suspended from this blog. He is stating proven lies, contrary to all independent observers. The lies relate to war crimes. I have friends with relatives in Ukraine right now.

    Alfred Venison is not engaging in credible political debate. He is trolling people over war crimes. I object and request you take action.

    J’accuse Vennison.

  21. Rex Douglassays:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 8:08 pm
    Albo looks about 10 times happier than what Xi Jinping does.
    All looks a bit ho-hum for Xi. Looks like he doesn’t really give a shit.

  22. I just saw the byline of the pontificator in chief Hartcher in the Nine paper about the meeting between Albanese and Xi. He is in serious fantasy land that bloke. Does anyone take him seriously? He might have better luck setting up on a corner with a card table barking at the moon and selling green left weeklies.

  23. Socrates : they would have to get trains through russian artillery, rockets, and drones. anyway, there’s no electricity in the nikolaev / kherson region as of today and according to ukrenergo its not coming back on. only 5% of ukraine’s locomotive fleet is diesel. so its back to trucks.

  24. Ahh you see Taylormade, according to Pontificator Hartcher, it is cause Xi has capitulated to Australia. Fantasy stuff. This type of narrative did so much damage to the Australian national interest and they are still on it.

  25. Mavis, ethnic cleansing. 14,000 donbass civilians artilleried to death by the ukrainian army and neo-nazi militias

    Oh just spouting Kremlin propaganda I see.
    How do you square the Nazi stuff, when the Ukranian President is Jewish?
    And every single day I see videos of Muslim and Jewish Ukrainian Solders fighting a long side everyone else proudly?

  26. “ Albo looks about 10 times happier than what Xi Jinping does.
    All looks a bit ho-hum for Xi. Looks like he doesn’t really give a shit.”

    Lols, Taylormerde.

  27. “ btw, like many canadians, i’m a “tanker”. been one all my life, proud of it.
    Isn’t it tankies?”

    In North America an OMCG member is called a Biker. In Australia, a Bikie.

    Maybe its the same for commie apologists?

  28. alfred venison @ #813 Tuesday, November 15th, 2022 – 10:02 pm

    As I said, SHP, he’s got relatives in Canada that suffered in some nebulous way under the Ukrainian government when they lived there and it has embittered him for eternity.

    that’s a lie. i didn’t say that. you’ve got piss poor reading comprehension skills.

    Well then, tell us exactly why you are so embittered against Ukraine?

    Oh, and do excuse me for not remembering perfectly everything a no mark Putinist like you has ever said here. 😐

  29. AE

    ““ Albo looks about 10 times happier than what Xi Jinping does.
    All looks a bit ho-hum for Xi. Looks like he doesn’t really give a shit.””

    Albo has nothing to lose: the whole mess was Morison’s fault.

    Whereas maybe Xi needs the coal. China will spin it as them being nice to us, but the trade war has taken Queensland’s reliable supply of high grade export coal out of their faltering economy. It can’t have helped.

  30. We Want Paul : there are indeed supply chain issues for ukraine. apart from donor fatigue and donors running out of appropriate gear to donate, all their supplies come in through poland, are transferred to carriages of the ukrainian gauge, then shipped across the country. the electricity supply for trains is problematic.

  31. ethnic cleansing. 14,000 donbass civilians artilleried to death by the ukrainian army and neo-nazi militias

    That’s a rather arbitrary and ineffective way to do it. Artillery isn’t a precision weapon.

    The way the pros do it is to declare a draft and then bias the selection criteria to hoover up your unwanted ethnic populations so that you can send them off with inadequate training and equipment to get killed or captured trying to wage war on foreign land. That’s been happening. Hasn’t been Ukraine doing it though.

  32. Andrew_Earlwoodsays:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:26 pm

    “ btw, like many canadians, i’m a “tanker”. been one all my life, proud of it.
    Isn’t it tankies?”

    In North America an OMCG member is called a Biker. In Australia, a Bikie.
    Maybe its the same for commie apologists?

    That’s the weird part, they’re not communists anymore.

  33. Lol.

    tanker – Urban Dictionary › define › term=tanker

    Self-absorbed senior citizen who drags their oxygen tank slowly through crowded public places, scolding and threatening anyone who tries to get around them.

    Sounds about right. 😀

  34. Taylormade says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:17 pm
    Rex Douglassays:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 8:08 pm
    Albo looks about 10 times happier than what Xi Jinping does.
    All looks a bit ho-hum for Xi. Looks like he doesn’t really give a shit.
    LOL Taylormade

  35. btw, like many canadians, i’m a “tanker”. been one all my life, proud of it.

    I didn’t know rhyming slang was popular in Canada. For the record, the figure of 14,000 that our deceitful shitbag friend here says were “artilleried to death by the ukrainian army and neo-nazi militias” is in fact the total casualties from all causes in the 2014-22 war.,place%20before%20the%20Minsk%20agreements.

  36. Wow, we’ve got a live one on our hands: 😯

    tankie – Wiktionary › wiki › tankie
    (politics, slang, derogatory) Supporting the policies of the Soviet Union or other authoritarian socialist governments.

  37. alfred venison says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:28 pm
    We Want Paul : …….. the electricity supply for trains is problematic.
    Not if P1 gets her way and millions of solar panels are shipped as aid 🙂 🙂

  38. Idiom: Tankie
    Originally a western communist who supported Stalin’s authoritarianism, usually backed by tanks, the modern tankie supports pretty much any authoritarian government or dictatorship that opposes the West.

    Hmm. 😐

  39. Upnorth @ #839 Tuesday, November 15th, 2022 – 10:31 pm

    Taylormade says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:17 pm
    Rex Douglassays:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 8:08 pm
    Albo looks about 10 times happier than what Xi Jinping does.
    All looks a bit ho-hum for Xi. Looks like he doesn’t really give a shit.
    LOL Taylormade

    I think Taylormade has been looking into his crystal balls too deeply. 😀

  40. alfred venison says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:19 pm
    Socrates : they would have to get trains through russian artillery, rockets, and drones. anyway, there’s no electricity in the nikolaev / kherson region as of today and according to ukrenergo its not coming back on. only 5% of ukraine’s locomotive fleet is diesel. so its back to trucks.
    P1s Solar Panels you fool!

  41. Upnorthsays:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:34 pm

    alfred venison says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:28 pm
    We Want Paul : …….. the electricity supply for trains is problematic.
    Not it P1 gets her way and millions of solar panels are shipped as aid

    She’s incredibly pragmatic! 😆

  42. C@tmomma says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:35 pm
    Idiom: Tankie
    Originally a western communist who supported Stalin’s authoritarianism, usually backed by tanks, the modern tankie supports pretty much any authoritarian government or dictatorship that opposes the West.

    Like The Greens then.

  43. Barney in Cherating says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:37 pm
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:34 pm

    alfred venison says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:28 pm
    We Want Paul : …….. the electricity supply for trains is problematic.
    Not it P1 gets her way and millions of solar panels are shipped as aid
    She’s incredibly pragmatic!
    Well I am would say phlegm-matic but I get your point.

  44. “ I just saw the byline of the pontificator in chief Hartcher in the Nine paper about the meeting between Albanese and Xi. He is in serious fantasy land that bloke. Does anyone take him seriously? He might have better luck setting up on a corner with a card table barking at the moon and selling green left weeklies.”

    I just posted a comment under this article – which I am near damn certain wont be published – pointing out to Pete that he cant even admit that Keating was right all along: there is no need to address the so called list of 14 demands: it was obvious bait designed to get a rise out of the incompetents in the previous Governemnt. Similarly there is no need to go out of our way to deliberately insult the chinese government/ Xi personally to ‘stick up for our values’ and/or make decisions in OUR national interest. Albanese has avoided both of these traps and here we are: progress.

  45. C@tmomma says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:36 pm
    Upnorth @ #839 Tuesday, November 15th, 2022 – 10:31 pm

    Taylormade says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:17 pm
    Rex Douglassays:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 8:08 pm
    Albo looks about 10 times happier than what Xi Jinping does.
    All looks a bit ho-hum for Xi. Looks like he doesn’t really give a shit.
    LOL Taylormade
    I think Taylormade has been looking into his crystal balls too deeply.
    As long as they are not my cojones he can look as deep as he likes!!

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