Resolve Strategic poll and Australian Election Study (open thread)

Another poll finds the Albanese government ending the year in as strong a position as ever, plus the release of data from the Australian National University’s regular post-election survey.

The latest Resolve Strategic poll for the Age/Herald has Labor on 42% (up three since the poll conducted after the budget in late October), the Coalition on 30% (down two), the Greens on 11% (down two), One Nation on 4% (steady), the United Australia Party on 2% (up one) and independents on 8% (steady). No two-party preferred is provided, but based on preference flows in May this would have Labor’s lead approaching 60-40. The limited state breakdowns provided have it at about 57-43 in New South Wales, 62-38 in Victoria and 56-44 in Queensland.

Anthony Albanese records an approval rating of 60% (up three) with disapproval at 24% (down four), while Peter Dutton is respectively at 28% (down one) and 43% (up two). Albanese leads Peter Dutton as preferred prime minister 54-19, little changed from 53-19 last time. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1611. Further results on the poll concerning the parties’ capacity to handle various issues and other aspects of their performance are featured on the Age/Herald’s Resolve Political Monitor page.

Also out this week is the Australian National University’s Australian Election Study survey, both as a summary report and a full dataset for those with the wherewithal to use it. Among many other things, the survey found that Anthony Albanese scored better when rated on a scale from one to ten than any party leader since Kevin Rudd in 2007, whereas Scott Morrison was “the least popular major party leader in the history of the AES”, which goes back to 1987. A decline in partisan attachment going back to 2010 continued apace, with only 30% and 28% now rating themselves as Coalition and Labor partisans respectively. Supporters of the teal independents were largely “tactical Labor and Greens voters”, with only 18% of their voters having defected from the Liberals. The survey also provides further evidence for what already well understood about the Coalition’s problems with women and younger voters.

Note also the post below from Adrian Beaumont about today’s US Senate run-off election in the state of Georgia, and the ongoing coverage of the Victorian election count, where Labor seems set to match its 2018 performance in terms of lower house seats.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,607 comments on “Resolve Strategic poll and Australian Election Study (open thread)”

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  1. If someone has Schizophrenia, for example, then heavy cannabis (OR ANY OTHER DRUG INCLUDING ALCOHOL) use may make their schizophrenia worse. Cannabis does not give people psychotic illness, but may make it worse in certain individuals. No one is suggesting we reintroduce prohibition of alcohol because of it’s side effects, which are far far worse than cannabis side effects. Prohibition is never the answer.

  2. Pretty sure cannabis is a contributor – Exact Correlation unclear.

    Far less harmful than some other recreational drugs, including alcohol.

    Atm, I am more worried about young teenagers getting hooked on nicotine via vape and life sucking via certain addictive phone apps like Snapchat.

  3. Despite the downsides of cannabis if Australians generally drank less alcohol and consumed more cannabis instead this country would be a better place.

  4. ‘simm0888 says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 12:25 pm

    Despite the downsides of cannabis if Australians generally drank less alcohol and consumed more cannabis instead this country would be a better place.’
    If everyone consumed neither the place would be a happier place. Both are serious long-term depressants.

  5. The culture of popularising the over-use of alcohol or cannabis is a major problem.

    We sometimes see it here on PB sadly. Not clever or funny imho.

  6. Rakali says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 10:48 am
    UK Labour electoral manifesto for 1910. Only 122 years ago.

    “The great question you are to decide is whether the PEERS or the PEOPLE are to rule this Country. …….. THE LORDS MUST GO”

    It was when Keir Hardie MP was Chairmen.

    All Upper Houses should go. Let the people decide! Follow Queensland – you know we have been leading Australia since 1922!!!

    Oh we should also outlaw the odious Daylight Saving.

    Just on Cannabis reform. It’s totally legal in Thailand now. Latest has two 10 year old kids using a bong at 3 in the arvo at Patong Beach in Pattaya.

    Alcohol is restricted and and can’t be sold from 12 midnight until 11 am and then from 2pm until 5pm. Restaurants and licenced venues have some different rules.

    It doesn’t stop Thailand having a high rate of alcoholism and in return deaths on roads. We won’t venture on Country roads after dark.

    Though the Royal Thai Police have tried to lessen the impact with signs that say “If you’re driving drunk slow down to avoid accidents”.

    I’ve tried the medical Ganja for sleep problems. Big mistake.

  7. Rex Douglas says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 12:36 pm
    The culture of popularising the over-use of alcohol or cannabis is a major problem.

    We sometimes see it here on PB sadly. Not clever or funny imho.
    That’s why I suggested the “Rex Douglas – Poll Bludgers Piss Drinkers Club” so it wouldn’t be so popular.

    But I didn’t have the numbers and “The Whatever-The-Fuck-Our-Name-Is-Pollbludger-Pissheads-Club” cam into existence. It’s much more popular.

  8. Just on hangovers. My old man used to say (and he hasn’t drunk for 30 years)

    “If you can’t fix it with duct tape or breakfast foods, it ain’t worth fixing!”

  9. If everyone consumed neither the place would be a happier place. Both are serious long-term depressants.

    Maybe. But if it came down to one or the other, a stoned person is a lot more pleasant to be around than a drunk one.

  10. Ven

    “I wish Morocco win the world cup. They defeated European soccer power houses Belgium, Spain and Portugal on the way to Semis.”
    Should it get to the finals, I hope Morocco is decisively thrashed!

    “Same-sex sexual activity is illegal in Morocco and can be punished with anything from three to five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 1,200 dirhams.[3][4] The Moroccan government uses the law as a way to police members of the LGBT+ community. When one is arrested in Morocco for a suspected homosexual act, their name becomes publicised outing the individual regardless as to whether they are homosexual or not.”

  11. The Jury is still out but the NZ study indicating an 8% increased incidence of lung cancer per joint year is a cause for reflection. There are studies giving a different answer and further work is required.

    This does not surprise. I would avoid putting any super heated gases (whatever the tar level) near my oro-nasal/respiratory tract.

    It also raises the long standing question of whether we would legalise tobacco now, if we knew the health risks. Apparently we would but we ban chemicals with a likely much smaller carcinogenesis profile.

  12. Boerwar says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 12:29 pm
    ‘simm0888 says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 12:25 pm

    Despite the downsides of cannabis if Australians generally drank less alcohol and consumed more cannabis instead this country would be a better place.’
    If everyone consumed neither the place would be a happier place. Both are serious long-term depressants.
    I generally agree with you BW.

    But two nights ago I cracked an Amarone Classico Della Valpolicella ‘Pergole Vece’ 2017 – Le Salette. Along with some 150 day Grain Fed Australian Black Angus Sirloin (I prefer it to Rib Eye) which comes from the Darling Downs. I grill it and let it finish in the oven.

    Plenty of greens on the side and some seeded mustard. 3 glasses of the said Amarone mind you. Not the whole whack.

    No pudding though.

    Then YouTube and into season 10 of The Bill. Truly magnificent!

    Like C@t I am practicing fasting and have dropped 10kg. Along with walking. My blood pressure is a nip below normal and cholesterol both good and bad types in a good place.

    Mrs Upnorth had taken the nipper for Hotpot which I find abhorrent. So a late afternoon of sheer and pure indulgence.

  13. Billy the Goat says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 12:18 pm

    C@tmomma says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 11:38 am

    briefly being selective with the truth…

    Cat remains the same nasty, spiteful …basically hateful…troll they have always been.

    I did not lie. You are a fucking disgrace.
    That’s a bit over the top surely. C@t wasn’t being nasty to you, she remembered you going on about grappa, as many of us do.

    You are the one being nasty. Go have a drink, might cheer you up miserabile.

  14. Upnorth says:

    But two nights ago I cracked an Amarone Classico Della Valpolicella ‘Pergole Vece’ 2017 – Le Salette. Along with some 150 day Grain Fed Australian Black Angus Sirloin (I prefer it to Rib Eye) which comes from the Darling Downs. I grill it and let it finish in the oven.
    What a terrible time. Boerwar would be aghast. His idea of a good time is wearing 25 year old shirts and bagging the greens on the internet. Now that’s living.

  15. ‘A R says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 12:44 pm

    If everyone consumed neither the place would be a happier place. Both are serious long-term depressants.

    Maybe. But if it came down to one or the other, a stoned person is a lot more pleasant to be around than a drunk one.’
    Meh. One beats you to death. The other bores you to death.

  16. nath says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 12:57 pm
    Billy the Goat says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 12:18 pm

    C@tmomma says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 11:38 am

    briefly being selective with the truth…

    Cat remains the same nasty, spiteful …basically hateful…troll they have always been.

    I did not lie. You are a fucking disgrace.
    That’s a bit over the top surely. C@t wasn’t being nasty to you, she remembered you going on about grappa, as many of us do.

    You are the one being nasty. Go have a drink, might cheer you up miserabile.
    Wow! Is the “Entente Cordiale” back?

  17. Let’s not forget cuisine as an element of Ukrainian culture to be enjoyed throughout the world:
    “Ukrainian traditional beetroot soup, borshch, is now inscribed on UNESCO’s list of endangered intangible cultural heritage.

    “On July 1, UNESCO approved a decision to add borshch to the list after Ukraine requested the agency fast track the procedure amid Russia’s war.

    The UN cultural agency said in a statement Russia’s war had threatened the traditional dish.

    “The displacement of people and bearers threatens the element, as people are unable not only to cook or grow local vegetables for borshch, but also to come together to practice the element, which undermines the social and cultural well-being of communities,” the statement reads.

    Ukrainian Culture Minister Oleksandr Tkachenko welcomed the decision: “Victory in the war for borshch is ours.”

    Borshch, a dish traditionally made with beets and potatoes, is a staple in every Ukrainian household. The dish is also eaten in other countries in the region, which has led to a long-lasting debate over who it belongs to.

    When Russia started its full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, the question of protecting Ukrainian culture became more urgent than ever. With national cuisine being a key element of culture, the “borshch debate” took on an even more significant meaning.

    In 2019, Russia’s official Twitter account tweeted, “Borshch is one of Russia’s most famous and beloved dishes and a symbol of traditional cuisine.”

    The tweet ignited a global debate, which later resulted in Ukrainian celebrity chef Yevhen Klopotenko launching an initiative to nominate the culture of Ukrainian borshch cooking for UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Today, the initiative reached its final goal.

    Klopotenko believes the decision goes beyond the recognition of Ukrainian borshch. It is also a recognition of Ukrainian cuisine.

    “Earlier, Ukrainians said – Ukrainian cuisine exists, and Russians said – Ukrainian cuisine does not exist. Now UNESCO, as a judge, has recognized by its decision that Ukrainian cuisine exists,” Klopotenko told the Kyiv Independent.”

    And Encyclopedia Britannica has this to say about borscht:

    “borscht, also spelled borsch, borsht, or bortsch, beet soup of the Slavic countries. Although borscht is important in Russian and Polish cuisines, Ukraine is frequently cited as its place of origin. Its name is thought to be derived from the Slavic word for the cow parsnip, or common hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium), or from a fermented beverage derived from that plant. The more-palatable cultivated beet eventually replaced the wild cow parsnip as the basis of the soup.

    Borschts are eaten hot or cold. Some are clear and light, others thick and substantial. Many recipes counterbalance the sweetness of the beets with the addition of kvass (also spelled kvas). The term kvass may refer to a sour, slightly alcoholic beer made from bread or to a concoction of fermented beets; both are used. Vinegar, lemon juice, or citric acid can be added to achieve a similar effect.

    Ukrainian borscht is a hearty soup of beef and a variety of vegetables in which root vegetables and cabbage predominate, and the soup takes its characteristic deep red colour from beets. The soup is often eaten with a sour cream garnish and with pirozhki, turnovers filled with beef and onions. A meatless beet soup is made with a stock flavoured with forest mushrooms; this Polish version is served with tiny mushroom-filled dumplings, uszka.”

  18. C@tmommasays:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 12:14 pm

    Barney in Cherating @ #1502 Sunday, December 11th, 2022 – 12:09 pm

    I thought the evidence was that while cannabis didn’t cause mental illness, it could cause some existing or dormant mental condition to appear or intensify.

    As I stated earlier.

    Well Boerwar seems to be ignoring this.

  19. nath says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 12:59 pm

    Upnorth says:

    But two nights ago I cracked an Amarone Classico Della Valpolicella ‘Pergole Vece’ 2017 – Le Salette. Along with some 150 day Grain Fed Australian Black Angus Sirloin (I prefer it to Rib Eye) which comes from the Darling Downs. I grill it and let it finish in the oven.
    What a terrible time. Boerwar would be aghast. His idea of a good time is wearing 25 year old shirts and bagging the greens on the internet. Now that’s living.
    You must make the trip to Thailand Nath. Ganja everywhere and home delivered. The imported wine tax though is criminal.

  20. Upnorth says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 1:11 pm

    nath says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 12:59 pm

    Upnorth says:

    But two nights ago I cracked an Amarone Classico Della Valpolicella ‘Pergole Vece’ 2017 – Le Salette. Along with some 150 day Grain Fed Australian Black Angus Sirloin (I prefer it to Rib Eye) which comes from the Darling Downs. I grill it and let it finish in the oven.
    What a terrible time. Boerwar would be aghast. His idea of a good time is wearing 25 year old shirts and bagging the greens on the internet. Now that’s living.
    You must make the trip to Thailand Nath. Ganja everywhere and home delivered. The imported wine tax though is criminal.
    I am giving serious consideration to moving there in 7-10 years time, well for at least half the year. Love it.

  21. This piece is on Ukrainian artist Pavlo Makov’s work, “The Fountain of Exhaustion”:

    “Ever since Ukraine came under attack from its neighbour Russia on 24 February, discussions and efforts over saving the country’s cultural heritage stored in its museum, libraries and art galleries have run parallel to those about the war.

    Last week, when Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy opened an exhibition at the Venice Biennale festival, he said, “art can tell the world things that cannot be shared otherwise”.

    Ukraine’s culture and its art traditions is at the centre stage in Venice as artworks have been escorted out of the country by police.

    According to the BBC, at the Zelensky-endorsed exhibition called “This is Ukraine: Defending Freedom”, there are Ukrainian artworks by the likes of Maria Primachenko, who has become a symbol of the country’s national identity, as well as a 17th Century icon of the Virgin Mary, believed to be by Stefan Medytsky.

    Another such Ukrainian artwork is Pavlo Makov’s “The Fountain of Exhaustion” that has been creating quite a buzz at the Venice Biennale, let’s take a look:” …

    “The artwork, involving the 78 bronze funnels, is called “The Fountain of Exhaustion”. Arranged in a triangle through which water drips and divides, the artwork is a metaphor for “the exhaustion of humanity, the exhaustion of democracy”.

    However, it has assumed a new identity, a new meaning in the light of the ongoing war in Ukraine.
    It had, by default, become a piece of “war art” — and being in the spotlight has proved difficult for the team. “It’s a little bit paid by blood,” said Lanko, as reported by CNN.

    “We embrace all the attention because we understand that we’re the ‘speakers’ at the moment — the ambassadors of our country and of our culture,” she continued, explaining that she hopes the conversation surrounding the pavilion can address Ukrainian art more generally.

    The curators said in a statement in March that in times like this, it becomes more important than ever to represent Ukraine at the exhibition.

    “When the sheer right to existence for our culture is being challenged by Russia, it is crucial to demonstrate our achievements to the world,” they added”

  22. AR @ 12.45pm
    “If everyone consumed neither the place would be a happier place. Both are serious long-term depressants.”

    Thanks AR,
    Finally found a sound comment.

  23. “Pavlo Mykolaiovych Makov (born August 28, 1958 in Saint Petersburg) is a Ukrainian artist. He is a Member of the Royal Society of Painters and Graphic Artists of Great Britain, a Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, and a Laureate of the Taras Shevchenko National Prize of Ukraine (2018).” …

    “When Makov was five years old, his parents moved to Ukraine, where he lived for some time in Rivne, Kyiv, and Simferopol.[3] He studied at an art school for three years. Until the eighth grade he was mainly interested in biology and literature.[4]

    In 1974, he entered the Crimean Art School named after MS Samokish in Simferopol, which he graduated in 1979.” …

    “Speaking about the identity of a modern artist, Makov calls himself a Ukrainian artist, given that he lives in Ukraine and understands the Ukrainian reality.”

  24. Rex Douglas @ 12.36pm
    “The culture of popularising the over-use of alcohol or cannabis is a major problem.”

    It is particularly noticeable in the younger age groups.

  25. nath @ #1522 Sunday, December 11th, 2022 – 12:57 pm

    Billy the Goat says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 12:18 pm

    C@tmomma says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 11:38 am

    briefly being selective with the truth…

    Cat remains the same nasty, spiteful …basically hateful…troll they have always been.

    I did not lie. You are a fucking disgrace.
    That’s a bit over the top surely. C@t wasn’t being nasty to you, she remembered you going on about grappa, as many of us do.

    You are the one being nasty. Go have a drink, might cheer you up miserabile.

    When some people’s absolute hypocrisy is pointed out to them for all to see, after they have been trying to portray themselves as holier than thou, they get very cranky. Then they try and shoot down the messenger. It only reinforces the fact they have been caught dead to rights. 😀

  26. Fulvio Sammut
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 1:33 pm
    I was going to give up beetroot for Lent ….

    I didn’t know that would have an impact on the war

    Very strategic, considered and targeted!
    More beetroot available for the Ukrainian troops to boost morale.
    The national dish no less.

  27. How many Libs in Parliament voted for Scummo last time. He might still have the numbers and if Dutton is still a disaster in a years time, who knows.
    Thinks he was chosen last time and the leftovers / alternatives are pretty ordinary. ICAC will tarnish a few ex front benchers.
    He would remember J Howard and the Lazarus come back.
    And the Libs have learnt nothing.

  28. I suspect I’m going to regret posting this, but there is still no such thing as medical cannabis, except as a marketing fig-leaf for recreational use by the Cannabis Industry – both “Legit” (like the for-profit cannabis “Clinics”) and “underground” (like the Ganja gangs & “Church of Ubuntu” crazies).
    The only specific medical use approved in Australia is 3rd line use of cannabidiol in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome in kids.
    On a personal level, I have never seen a clinical benefit beyond relaxation for any of the cannabinoids in 40 years of practice – including HIV, palliative and chronic pain management. On the flip side, I have seldom seen it do short term medical harm – except the odd psychotic episode, hypersensitivity syndrome and when wielded by dangerous fanatics like Andrew Katelaris.
    Long term damage estimates have to include the effects of delivery systems – including the tobacco of “mull” and some of the potentially very nasty synthetics and vape congeners. Big Pusher has a lot to answer for.
    I do not like the corollaries of the politicization of cannabis, but it’s politics not medicine.

  29. I have heard a few stories about cannabis giving terminal cancer patients some appetite in their last stages when nothing else would work. Surely that’s worth something if true.

  30. Mr Ed @ #1630 Sunday, December 11th, 2022 – 2:01 pm

    How many Libs in Parliament voted for Scummo last time. He might still have the numbers and if Dutton is still a disaster in a years time, who knows.
    Thinks he was chosen last time and the leftovers / alternatives are pretty ordinary. ICAC will tarnish a few ex front benchers.
    He would remember J Howard and the Lazarus come back.
    And the Libs have learnt nothing.

    Tim Smith was right when he said the whole pre-election Vic Lib leadership team and all the old deadwood should go.

    The same can be said of the Fed Libs. Dutton, Morrison, Robert, Ley, Andrews, et al are just a reminder of the horror show of the last 10 yrs. Australians will not vote them in again.

    I think it will take two parliamentary terms at least for that lot to be managed out.

  31. RHWombat
    Ah… Andrew Katelaris – the stories are legion but my favourite is him growing 5 acres of ganja on a government license.
    (Attempting to knock out the opposing barrister when representing himself in a negligence case is also up there)

    Btw I am glad you said the bleeding obvious – I was too faint hearted

  32. nathsays:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:06 pm

    I have heard a few stories about cannabis giving terminal cancer patients some appetite in their last stages when nothing else would work. Surely that’s worth something if true.

    That’s the issue rhwombat was talking about.

    It’s why we still use some medicines that date back centuries and no longer use other old remedies.

    There is clinical evidence to support the former, whilst there is no clinical evidence for the later.

    What we know as Western Medicines are those Western traditional medicines that have been shown to have beneficial properties and new medicines either developed in a lab or adopted from other cultures traditional medicines where those beneficial properties have been proven.

    That’s an issue when you talk about some other cultures’ traditional medicines, they often haven’t gone through that weeding out process of clinical trials, so amongst some probable gems there are a lot ineffectual remedies with at best a placebo benefit.

  33. Sky News host Chris Smith will not appear on air on Sunday evening and has been suspended from the broadcaster and his radio network 2GB indefinitely, pending an investigation into allegations of misconduct after a Christmas party over the weekend.

    Smith was stood down immediately on Saturday over allegedly making lewd comments and other inappropriate behaviour at an after-party event at The Establishment in Sydney, according to multiple media sources who requested anonymity to speak freely. Smith, who is also a radio host on 2GB, will not fill in for breakfast host Ben Fordham (who is on leave) from Monday.

  34. Holdenhillbilly says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:35 pm
    Sky News host Chris Smith will not appear on air on Sunday evening and has been suspended from the broadcaster and his radio network 2GB indefinitely, pending an investigation into allegations of misconduct after a Christmas party over the weekend.

    Smith was stood down immediately on Saturday over allegedly making lewd comments and other inappropriate behaviour at an after-party event at The Establishment in Sydney, according to multiple media sources who requested anonymity to speak freely. Smith, who is also a radio host on 2GB, will not fill in for breakfast host Ben Fordham (who is on leave) from Monday.

    Yep and it turns out he’s got form, a couple of incidents beginning back in 2009, including exposing himself.

  35. Barney in Cherating says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:06 pm

    I have heard a few stories about cannabis giving terminal cancer patients some appetite in their last stages when nothing else would work. Surely that’s worth something if true.

    That’s the issue rhwombat was talking about.

    It’s why we still use some medicines that date back centuries and no longer use other old remedies.

    There is clinical evidence to support the former, whilst there is no clinical evidence for the later.

    What we know as Western Medicines are those Western traditional medicines that have been shown to have beneficial properties and new medicines either developed in a lab or adopted from other cultures traditional medicines where those beneficial properties have been proven.

    That’s an issue when you talk about some other cultures’ traditional medicines, they often haven’t gone through that weeding out process of clinical trials, so amongst some probable gems there are a lot ineffectual remedies with at best a placebo benefit.
    What’s your take in Buddhist amulets worn up my way Barney?

    The wearer is supposedly protected from all manner of misfortune. When riding a motorcycle a helmet is not needed (but please mask up for COVID), no seatbelts and talking on the mobile while driving are ok for amulet wearers as is driving stoned or drunk. Even the much dreaded COVID cannot force past amulet wearers according to my friends. The really really old ones that aren’t fake sell for over 1 million baht ($40k). I am advised that wearers of the correct amulets even get the lottery numbers in their dreams.

    Are clinical trials needed for the said traditional Thai medicine?

  36. rhwombat @ Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:04 pm

    There is some active research into GABAergic function. But early days. Agreed that the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the most common route of administration that we are currently using are a problem.

  37. So that’s Chris Dore and Chris Smith from the Murdoch stable disgracing themselves.

    …but they keep telling me Harry and Meghan are horrible ??? :confused:

  38. Do you know what you call ancient remedies as a treatment for a condition or conditions that have been proven through evidence based reproduceable clinical trials ? Medicine. Do you know what you call any substance as a treatment for a condition or conditions not proven through evidence based reproduceable clinical trials? Not medicine.

  39. In the Oz

    “Former NSW Premier Mike Baird will be the new chairman of Cricket Australia after incumbent Lachlan Henderson stepped down from his role because of a relocation.

    Dr Henderson, the chief executive of Epworth Healthcare, will move back from Melbourne to his hometown of Perth and felt he would not be able to perform the responsibilities of the CA role from across the Nullarbor.

    Henderson had been in the role less than a year, formally succeeding Earl Eddings in February. Baird will be CA’s fourth chair in little over four years, with Eddings having himself replaced David Peever following the damning culture report in 2018.

    The move comes at a tumultuous time for CA following the imbroglio surrounding David Warner’s leadership ban and angst being directed at chief executive Nick Hockley, with momentum building for Australian Cricketers Association chief executive Todd Greenberg to replace Hockley.”

  40. Upnorthsays:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 3:10 pm

    Barney in Cherating says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    What’s your take in Buddhist amulets worn up my way Barney?

    I’m looking to travel up your way early next year, so I’m trying to think of how to answer in a cultural acceptable way.

    With that in mind all I can say is,

  41. Barney in Cherating says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 3:24 pm

    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 3:10 pm

    Barney in Cherating says:
    Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    What’s your take in Buddhist amulets worn up my way Barney?

    I’m looking to travel up your way early next year, so I’m trying to think of how to answer in a cultural acceptable way.

    With that in mind all I can say is,
    Hey that’s what I said!!! Sawadee!!!

  42. Gun fight at the O.K. Corral …… In the Tele

    “He was the first member of the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party to win a lower house seat but Orange MP Phil Donato will decide over the weekend if he will quit and run as an independent amid ongoing turmoil in the party over its leadership.

    The move followed the party’s AGM in Singleton on Saturday where the party’s executive was voted back in — a decision-making body whose majority is aligned with Shooters leader Rob Borsak.

    Both Donato and Barwon MP Roy Butler have urged Borsak to leave politics after comments he was recorded making in parliament when he suggested his former colleague Helen Dalton should be “clocked” after a heated debate in parliament. “

  43. Jacinda Ardern’s 2023 Chances Dented as Labour Loses By-Election

    Hamilton West electorate is won by opposition National Party
    Support for government waning amid crime wave, price surge

    Ardern is facing an uphill battle to secure a third term in the 2023 general election, which is likely to be held toward the end of next year. The central bank is forecasting a recession starting in the second quarter as it aggressively raises interest rates to regain control of inflation, while opposition parties have been attacking the government over a recent spate of youth crime.

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