Australia Institute gas industry poll (open thread)

A finding of strong support for gas export gaps and windfall profits taxes offers the only relief amid a post-budget polling trough.

The only recent poll I’m aware of is an Australia Institute survey on gas industry policy, which finds overwhelming support for export caps (52% strongly in favour, 28% somewhat so, 5% opposed and 2% strongly opposed) and a windfall profits tax (39%, 31%, 7% and 5%). However, the setting of the questions, which noted that the proposals had been made by former ACCC chair Rod Sims, might be thought encouraging to favourable responses. The poll was conducted November 1 to 4 from a sample of 1001, using an online panel licensed from Dynata. Such a poll wouldn’t normally be enough for me to hang a post on, but a new open thread is needed and I’ve been too consumed by the Victorian election to look into anything else. So there you have it.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,412 comments on “Australia Institute gas industry poll (open thread)”

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  1. I hope that the Pontificator in Chief Hartcher reads or see your comment Andrew_Earlwood. Not that he will acknowledge it as being fact given the fantasy land he lives in where Pete knows best.

  2. Maybe Boerwar is worried about the flow on effects on his Kotex shares?

    I recommend that he swim in blue liquid and then go horse riding…

  3. C@tmomma says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:45 pm
    Just don’t wear short shorts.
    I hope my new set of undies get here in time!

  4. Dandy Murray’s Algae Avrocar says:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:45 pm
    “but I do despair at the lack of logic from some posters.”


    Glad I’m on the sidelines tonight.
    After last nights effort I’m not surprised! Even I couldn’t get a word in algae wise

  5. A national survey of delivery drivers believes it has identified Australia’s worst roads for traffic congestion.

    Camden Valley Way Drive, Terrigal Drive, Mosman Road, The Spit Road at Mosman and Main North Road were named the worst in NSW.

    In Victoria, it was High Street Road, Stud Road, Springvale Road, Burwood Highway and the West Gate Freeway.

    South Road, Marion Road and Cross Road in South Australia also made it on the list.


    If you put a pin near the centre of the area bounded by High Street Road, Stud Road, Springvale Road & Burwood Highway, you would be more than 5km from the nearest train station. Only through Manningham and around Rowville would be worse around Melbourne…

  6. maybe, c@t, you should get your nose out of the guarding weakly & the british bullsh!t corporation and try telegram sometime. btw, the ukrainian army has a telegram channel. you might try the pentagon media briefings too, they’re realists, you know lloyd austin’s outfit, the ones urging zelensky to negotiate.

  7. Barney: “they’re not communists anymore.”

    They never were. They had a socialist revolution and then skipped straight to totalitarianism. Professor Richard D Wolff has some great insights on the subject.

  8. Boerwarsays:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 9:23 pm
    Why should mothers give their love for free?

    That is sexist exploitation of those who hold up half of Heaven.

    Because that is how nature’s script is written.

  9. President Zelenskyy has proposed a 10 point peace plan to the G20.

    It includes:

    Zelenskyy’s 10-Point Peace Formula

    1. Radiation and nuclear security
    2. Food security
    3. Energy security
    4. Release of all POWs and deportees
    5. Restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, respect for UN Charter.
    6. Total withdrawal of all Russian troops from all of Ukraine
    7. Punishment for war crimes
    8. Protection for the environment, stopping Russia’s ecocide in Ukraine
    9. New security architecture and security guarantees for Ukraine
    10. Signing of peace treaty.

  10. Dandy Murray’s Algae Avrocarsays:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:45 pm
    “but I do despair at the lack of logic from some posters.”


    Glad I’m on the sidelines tonight.

    Me too!
    I tried to provide some distraction with mid-term election numbers. No success there. 🙂

  11. Upnorth – Be Proud of your Pragmatismsays:
    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 10:54 pm

    @ Barney – orang putieh gone a bit quiet.

    Orang putih came out firing first thing this morning about how she had reflected about last night’s discussion and realised what a great intellectual victory she had had. 😆

  12. A national survey of delivery drivers believes it has identified Australia’s worst roads for traffic congestion.

    There’s your congestion problem – too many delivery drivers.

  13. Albo has nothing to lose: the whole mess was Morison’s fault.

    Whereas maybe Xi needs the coal. China will spin it as them being nice to us, but the trade war has taken Queensland’s reliable supply of high grade export coal out of their faltering economy. It can’t have helped.

  14. After the 2016 election, the mainstream media and pollsters were filled with remorse for horribly misreading the national mood and wrongly predicting a Hillary Clinton win. How had they missed the mark so badly?

    Yet after a similar media failure in this year’s midterm elections? Mostly crickets so far. If the media really want to improve their credibility and serve the interests of democracy, they need another round of introspection. What’s needed is serious and permanent changes in the way the media cover elections — especially those involving former president Donald Trump.

    The Trump challenge starts Tuesday night, when the former president is expected to announce his presidential campaign for 2024. The media would be wise not to cover the news conference live, which will almost certainly include a host of election conspiracy theories.

    Indeed, as a general rule, the media must be especially clear whenever Trump lies (virtually every time he opens his mouth). They should continue to frame headlines to underscore when his statements are untrue. And while he might generate more clicks and attract more eyeballs, news outlets should not devote any more time or space to him than other top candidates. They dare not make the mistake as they did in 2016, when they acted as a free communications team.

    We’ll see if the Murdochracy has dumped Trump. My guess is that for as long as he provides colour and movement (and potential eyeballs), they’ll be on the bandwagon.

  15. NEXTA @nexta_tv

    Putin’s propagandist Margarita Simonyan spoke about possible missile “arrivals” in Poland.

    “Now Poland has its own Belgorod region. What did you expect?” she wrote in her telegram channel.

  16. Two people were killed after stray Russian missiles inadvertently hit a small Polish village near the border with Ukraine.

    The tragedy occurred as Russia bombarded Ukraine with more than 100 rockets yesterday in a fresh attack.

    According to AP, two of those rockets instead landed in the town of Przewodow, north of Lviv, which is Ukraine’s most western city and likely the intended target.

  17. With Russia’s economy collapsing and the Russian Army collapsing, our resident Russian propagandist, alfred venison shows up. It for sure is not going to save the Russian Federation.

  18. It wasn’t inadvertent, HoldenHillbilly. It was on purpose. Timed for the G20, which the pusillanimous Putin chose not to attend. And this is why.

    I bet alfred ‘tankie’ venison is overjoyed that his man is showing Ukraine and Poland who’s boss today. 😡

  19. House Republicans nominated Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) 188-31 to be Speaker in a closed-door conference meeting on Tuesday after he faced a last-minute protest challenge from Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), a former chair of the conservative House Freedom Caucus.

  20. Russia also appears to have targeted Moldova:

    The effects of the strikes even crossed Ukraine’s borders. Parts of Moldova, which is closely linked to Ukraine’s power grid, also lost service, but many localities were soon reconnected, according to a Moldovan deputy interior minister.

    I’d also say that Moscow directly aimed the 2 missiles that landed in Poland into that country and didn’t just accidentally have them land there:

    A deadly explosion took place Tuesday at a grain processing facility in Poland near the border with Ukraine, according to Polish media outlets, and top government officials called an emergency meeting.

    Also, frednk, this is what Andrey Yermak said yesterday:

    Tuesday’s strikes came the same day that Mr. Zelensky addressed world leaders gathered in Bali for a meeting of the Group of 20 nations. Andriy Yermak, an adviser to Mr. Zelensky, said the timing was not a coincidence.

    “Does anyone seriously think that the Kremlin really wants peace?” he wrote on Twitter. “It wants obedience. But at the end of the day, terrorists always lose.”

    Well, I think there’ll be another 3 hour meeting today between the US and Chinese Presidents. 😐

  21. The view from Germany on Russia’s reported missile strike hitting Poland and killing two:

    Russian missiles cross into NATO member Poland: report

    Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has called an emergency meeting with national security and defense ministers amid reports of two deaths near the Polish border with Ukraine.

    Russian missile strikes have crossed into Poland, killing two people, the Associated Press (AP) news agency reported on Tuesday.

    Polish media reported that two people died Tuesday afternoon after a projectile struck Przewodow, a Polish village near the border with Ukraine.

    The AP cited a US intelligence official, but the Pentagon said it could not confirm the reports.

    “We are aware of the press reports alleging that two Russian missiles have struck a location inside Poland near the Ukraine border. I can tell you that we don’t have any information at this time to corroborate those reports and are looking into this further,” Pentagon spokesperson Patrick Ryder told a news briefing.

    Poland convenes emergency meeting
    Piotr Mueller, the spokesman for Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, wrote on Twitter that the premier has called for an emergency meeting with national security ministers and defense ministers.

    Mueller said the urgent meeting was due to a “crisis situation.”

  22. Chinese President Xi Jinping has told Prime Minister Anthony Albanese he attaches “great importance to your opinion” and that their relationship is worth “cherishing”, as The Australian ($) reports. The pair met for 32 minutes on the sidelines of Bali’s G20 — Xi continued that we are both “important countries” in the Asia-Pacific and thus should work on our relationship to help foster peace in the region and beyond. But Albo brought up some sticking points too: the $20-billion-a-year export trade bans that rocked our wine, coal and lobster industries, among others; the detained Chinese-Australian journalist Cheng Lei and blogger Yang Hengjun; rumours Russia could be eyeing the nuclear button. The SMH adds climate change, human rights in Xinjiang, and Taiwan were also spoken about (hell of a lot to cover in a half-hour chat).

  23. C@tmomma, with all the Baltic states seeing this attack on their NATO ally Poland and screaming “Fire!”, NATO better get out the hoses and turn them on Russia soon. The US general you refer to sees this. Russia should also make sure they see this and act to make that unnecessary, by removing Putin and pulling out of Ukraine.

  24. Macarthur,
    Look at the NY Times material I just quoted. Russia targeted a grain processing facility in Poland. As well as going after electricity infrastructure in Ukraine, they are going after infrastructure that enables Ukraine to earn money. I bet the grain processed in Poland came from Ukraine in very large part.

  25. Macarthur @ #415 Wednesday, November 16th, 2022 – 7:02 am

    C@tmomma, with all the Baltic states seeing this attack on their NATO ally Poland and screaming “Fire!”, NATO better get out the hoses and turn them on Russia soon. The US general you refer to sees this. Russia should also make sure they see this and act to make that unnecessary, by removing Putin and pulling out of Ukraine.

    I listened to the British Telegraph podcast yesterday about the war, they do 1 or 2 a day, and they canvassed that scenario and they were of the opinion that it wouldn’t happen because of the peculiar reverence Russians have for their leader in a time of war. They’d all rather go down with the ship’s captain. Go figure.

    Though I do think clearer minds may eventually prevail.

    I also think that this is definitely showing the tactics learned in Syria by the new commander of the military in Russia, Fatso.

  26. “ Jaeger says:
    Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 5:07 am
    Murdoch tells Trump he will not back fresh White House bid – report

    Media mogul turns to ‘DeFuture’ Ron DeSantis after ex-president’s poor showing in midterm elections

    I wonder how Tucker Carlson and friends will react and cope with this?

  27. According to AP, two of those rockets instead landed in the town of Przewodow, north of Lviv, which is Ukraine’s most western city and likely the intended target.

    Approx. 65km off target?

  28. Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “Estonia is ready to defend every inch of NATO territory”

    Latvian Defense Minister, Artis Pabriks: “Latvia fully stands with Polish friends.”

    UK Foreign Office spokesperson: “UK is liaising closely with allies”

  29. the defence minister appoints aspi director whiy doesnt richard marles sack justin bassi as aspi director he should shooebridge is greens senater davids brother it seems they have very different views on politics

  30. Jaeger says:
    Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 7:07 am
    According to AP, two of those rockets instead landed in the town of Przewodow, north of Lviv, which is Ukraine’s most western city and likely the intended target.
    Approx. 65km off target?

    Agreed, this is not a miss, it’s a message.

  31. C@tmomma, thanks for the NYT article. Deliberate economic sabotage by Russia via a military strike on NATO can’t go unanswered militarily.

  32. Cronus @ #895 Wednesday, November 16th, 2022 – 7:31 am

    Jaeger says:
    Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 7:07 am
    According to AP, two of those rockets instead landed in the town of Przewodow, north of Lviv, which is Ukraine’s most western city and likely the intended target.
    Approx. 65km off target?

    Agreed, this is not a miss, it’s a message.

    Exactly. When you think about it logically:
    1. Russia always lies.
    2. So Russia will lie about the missiles going off their intended course and inadvertently hitting Poland.
    3. It hit a grain processing facility in Poland. Coincidence? I think not.
    4. How come the other missiles which landed in Ukraine from the same barrage, hit THEIR targets?

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