Essential Research 2PP+: Labor 51, Coalition 44, undecided 5 (open thread)

Essential Research offers unsurprising numbers on voting intention and prime ministerial approval, and continues to find a clear majority in favour of an Indigenous voice to parliament.

Essential Research seems to have a new routine of discreetly slipping out federal voting intention numbers without trumpeting them in their weekly report. Labor is on 35% (up two), the Coalition 30% (down one), Greens 13% (steady), others 17% (steady) with 5% undecided (down one). The “2PP+” two-party measure has Labor steady on 51%, the Coalition up one to 44% and undecided down one to 5%. The weekly report has the monthly personal ratings for Anthony Albanese, which have him unchanged at 60% approval and 27%.

A forced response question on a constitutionally enshrined Indigenous voice to parliament runs 63-37 in favour, in from 65-35 in August. Respondents were presented with four questions querying their understanding of the issue, which found 25% holding the incorrect view that the proposed body would be able to block parliamentary legislation, with 26% believing otherwise and 50% not sure. Forty per cent expected 2023 would be a better year for Australia, compared with 24% for worse and 25% for no difference. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1042.

Roy Morgan’s weekly video informs us that their latest federal two-party numbers have Labor’s lead out from 54.5-45.5 to 56.5-43.5.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,019 comments on “Essential Research 2PP+: Labor 51, Coalition 44, undecided 5 (open thread)”

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  1. Sorry.. on the RC…. it’s truly impossible Morrison & co are total pricks heartless pricks him & the public servants that let this unfold.

    PS Morrison has to be recalled

  2. Sceptic

    The scam that was Robodebt started to surface in January 2017.
    Today’s witness fell into its web in April 2019.Two years of warnings ignored. Denials of problems from the highest levels of government.
    Powerful testimony of the impact on her life. She contemplated suicide.
    The people responsible have to date admitted no shame.
    Disgraceful isn’t a strong enough word.

    Edit to correct dates

  3. citizen @ #1050 Friday, December 16th, 2022 – 11:24 am

    Looks like Essendon was correct to disassociate themselves from this fellow.

    Thorburn quits church, all corporate boards
    Former National Australia Bank chief executive Andrew Thorburn is calling it quits from the church at the centre of his abrupt exit from Essendon, where he was to be chair. (Oz headline)

    What next? Joining the Sovereign Citizen movement? 😐

  4. Xi Stays Silent as Covid Zero Strategy He Championed Crumbles

    Xi Jinping has staked his personal prestige on few policies like Covid Zero, hailing China’s decision to “put people first” as morally superior to the US and once describing the pathogen as the “devil virus.”

    Now, as authorities rapidly dismantle the strategy and state media urges citizens to “take primary responsibility for their own health” amid mass outbreaks, Xi himself has been silent on the shift. He has yet to make remarks that could be read as an acknowledgment of the rethink more than two weeks after a rare wave of protests prompted it.

    In fact, none of the Communist Party leadership installed by Xi two months ago have publicly articulated an adjustment to a policy that has shaped much of the world’s second-largest economy for almost three years. The closest was Vice Premier Sun Chunlan — now off the Politburo — telling a news briefing on Dec. 1 that “our fight against the pandemic is at a new stage.”

  5. Coles has imposed a nationwide temporary purchase limit for frozen potato chips, restricting customers to only two items, as the retailer battles potato supply issues.

  6. ‘dave says:
    Friday, December 16, 2022 at 12:02 pm

    Xi Stays Silent as Covid Zero Strategy He Championed Crumbles

    Xi Jinping has staked his personal prestige on few policies like Covid Zero, hailing China’s decision to “put people first” as morally superior to the US and once describing the pathogen as the “devil virus.”
    IMO he knew it was going to fall apart but kept it up until he was made dictator for life. Xi’s proxies have actually been engaged in considerable internal blame shifting. One line is that local officials were too enthusiastic.

  7. All the political, corporate and MSM scammers heavily invested in fossil fuels squealing like stuck pigs is an old worn out routine. It’s over.

  8. ‘mikehilliard says:
    Friday, December 16, 2022 at 12:16 pm


    I can’t believe Morrison will get away with this.’
    His track record of getting away with stuff is around 100% with one grand exception. In particular the women of Australia wised up to him and gave him the heave ho. His seat in parliament is now physically the closest to an exit door from the chamber.

  9. mikehilliard says:
    Friday, December 16, 2022 at 12:16 pm

    I can’t believe Morrison will get away with this.

    He won’t, there may not be anteing done to him by the law or Parliament but Holmes with flay him alive in report

  10. As someone who knows about these things has said today, that you actually have to have a crypto wallet before you can buy the Trump NFTs and most of the Trump supporters they are pitched to barely know how to navigate their way around their computers and their mobile phones.

  11. BW –

    IMO he knew it was going to fall apart but kept it up until he was made dictator for life. Xi’s proxies have actually been engaged in considerable internal blame shifting. One line is that local officials were too enthusiastic.

    The standard line when they stuff up is to say they got 60% of things correct.

    It happened with Mao’s monumental fcuk ups as well. To do otherwise is to criticize themselves/ the CCP.

  12. If anyone still haa any doubt with respect to Elon Musks end game.


    Ben Collins

    Journalists who cover Elon Musk have been suspended on Twitter tonight: @Donie O’Sullivan from CNN, Aaron Rupar and the Washington Post’s @drewharwell.

    Rupar tells me he has “no idea” why it happened.

  13. What’s the point of Twitter anymore then?

    Someone has to work up something better, more universal and less complex than Mastodon.

  14. There are a lot of weird people in the back blocks of the regions. I have been in some… once found myself in a ute with one in Hill End, driving around his property, rifle and shot gun strapped to the rear window. I have been in the backyard of the lots where the Milats lived in Hilltop. It feels scary – these people are wired a little differently, their social cues are not familiar, you are a long way from help. Yet – are they more dangerous percentage wise than, say, a dodgy city suburb?

  15. ACT Labor MP Michael Pettersson shares article about how decriminalisation of cannabis could save Aussie taxpayers $850 million per year.

    Apologies to the SDA types on this forum, you are out of touch with reality.

  16. Oh my gawd …

    ‘After ambushing police officers with a hail of bullets, Stacey and Gareth Train huddled together in the dark at their remote Queensland property and recorded a video.

    “They came to kill us and we killed them,” Gareth said in the video, uploaded to a video-sharing platform on Monday night and still circulating online.

    “If you don’t defend yourself against these devils and demons, you’re a coward.”’

  17. Government to abolish the Administrative Appeals Tribunal
    By Broede Carmody

    Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has just announced that the Albanese government will abolish the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

    Here’s a taste of the Labor frontbencher’s opening remarks:

    Today, I’m announcing the Albanese government will abolish the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, the AAT, and replace it with an administrative review body that better serves the interest of the Australian community.

    The AAT’s public standing has been irreversibly damaged as a result of the actions of the former government over nine years. By appointing 85 former Liberal MPs, former Liberal staffers and other close Liberal associates without any merit-based selection process – including some individuals with no relevant experience or expertise – the former government fatally compromised the AAT, undermined its independence and eroded the quality and efficiency of its decision-making. This was a disgraceful exhibition of cronyism by the Liberal Party.

    The AAT’s dysfunction has had a very real cost to the tens of thousands of people who rely on the AAT chair to independently review government decisions that have made major- and sometimes life changing – impacts on their lives. Decisions such as whether an old Australian receives an aged pension, whether a veteran is compensated for a service injury or whether a participant in the NDIS received funding for support.

    The Albanese government is committed to delivering a new, accessible, sustainable and trusted Administrative Review Tribunal that serves the interests of the Australian people. A central pillar will be a new transparent merit-based appointments process.

  18. All that Elon Musk is doing is making sure that everyone hates him.

    And I can tell you, that having experienced a similar thing on PB back in 2019 during my campaign against Littlefinger, that there is a certain freedom in that.

  19. The opposition yesterday voted for higher power prices: Albanese
    By Broede Carmody

    Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has accused the Coalition of voting for higher power prices yesterday when it opposed Labor’s energy package.

    The comments were made after the PM officially opened the electoral office of Jerome Laxale, the member for Bennelong.

    Albanese lashed the Coalition for voting no to a temporary price on gas and the other measures folded into the bill (such as relief for households and small businesses).

    “The Coalition voted for higher power prices and they voted against the interests of small business and households,” the PM told reporters.

    “I find it extraordinary they weren’t prepared to say enough is enough.

    “We make no apologies for standing up for Australian jobs, Australian interests. In 2023 we’ll continue to stand up for Australian interests.
    More Please 🙂

  20. As earlier foreshadowed –

    ‘Laughable’: Bowen responds to energy giant’s broadside
    By Broede Carmody

    The first word out of his mouth? “Laughable.”

    He then went on to say the following:

    That sort of shrill response is just laughable. Governments around the world, whether they are right-wing governments, left-wing governments, governments around the developed world are acting and responding.

    I understand chief executives’ desire to maximise their profits. That is their job. We have a different job. Our job is to act in the national interest. To protect Australian industries, to protect Australians. [Santos CEO Kevin] Gallagher has a different job. This is job to maximise profits. It is our job to maximise national interest.

    That sort of shrill commentary is water off a duck’s back. We will get on with the job.

  21. Victoria says: Friday, December 16, 2022 at 12:31 pm


    Im fairly confident it is a money laundering scam.


    Mysterious company behind Trump’s $99 trading cards has same address as his West Palm Beach golf club

    On Thursday, after teasing a massive announcement the day before, former President Donald Trump unveiled a series of $99 “trading card” nonfungible tokens, or NFTs — images of himself backed by cryptocurrency technology.

    The announcement was widely mocked — however, one slightly less discussed detail is the nature of the company making the cards.

    It isn’t Trump’s campaign, nor is it the Trump Organization. Rather, it is a mysterious entity known as CIC Ventures, which, according to Ken Bensington of The New York Times, has a lot of overlap with Trump.

    “The company that licensed Trump’s image and likeness for the $99 NFT trading cards appears to be one founded in 2021 by former Trump advisor Nick Luna and current Trump lawyer John Marion,” wrote Bensington on Twitter. “Its mailing address is the same as the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach.”

    Even some Trump supporters grumbled about the NFT announcement, complaining that the cards on offer were “worthless” and a “scam.”

  22. ‘simm0888 says:
    Friday, December 16, 2022 at 12:43 pm

    NSW Labor leader Chris Minns shared and commented on news story and appeared to support the legalisation of cannabis as per Canada and many US states.

    Again apologies to the SDA types on this forum, you are out of step with reality.’
    I don’t know any ‘SDA types’ on this forum. Fake apologies are an insult. I just hope that the already inadequate mental health facilities aren’t taken over by people who should have known better before they self-indulgently fried their brains with known mind-altering substances.

  23. Scepticsays:
    Friday, December 16, 2022 at 12:23 pm
    mikehilliard says:
    Friday, December 16, 2022 at 12:16 pm

    I can’t believe Morrison will get away with this.

    He won’t, there may not be anteing done to him by the law or Parliament but Holmes with flay him alive in report

    Morrison will get away with nothing!

    Morrison has brought the Australian democratic system to its knees.
    Morrison has conspired with the police and defence forces to bend to his command. He has behaved, together with his co-conspirators in a manner befitting a dictatorship.
    Morrison has been allowed to use the media to gather and influence support for his discriminatory policy impositions.
    Morrison has persecuted the most needy in our society.
    Morrison has disregarded international law and interned refugees.
    Morrison has brought the liberal party to its knees, unfit for office for a generation.
    Morrison has misused public money to benefit the ‘better off’ elite.
    Morrison has inhibited equality on so many levels.
    Morrison has given his beloved church, with his associations within the church,
    a burden beyond explanation and defied all Christian teachings.
    Morrison has imposed a heavy impost for his daughters to carry through life.
    Morrison has absorbed nothing from his present predicament, the predicament of the nation, the predicament of our government, the predicament of the liberal party and the predicament of his own family.

    At what stage do we expect this pariah to ask the Australian people for forgiveness ?

  24. Albanese encourages media outlets not to publish video of Wieambilla shooters

    Albanese is asked about footage which emerged today of what appeared to be the individuals who killed the two police officers in Queensland, boasting about the incident.

    It would have been better had the press not even mentioned the existence of the video let alone describing the message / content .

    The last thing we need is QLD Christian nutter copy cats

  25. The Australian Government has announced reform to Australia’s system of administrative review. This reform will abolish the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and replace it with a new federal administrative review body. The reform will also include a transparent, merit-based system of appointments.

    ‘Politicised’ Administrative Appeals Tribunal abolished, after Attorney-General declares its reputation ruined

  26. nathsays:
    Friday, December 16, 2022 at 12:43 pm
    “All that Elon Musk is doing is making sure that everyone hates him.

    And I can tell you, that having experienced a similar thing on PB back in 2019 during my campaign against Littlefinger, that there is a certain freedom in that.”

    How absolutely very ‘morrison’ of you Nath !

    Maximam Ignorantiam !!!

  27. interesting point re the greens in nsw CAte fearhrmann seems uselis as a greens mp there defacto nsw leader david shoebridge is now in the senit they realy need a state leader abagale boyd iseffectively there new leader but feahrmann is there lead upper house candadate this time round

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