Resolve Strategic poll and Australian Election Study (open thread)

Another poll finds the Albanese government ending the year in as strong a position as ever, plus the release of data from the Australian National University’s regular post-election survey.

The latest Resolve Strategic poll for the Age/Herald has Labor on 42% (up three since the poll conducted after the budget in late October), the Coalition on 30% (down two), the Greens on 11% (down two), One Nation on 4% (steady), the United Australia Party on 2% (up one) and independents on 8% (steady). No two-party preferred is provided, but based on preference flows in May this would have Labor’s lead approaching 60-40. The limited state breakdowns provided have it at about 57-43 in New South Wales, 62-38 in Victoria and 56-44 in Queensland.

Anthony Albanese records an approval rating of 60% (up three) with disapproval at 24% (down four), while Peter Dutton is respectively at 28% (down one) and 43% (up two). Albanese leads Peter Dutton as preferred prime minister 54-19, little changed from 53-19 last time. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1611. Further results on the poll concerning the parties’ capacity to handle various issues and other aspects of their performance are featured on the Age/Herald’s Resolve Political Monitor page.

Also out this week is the Australian National University’s Australian Election Study survey, both as a summary report and a full dataset for those with the wherewithal to use it. Among many other things, the survey found that Anthony Albanese scored better when rated on a scale from one to ten than any party leader since Kevin Rudd in 2007, whereas Scott Morrison was “the least popular major party leader in the history of the AES”, which goes back to 1987. A decline in partisan attachment going back to 2010 continued apace, with only 30% and 28% now rating themselves as Coalition and Labor partisans respectively. Supporters of the teal independents were largely “tactical Labor and Greens voters”, with only 18% of their voters having defected from the Liberals. The survey also provides further evidence for what already well understood about the Coalition’s problems with women and younger voters.

Note also the post below from Adrian Beaumont about today’s US Senate run-off election in the state of Georgia, and the ongoing coverage of the Victorian election count, where Labor seems set to match its 2018 performance in terms of lower house seats.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,607 comments on “Resolve Strategic poll and Australian Election Study (open thread)”

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  1. C@tmommasays:
    Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 9:13 pm
    Steelydan @ #985 Saturday, December 10th, 2022 – 8:37 pm

    Can anyone enlighten me on why the right of the Republican party is pro Putin.

    White Supremacist Authoritarian Christian Nationalist. For the world!

    He represents all that they want to be.


    I can’t see it. Maybe something in the Christian bit but surely no one sees Putin as some sort of soldier for Christ.

  2. Steelydansays:
    Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 9:15 pm

    Their seems to be some issues with how democratic Zelenskyy really is, the banning of pro Russian parties, institutions like the Orthodox Church of Ukraine are getting a touch up and some of the actions of the State police are to heavy handed but compare that with Putin and Russia. If their are issues about anti democratic activities and a heavy handed State police these issues can be sorted after Ukraine takes its country back, they are going to need ongoing assistance.

    Wartime tends to change the rules.

    Lincoln suspended habeas corpus amongst other things during the American Civil War.

    Democracies often have special wartime powers that allow Governments to do things they normally wouldn’t be allowed to do.

  3. Spence says:
    Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 7:27 pm

    With various words getting nod for “word of the year” etc I would like to put in a vote for cook/cooker.
    Morrison member for Cook promoting Cook memories of colonial expansion and Cook “circumnavigating” Australia.
    The cooker rebellion in Victoria, NSW and elsewhere.
    Various “celebrity” cooks getting into trouble.
    Cook, the “independent” candidate against Daniel Andrews leading the charge into oblivion in the Vic state election.

    Excellent nomination.

    Did Morrison actually claim that Cook circumnavigated Australia?

    If anyone has a link, I’d like to see how he “cooked” up that one!

  4. Barney in Cherating:

    Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 8:34 pm


    [‘Me thinks your weekend just became a lot more relaxed.’]

    In my experience, carnal relationships tend to go downhill when the parties have nothing in common other than lust.

  5. Nath:

    Mavis, come clean, was it Tinder or Scarlet Blue?

    I’m mostly just surprised to learn that Mavis is such a player that they needed to purchase Tinder Gold. The free version suffices for most of us losers.

  6. West Indies 4/21.

    Barney, Snappy

    Thanks for reminding me about Morrison’s circumnavigation of Australia by Cook remark.
    To think we let that clown of a PM decide for us on a deal for Australia to get nuclear submarines.

  7. Socrates says:
    Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 9:44 pm

    West Indies 4/21.

    Barney, Snappy

    Thanks for reminding me about Morrison’s circumnavigation of Australia by Cook remark.
    To think we let that clown of a PM decide for us on a deal for Australia to get nuclear submarines.
    “Captain Cook chased a Chook right around Australia. Lost his pants in the middle of France and found them in Tasmania”.

  8. Snappy Tom
    “Did Morrison actually claim that Cook circumnavigated Australia?”

    Morrison circumnavigated the Federal political landscape between 24/8/2018 until 23/5/2022, at such time his boat sunk disastrously, many of his crew didn’t survive, his boat was found to be ridden with barnacle damage and his true course unknown even to himself.
    An embarrassing end to the liberal party, democracy in Australia, political transparency, and his reputation.

    The git remains in parliament, lacking any self-awareness and prolonging the possibility of any renaissance in the coalition fortunes.
    Any future liberal parliamentary liberal leader will need to exile Morrison upon gaining the leadership.
    Dutton has failed his first test.

  9. Hey Upnorth, I’m glad you sorted that lyric out for me. I spent my childhood thinking ‘Captain Cook……Lost his pants, did a dance, and found them in Tasmania’ but I grew up in Toowoomba and that might explain a few things. LOL.

  10. This video is from Time Magazine’s Simon Shuster, on their choice of Volodomyr Zekenskyy & The Spirit of Ukraine as their 2022 Person of the Year:

    My favourite snippet: wtte “Zelenskyy lets the generals do the fighting, while he concentrated on what he is best at: communicating Ukraine’s message to the world to keep their needs top of mind everywhere they can get much-needed help from.”

  11. Oliver Sutton says:
    Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 9:54 pm

    They don’t write ‘em like that anymore, Upnorth.
    Got a few more cobber but given the mixed company I better not. But your right lots of old favourites are slipping out of circulation.

    It’s like “cobber” or “ridgey didge” maybe even “true blue” – my “nippers” don’t understand what I am talking about half the time (indeed neither do I).

    Perhaps we have lived out of Oz too long, maybe the kids back home know more ‘stralian than mine. But I think watching Tik Toc or Youtube must naturally lead less of our native tongue.

  12. Spence says:
    Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 9:59 pm

    Captain Morrison chased a goose
    Right around Australia
    Lost the plot and ended loose
    With his pentecostal paraphenalia
    Winner, winner, chiken dinner. Well done Spence. You win “Quote of the Day”. Congratulations matey. You are now in the running for the Grand Prize that will be announced COB 31 December (QLD Time) 2022.

  13. SteelyDan asked a legitimate question there; Is Putin seen through the Christian Saviour lens? I’ve seen some mention of it, but no direct link. If there’s a link it’s the nuffies in the US, but I haven’t seen it in a different context.

    Is that a thing? I mean beyond nuffies.

  14. “Steelydan says:
    Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 9:21 pm

    .. I can’t see it. Maybe something in the Christian bit but surely no one sees Putin as some sort of soldier for Christ.”

    Putin is a reborn Christian Russian orthodox. Surely, he is doing it for mere populist political reasons, but so do the American hard-Christian Republicans.

  15. C@tmomma @ Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 7:16 pm:

    I just listened to this:

    Apparently the Russians are digging a looooong line of narrow trenches behind their front line for some reason unknown to any of the military analysts on this podcast.

    They also mentioned that, smartly, the Ukrainians haven’t minded being tied up in Bakhmut. It means the Russians are expending munitions that they then can’t use elsewhere.”

    I loved Dominic’s use of that well known Napoleon quote to describe Ukraine’s defensive strategy around Bakhmut: never interrupt your enemy when they are in the middle of making a mistake. And this looks like a very bad months-long strategic mistake by the Russians. For the deployment of the minimum resources necessary to fend off the Russian assaults there, and for the loss of essentially no ground, Ukraine has inflicted terrible losses of men and materiel on the invader, while that invader has been tied up there and forced into retreat and loss of territory everywhere else.

  16. Hey Alpo, I remember seeing Charleton Heston starring in Desert Storm propaganda pieces (contemporary with my own eyes) paraphrasing: Righteousness will overcome foreign barbarism, in ghosting monologues over stock tank video. Not the same as the “Christian Warrior”TM meme. I don’t think it’s that context. Leaders in photoshoots with religious leaders.

    Leaders in all countries are in arrangements with all parts of their body politic because that’s what they do. Can’t say I’ve seen a successful linking of those particular groups though.


  17. My stones: how could a near love affair die over what was a rather enlarged spider.


    The young man who was executed in Iran yesterday is the pits, the no-good regime of Rais thinking it would serve to deter dissent – on the contrary: it should accentuate it. Fancy killing a young man in his prime. Good night.

  18. Steelydan
    Can anyone enlighten me on why the right of the Republican party is pro Putin.
    Its a difficult one to understand but the best i can make of it is today’s Republicans are so desperate for friends that are against things like climate change and progressive causes and Putin is about the only leader they can find that hasn’t signed up.

  19. ‘Can anyone enlighten me on why the right of the Republican party is pro Putin.’

    Putin is an authoritarian, white nationalist, pro capitalist ‘strong man’. Hence, viscerally attractive.

    Add in push-back on the establishment left stance on the Ukraine War. ‘What’s it to us, just another regional conflict that is pushing gas prices up.’

  20. “Add in push-back on the establishment left stance on the Ukraine War. ‘What’s it to us, just another regional conflict that is pushing gas prices up.’”

    I think it is pretty clear that Russia is funding right wing dissent in the US as well.

  21. Barney in Cheratingsays:
    Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 9:25 pm
    Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 9:15 pm

    Their seems to be some issues with how democratic Zelenskyy really is, the banning of pro Russian parties, institutions like the Orthodox Church of Ukraine are getting a touch up and some of the actions of the State police are to heavy handed but compare that with Putin and Russia. If their are issues about anti democratic activities and a heavy handed State police these issues can be sorted after Ukraine takes its country back, they are going to need ongoing assistance.

    Wartime tends to change the rules.

    Lincoln suspended habeas corpus amongst other things during the American Civil War.

    Democracies often have special wartime powers that allow Governments to do things they normally wouldn’t be allowed to do.

    Cheers, I did not know this.

    The issues I mentioned are what Tucker Carlson was banging on about when I went for a search but they just can’t be the real reason for the anti-Ukraine pro Putin rhetoric these guys are just not that noble and any logical comparison with Russia makes the Ukraine look saintly.
    It seems to be more pro Putin than anything maybe it does come back to Trump they want anyone seen as being a similar type, strong nationalistic Christian helps Trump in 24. Maybe Momma was right but I was hoping the distance between the the right of the Republican/Carson types and the people who attacked the United States was much further apart. Scary if true

  22. Barney in Cherating says:
    Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 11:39 pm
    Don’t forget there was much admiration for Hitler amongst politicians before WWII.
    And Royalty! The Duke of Windsor (Edward VIII) was packed off to be Governor of the Bahamas for the duration as it was thought he could take the sovereign role back with a Nazi conquest of Britain.

    Apparently he kept up quite some correspondence with one of his relations in the House of Hesse who was an ardent Nazi.

  23. Good morning Dawn Patrollers

    It took a fortnight to count but the final result in the November 26 Victorian state election made clear as of Friday evening, should have fear ricocheting around Peter Dutton’s party room. It underscored the depth of the trench into which Scott Morrison and his religiously inclined ilk have driven the once mainstream Liberal brand. Quite deliberately, writes Mark Kenny who says a Scott Morrison early exit from Parliament is a possibility as the Liberal fallout continues. This is an excellent contribution in which Kenny also reckons there is a big chance the Morrison’s “pray-mate” Stuart Robert might also leave soon.
    And Victoria’s emergency departments are so short-staffed they are often running at part capacity and are “sometimes unsafe”, doctors say. Aisha Dow writes that doctors fear that some smaller emergency departments, particularly in regional Victoria, could be forced to close temporarily because they cannot operate safely due to gaps in their rosters.
    Waitlists for elective surgeries at Sydney’s children’s hospitals have blown out to record numbers amid a protracted staffing crisis that doctors say is putting the safety of their young patients at risk. Kate Aubusson reports that almost 4000 children were on elective surgery waitlists for the Sydney Children’s Hospital at Westmead and Randwick (2500 and 1398 respectively) at the end of September, and close to 1000 children had their surgeries delayed beyond clinically recommended timeframes.
    Recommendations from the NSW Coroner following the death of Bernard Gore, lost inside Bondi Westfield, and other inquests have led to a substantial shift in what police call “Standard Operating Procedures” when a person goes missing – which police stress is not a crime – that Sim is keen to continue. NSW Police now deploy geo-targeted text messages to all phones connected to particular mobile phone towers, as well as issuing media releases for all missing persons deemed high-risk and posts on Facebook to the police’s 1.4 million followers. Modern milk cartons.
    When the final result for the upper house of Victoria’s new parliament is revealed, Legalise Cannabis candidates may have won as many seats as the Greens, possibly one more. Dan Andrews should heed the message and get serious about drug law reform. Jon Faine says that Victorians could adopt a socially progressive and commercially sustainable model that also just happens to create an endless and substantial revenue stream for government, namely legalising marijuana.
    The outgoing head of Victoria’s corruption watchdog says politicians misused the Independent Broad-based Anticorruption Commission for political gain during last month’s election campaign and reforms are needed to stop IBAC being treated like a political football.
    Peter FitzSimons has interviewed Qantas boss Alan Joyce who gave an explanation of why your Christmas airfares are sky high.
    Qantas is pulling back capacity to keep its airfare prices high as cagey chief Alan Joyce profiteers from the airline’s dominant market position and political clout. Michael Sainsbury reports on the insipid ACCC report into airline competition.
    If ever we need a federal government to intervene in a human rights crisis in this nation, then it is now. There are almost daily headlines about the appalling abuse of children in detention centres and the preparedness of state governments, and the Northern Territory to cynically and callously play the ‘law and order’ card at the expense of some of the most vulnerable members of our community, argues Greg Barns.
    Jonathan Freedland says that the coup attempts in Germany and the US confirm the key terror threat is the far right

    Cartoon Corner

    Peter Broelman

    Reg Lynch

    Matt Golding

    Matt Davidson

    Mark Knight

    From the US

  24. Qantas under its current management team are a thoroughly dislikable company.

    Politicians should hand in all perks given to them for free by Qantas.

    Qantas should not be given any favourable status or access to Government.

    Their performance on the IR reform was disgraceful and everyone knew they would carry on like that and yet the Government gave them a favoured audience. Why?

    Any sense of loyalty that punters feel to them as the national carrier must surely be eroded now.

  25. Thanks BK. All the end-of-days commentary about the Andrews government amounted to nothing. And the Tasmanian government is the only coalition government to be re-elected since Covid hit our shores.

  26. When the final result for the upper house of Victoria’s new parliament is revealed, Legalise Cannabis candidates may have won as many seats as the Greens, possibly one more. Dan Andrews should heed the message and get serious about drug law reform. Jon Faine says that Victorians could adopt a socially progressive and commercially sustainable model that also just happens to create an endless and substantial revenue stream for government, namely legalising marijuana.


    You would have thought The Greens would have had the intestinal fortitude to advocate for a sensible position and an issue like this but they seem stuck in the 1990s about this issue.

    Until Cannabis products are legalised then you will just have people taking the dangerous path of smoking it, with all the medical consequences that ensue. People have to be able to get it in a form which does no harm and does good. Simple as that. It’s a medicine, for goodness sake, as well as a recreational drug that would be the best substitute in social situations for alcohol that we could have.

  27. It seems as though the Legalise Cannabis double cross of Glenn Druery was the class move of the Victorian state election campaign. 🙂

  28. Thanks BK

    I’ll be very disappointed if Morrison and Robert leave parliament, after all, they are a significant part of what makes the Liberals the Liberals. Dare I say for Labor, they’re a blessing in disguise.

  29. Legalise Cannabis will be bashing their heads against a brick wall. Dan Andrews has already strongly argued against Legalisation citing ‘mental health’ reasons. I doubt he will be walking that back.

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