Essential Research 2PP+: Labor 55, Coalition 40, undecided 5 (open thread)

The latest Essential Research poll finds no indication of weakening support for the government or an Indigenous voice.

Federal voting intention numbers from the latest fortnightly Essential Research poll have both parties down a point on the primary vote from a fortnight ago, with Labor at 33% and the Coalition at 30%, with the Greens enjoying a curiously timed three point surge to 17%, One Nation down two to 6% and undecided unchanged at 5%. Presumably reflecting the elevated result for the Greens, Labor is up two on the 2PP+ measure at 55% and the Coalition are down two to 40%, with undecided steady at 5%.

The poll also featured the pollster’s monthly “favourability ratings” for the two leaders, whom respondents rate on a scale of one to ten rather than provide straight approval and disapproval responses. Anthony Albanese’s results were little changed from late November, with 47% rating him seven or higher (up one), 27% from four to six (up one) and 22% from zero to three (down one), while Peter Dutton is respectively at 26% (down two), 31% (down one) and 35% (up two).

Support for an Indigenous voice increased two points to 65% with opposition down two to 35%, while 30% said they felt well informed about the proposal compared with 37% for poorly informed. Forty-three per cent rated that the country was headed in the right direction (down one), compared with 37% for the wrong direction (up one). The 300 respondents from New South Wales were again asked about approval of the state leaders, with Dominic Perrottet up four on approval to 51% and down three on disapproval to 33%, while Chris Minns at is steady at 38% and down two to 25%.

The poll was conducted Wednesday to Monday from a sample of 1000.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

3,009 comments on “Essential Research 2PP+: Labor 55, Coalition 40, undecided 5 (open thread)”

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  1. Enough Already,
    There are potential workarounds that I can think of but they will take time. I imagine that google satellites could perform the same function as the Starlink ones, but they would likely charge for the privilege. Possibly American military satellites. Or maybe, Australia’s new launch pad for satellites could arrange to send one up for Ukraine.

  2. Alpo @ Friday, February 10, 2023 at 10:01 am:

    “Okay, the Russians are finally out of their trenches and are moving forward…

    “Russia begins major offensive in eastern Ukraine, Luhansk governor claims”

    If true, let’s see what happens next….”

    Alpo, yep, it’s looking like it’s on. What I’ll be looking at especially is whether there emerge any signs that Moscow is premature launching this offensive now, and not in (say) late March, from a mud perspective.

  3. Socratessays:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 8:19 am
    Morning all. Thanks for the roundup BK. I’m afraid there are a few negatives for Labor in this morning’s news from yesterday.
    – Labor was correctly rolled by the crossbench on reducing transparency for super funds.
    – Minister Michelle Rowland plainly acted with a conflict of interest by accepting a donation from Sportsbet.
    – Labor is building up for an announcement on nuclear subs that looks questionable and might make nobody happy but LNP voting far right. Why?

    Pope’s cartoon is on the money.

    As Laura Tingle wrote messy week for ALP indeed!

  4. C@tmomma @ Friday, February 10, 2023 at 10:09 am:
    “Enough Already,
    There are potential workarounds that I can think of but they will take time. I imagine that google satellites could perform the same function as the Starlink ones, but they would likely charge for the privilege. Possibly American military satellites. Or maybe, Australia’s new launch pad for satellites could arrange to send one up for Ukraine.”

    C@tmomma, I hope concerns like Francis Dearnley’s prove to be overcooked. I need to remember that absence of Starlink wouldn’t disadvantage Ukraine’s armed forces against Russia’s as such, but rather remove an intelligence-gathering advantage they have enjoyed up until now. Still, it is not welcome news. I hope it is just Musk being a squeaky hinge to get more oil from the US Government.

  5. Holdenhillbillysays:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 8:30 am
    UK voting intention: via FindOutNow, MRP poll, 27th Jan 2023 – 5th Feb 2023
    LAB: 48%
    CON: 23%
    LDEM: 11%
    REFUK: 6%
    GRN: 5%

    They really did FUK UK

  6. Enough Already,
    Yes I think that Elon Musk is haemorrhaging cash and so you may be right that it is a money play. He asked for money before but was made to back off.

    Anyway, drones fly all around the world every day. They can’t all use Starlink.

  7. C@t is laying down some solid markers to sweep the daily Dunning Kruger prize.

    Both of her posts above demonstrate that she simply doesn’t understand WHAT she is arguing against, because she attributes opinions to folk that simply haven’t been expressed by them. Just two examples should illustrate this:

    1. Neither I – or Socrates – iMacca – or cronus – or snappy Tom (ie. the usual protagonists ) are phobic about American military technology. Far from it.

    2. Neither are we saying we should chose France over America (especially some implication that we abandon America as our prime ally). Indeed ‘the French option’ for submarines would very likely come with heaps of American kit (just like the Attack class had: in fact that was one of the key reasons it won the CEP in 2016).

    AUKUS vs ‘other alternatives’ comes down to a pragmatic evaluation of options: something that has been removed from the board by Dutton/Morrison and this is the main problem; that and the fact that we are effectively committing ourselves to any military adventure america may undertake into the future, without a realistic capacity to pushback, counsel against excessive enthusiasms, let alone simply say ‘no’.

    Thes4 are the facts:

    If we want new SSNs to be able to replace the Collins class in a timely fashion, then only the French have the spare capacity to do deliver 3 by 2038;

    It is equally likely that France could supply us interim refurbished SSNs (or Rubis class) subs to start off as the US to provide us with with refurbished Los Angeles class subs. Ie. Highly unlikely in both cases;

    It will be easier to lever our minuscule nuclear industry To build and maintain French subs because that industry uses the same basic tech. Contra the HEU tech that is sued in AUKUS subs;

    Contra the assertion that we won’t have to open the bonnet for 33 years, HEU reactors are maintenance heavy, as are the AUKUS subs they will be attached to. With America slowing its Seattle maintenance base that will put even more pressure on the AUKUS project, but also – perhaps – some opportunities, if the US decide to open its required fourth maintenance base as a joint facility in Australia;

    AUKUS is the hardest, highest risk and most expensive submarine option bar none on the table. Fort Fumble have a track record of being attracted to such ideas like moths to a flame and then, with moth like abilities, royally fucking the project up. The people assigned to the study are either American shills or dodgy public servants warehoused after catastrophes like robo debt. Actual submariners, with the requisite corporate experience and know how have been sidelined.

    The emergency alarms should be ringing in every bodies ears. … but for some reason, not C@ts.

  8. “Enough Already says:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 10:09 am

    Alpo, yep, it’s looking like it’s on. What I’ll be looking at especially is whether there emerge any signs that Moscow is premature launching this offensive now, and not in (say) late March, from a mud perspective.”

    Yes, I have heard that before: Spring = Mud = Difficult mobility of tanks and infantry. Allegedly, Gerasimov must have taken that into account. Alternatively, he is under massive political pressure from Putin to just advance, no matter what. In which case, this is likely to end in disaster for the Russians…. And here I would like to stop for a minute silence for those innocent Russian soldiers sent to the slaughter by a mad man with delusions of grandeur. Those Russian soldiers are ultimately as victims, as the innocent Ukrainian civilians and soldiers are, of this Putin madness.

  9. UK politics:

    “LAB: 48%
    CON: 23%”

    As somebody else has already noted, with a FPTP system and also tactical voting, if those polls are correct, the next UK general election may become the grave of the Conservative party….

    In due course, Labour must focus on getting people out to vote, just like the Democrats did to defeat Trump at the presidential election, and to defeat (in the Senate) and largely minimise the win (in the H. of Reps.) of the Republicans at the mid-term election.

  10. “Like how come they only find male and female ancient bones? That is an impossible heteronormative construct peddled by addlepated cisgender freaks.”

    Archaeology’s sexual revolution

    Graves dating back thousands of years are giving up their secrets, as new ways to pin down the sex of old bones are overturning long-held, biased beliefs about gender and love

  11. “In due course, Labour must focus on getting people out to vote, just like the Democrats did to defeat Trump at the presidential election, and to defeat (in the Senate) and largely minimise the win (in the H. of Reps.) of the Republicans at the mid-term election.”

    Starmer should perhaps have thought of this before he broke all the commitments he made to become leader and purged the party of progressives in ruthless and lawless way that even Xi would blanche at.

  12. Cartoon from Kyiv: “Knights of Democracy’s Round Table Meet in London”


    Very proud my family is half British and half Ukrainian in ancestry right now! 🙂

  13. “Russia has launched a drone and missile attack on targets in the south and east of Ukraine, according to officials and local residents who reported hearing loud explosions.”

    Yes, but they have been doing that for almost one year. At some point the drone and missile attacks will have to stop and the tanks and infantry advance. You can’t conquer and control territory until your soldiers are there and well settled. It’s just not possible in other ways. That’s what the Ukrainians have been doing in their previous offensive.

  14. wranslidesays:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 9:01 am
    I dont get the Rowland controversy although I have only skimmed the story. She accepted a legal donation from a betting company? Is that it? But the perception is that there is a conflict in accepting a legal donation? So it is a perception rather than legal issue and perception is in the eye of the accuser? And Tim Costello is now that person? And we should all believe him because he is Tim Costello?

    Michelle Rowland is the person who made a marginal seat into a safe ALP seat to every psephologist surprise. One of The most surprising thing about last election campaign was Morrison did not campaign in that seat at all and LNP selected a person of Indian heritage.
    Can someone show an instance where she acted in conflict of interest. Ok perception of conflict of interest. But taking donations is not illegal.
    You cannot drop her from ministry because there is perception of conflict of interest. In that case Move her to another ministry.

  15. Roger Waters, you are a disgrace to your former fans and bandmates:

    “Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters was denounced by Ukraine Wednesday after he told the United Nations Security Council that Russia’s invasion of its neighbor was “not unprovoked.” …

    … Ukraine’s UN ambassador hit back, playing on the title of one of Pink Floyd’s most famous songs.

    “How sad for his former fans to see him accepting the role of just a brick in the wall, a wall of Russian disinformation and propaganda,” said Sergiy Kyslytsya.

    Kyiv’s representative even referenced the giant inflatable pink pig that featured in many of the progressive rock band’s shows.

    He said he was surprised the bassist had not arranged to have it floating in the Security Council chamber.

    “What could it have been this time Mr Waters? Pigs with swastikas and the hammer and sickle?” Kyslytsya asked during the surreal discussion.”

  16. The sportsbet Rowland drama is a nothing burger. Thanks for focusing on the big stuff Wilkie, It’s not like there’s families sleeping in cars in your electorate or anything.

    Albo should investigate, and then say, if there’s any impropriety then the federal ICAC we established should sort it out.

    Though a federal ban on gambling money donations may be a smart thing to put in place.

    Anyway, it was just to listen to Dutton on the Radio talking about the election in Aston, saying that the government has ignored the electorate for too long. Facepalm! They were the government for 9 years.

  17. “More than 100 Russian troops were killed as a result of the Feb. 8 attack on an airfield in Russian-occupied Berdiansk in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Berdiansk’s city military administration reported on Feb. 9.

    The Ukrainian army also damaged a warehouse with ammunition, fuel, and lubricants and a radar station, the city’s military administration added.”

    Take that, orcs!

    Oh, sorry – I meant “How sad, these Russian soldiers are victims as much as the Ukrainian civilians they murder, rape, torture, deport and loot are”.

  18. Simon Henny Penny Katichsays:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 9:04 am
    Torchbearer @ #1279 Friday, February 10th, 2023 – 8:02 am

    All this amateur anthropology is tedious..

    We could argue about calling it “anthropology”.

    More correctly it is Palaeoanthropology, but I dont know why it is included as a subfield of anthropology at all. It has very little to do with the study of culture other than inferring some very basic activity. Even then they seem little more than guesses. Have a look at the lack of consensus for the obsidian hand axe – the widespread and common ancient artefact. Amulet? Knickknack? Hunting weapon? Food prep? Pocket knife? Sexual plumage? A habitual hobby?

    So isnt the discussion really about evolutionary biology?

    Although Electrical and Mechanical engineering are part of Engineering field, they are totally different branches of engineering. However, some subjects of Electrical engineering are taught in Mechanical engineering and and vice versa.

  19. “WeWantPaul says:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 10:33 am

    Starmer should perhaps have thought of this before he broke all the commitments he made to become leader and purged the party of progressives in ruthless and lawless way that even Xi would blanche at.”

    On the other hand, not all Progressives within Labour are Corbynites. I guess that the only ones affected were the staunch Corbynites. Corbyn lost two general elections, Starmer looks good in the polls. Labour must decide: return to Corbyn’s approach where ideals are taken out of a book and put first, whereas winning is put last; or adopt a more pragmatic stance where ideals don’t scare the majority of voters, thus increasing the chances of winning.

  20. “Enough Already says:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 10:46 am

    Oh, sorry – I meant “How sad, these Russian soldiers are victims as much as the Ukrainian civilians they murder, rape, torture, deport and loot are”.

    EA, we are on the same side in this war, but although I would support a strong language against characters such as the members of the criminal Wagner group and of course the murderer Putin himself, the forced recruitment of young soldiers that has been going on recently, is likely to have thrown on the battlefield a large number of innocent young men who would have preferred to use their life in a more productive way. No excuse for war crimes… but let’s start preparing the terrain for the coming peace: the People of Ukraine and Russia are destined to live in peace in the future, once this madness is over.

  21. “In a letter to Ukraine’s National Olympic Committee sent on Jan. 31, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) president, Thomas Bach, criticized Ukraine’s threat to boycott the Games, saying it would violate the Olympic charter.”

    Gee, we can’t have anyone threatening the sanctity of international sport, can we?

    I suggest the following, if Bach wants to be taken seriously: allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to participate in the 2024 Paris Olympics, on these conditions:
    1. No Russian/Belarusian flags, anthems, symbols or uniforms to be publicly visible anywhere in any part of the Games precints, whether displayed by officials, athletes, support staff/volunteers, media or spectators;
    2. No reference to them in any reporting anywhere around the world as being of Russian or Belarusian nationality;
    3. No penalty for any competitor for any treatment they dish out to a Russian or Belarusian athlete, as long as such treatment does not amount to an offence under French law;
    4. Silence to be observed by everyone in attendance during any part of a podium ceremony which would usually involve congratulations/celebration/applause for a success by any Russian or Belarusian athlete;
    5. Any Russian or Belarusian athlete must publicly read out, at a press conference to be held before they participate in any event, a signed written statement condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and condemning Vladimir Putin personally.

    If these conditions are met, I think it would be inoffensive to Russia’s Ukrainian victims – among whom are many athletes who might otherwise have been competing at these games themselves – for Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete at the 2024 Paris Olympics. Otherwise, no.

  22. So trivial matters aside does Victoria have a bowling attack that can rip through Qld batting the same way India ripped through the Too Good to have a Coach flowers yesterday?

  23. south @ #974 Friday, February 10th, 2023 – 10:43 am

    The sportsbet Rowland drama is a nothing burger. Thanks for focusing on the big stuff Wilkie, It’s not like there’s families sleeping in cars in your electorate or anything.

    Albo should investigate, and then say, if there’s any impropriety then the federal ICAC we established should sort it out.

    Though a federal ban on gambling money donations may be a smart thing to put in place.

    Anyway, it was just to listen to Dutton on the Radio talking about the election in Aston, saying that the government has ignored the electorate for too long. Facepalm! They were the government for 9 years.

    Dystopia Dutts. 😀

    Does he really think people are that stupid!?! Exactly how have the government of barely 9 months ignored the voters of Aston? Do tell, Dutts. Or is it just the case that he’s reciting rote lines from the political playbook?

  24. “The sportsbet Rowland drama is a nothing burger. Thanks for focusing on the big stuff Wilkie”

    Thatvis definitely the LNP style response, but it explicitly defending behaviour that is destructive to faith in democracy.

    Consistently it seems this govt seems to be determined to be only slightly better than Morrison which is still dreadful.

    The xbench have this one right.

  25. Aston by-election: Could this be another opportunity for a tripartite voting collaboration among Teals, ALP and Greens to snatch the seat from the hands of the Liberal party? After all, Alan Tudge retained the seat with a 2PP of just 52.8% in 2022 and a swing against him (and in favour of the ALP) of 7.3%.

  26. WeWantPaul,
    Nope you’re wrong. Donations are legal. This is just the xbench trying to create drama where there is none. Has she done anything wrong beyond accepting a donation………..

    There’s actually an amazing disconnect between the mob’s feeling of justice vs the process of justice.

  27. C@tmommasays:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 9:08 am
    I’m entitled to call it as I see it. Anyway, let’s go to the substance of Socrates’ complaint today, with accompanying cartoon.

    * Australia may, and I emphasise may, end up with submarines from the US, in the beginning, that are not new. And we will have to pay for them.

    Well, what would people prefer? That we not get any submarines until we can finish building our own? Whether they be from the US, the UK, France or South Korea? That’s a ridiculous position to take.

    So, if we agree to a deal that initially sees us take submarines from somewhere else, then we have to pay for them. Ergo, that cartoon about throwing money at Joe Biden is a hysterical reaction to a what will be a normal transaction, and anyone who subscribes to the pov that the cartoon is trying to portray is subscribing to a non-sensical position as well.

    Call it ‘jingoistic’ if you will, but I can’t understand the visceral dislike of anything to do with the American military industrial complex here? It just looks to me as if people are trying to find things not to like about it, instead of looking at it from the perspective of it being an ally that would be beneficial to work with for our country’s protection going forward into the future.

    You may think that allying ourselves with France would be superior, or even China, but can I simply point out that, when it comes to the war in Ukraine started by Russia, the UK and the US have been doing all the right things and doing the heavy lifting, and France, via Emmanuel Macron, have been, whilst also contributing to the war effort for Ukraine, having two bob each way with Putin. So, look into your hearts and ask yourself the question, who would be the more reliable ally for Australia?

    And I swear, if you try and say, but Donald Trump, then you have lost the argument.

    I won’t say Trump. I will say”Billy the kid ” i.e. Bill Clinton.
    The reason UK and US are helping Ukraine is because of “guilty conscience “and”Atonement for sins”.
    US and UK forced Ukraine to forgo their Nuclear arsenal with a promise to protect them.
    Now when Russian attacks Ukraine knowing or assuming it wouldn’t retaliate, US and UK are forced to act
    Otherwise whatever little good will they have will be lost around the world. That is reason UK and the US “are doing (so-called)heavy lifting”.

    And US being a reliable “ally” of Australia.
    I already gave one example: East Timor when you asked for an instance when US did not come to Australia assistance. Surprise surprise that another Democrat administration that did not come to our assistance.

    I will give another example, which is a recent happening.
    As we All know AUKUS was announced with all Fanfare in September 2021.
    According to Biden Administration, Biden expected Morrison to inform Macron and Albanese well in advance to that announcement.
    We know Macron reaction when he came to know about AUKUS deal a night before announcement. He was furious and wanted immediate retaliation.
    He immediately recalled ambassadors from US and AUSTRALIA.
    France in its history never recalled Ambassador from US
    Biden Administration was stunned by the turn of events. He sent VP Kamala Harris to assuage Macron feelings.
    Then he peddled back so fast and furious from Morrison and his government it was a spectacular sight. Biden refused to give audience to Morrison in G20 summit in Italy and COP26 in Glasgow. He won’t touch Morrison with barbed wire. He was all chummy with Macron putting hand around shoulder of Macron.
    Yes, Morrison acted in a treacherous way. But is that the way to treat a close “ally” of US. He did that because Australia cannot retaliate in any way
    So please give me break.

  28. Alpo @ Friday, February 10, 2023 at 10:54 am:

    “EA, we are on the same side in this war, but although I would support a strong language against characters such as the members of the criminal Wagner group and of course the murderer Putin himself, the forced recruitment of young soldiers that has been going on recently, is likely to have thrown on the battlefield a large number of innocent young men who would have preferred to use their life in a more productive way. No excuse for war crimes… but let’s start preparing the terrain for the coming peace: the People of Ukraine and Russia are destined to live in peace in the future, once this madness is over.”

    Alpo, point taken, but it really is up to the Russians to do some serious outreach of a conciliatory nature once they stop their invasion and return to their own land, if they want to enjoy peaceful relations with their neighbours into the future. A lot of reports suggest there is little, if any, Russian opposition to mobilisation from a principled opposition to the war against Ukraine itself, but rather, opposition to the Kremlin making them feel any imposition upon their own lives as a result of this completely needless war. If an individual can provide convincing evidence they oppose the Russian invasion in principle, sure, they deserve clemency from their victims. Otherwise, sorry, but no, not until they are contrite and make serious amends.

  29. wranslidesays:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 9:09 am
    I think there are other questionable Rowland decisions. Appointing a senior News Corp executive to be Chair of Australia Post strikes one as extremely bizarre to me.

    How is that linked to sportbet donations?

  30. “WeWantPaul says:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:06 am”

    I already mentioned here the (legal) donations that the Greens accept from a professional gambler. Is that okay? Should we talk about it or ignore it? Should anyone resign in the Greens because of that?

    If changes to the rules are needed, then let’s focus on that.

  31. Returning to international news, and Meta has restored Donald Trump’s access to Facebook and Instagram following a two-year suspension due to the Capitol Hill riots.

    The social media giant had flagged last month that a decision on reinstating Trump’s accounts was imminent.

  32. “Enough Already says:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:18 am”

    Yes, I agree, so far Putin has shown no intention to seriously end the war. So, the massacre will continue, I am afraid, for some time… but in due course it will have to end, and the two peoples be back to a normal life. Let’s not forget that behind this mess there isn’t any deep religious animosity, for instance, like the still tense situation in Kosovo. Many Ukrainians are Ukrainian-Russian bilinguals, they have friends and families spread across the official border, etc.

  33. Ven @ Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:16 am:

    “I won’t say Trump. I will say”Billy the kid ” i.e. Bill Clinton.
    The reason UK and US are helping Ukraine is because of “guilty conscience “and”Atonement for sins”.
    US and UK forced Ukraine to forgo their Nuclear arsenal with a promise to protect them.
    Now when Russian attacks Ukraine knowing or assuming it wouldn’t retaliate, US and UK are forced to act
    Otherwise whatever little good will they have will be lost around the world. That is reason UK and the US “are doing (so-called)heavy lifting”.”

    Ven, I have often disagreed with your posts on the Russia-Ukraine war, but I vehemently agree with this point you have made. The US and UK’s abandonment of Crimea to Putin’s “little green men”, and the eastern parts of Donbas to Putin’s LPR/DPR stooges, was a complete betrayal of their security guarantee to Ukraine by which they earned Ukraine’s nuclear disarmament (for the direct benefit of Russia!) They need to redeem themselves from this 2014-2022 failure if they want any other countries around the world to rely upon their word in future.

  34. FMD. If Rowland was a Minister in a Liberal government,especially SfM’s, there would have been a clamour in the Bludger Lounge calling for her to resign or return the money.

  35. tim costellow is clearly a liberal party acdevist he has no problim with the caseno no body was asking foor desbite actual money laaundering being uncovered not the vague n s w crime comition report saying money laundering could be occuring in pockies

  36. “caf says:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:21 am
    What’s next from the ABC, an investigation into the Flat Earth Theory?”

    Oh dear, are they the same idiots who a minute later come shouting about Covid running amok in Australia because the ALP government is “incompetent”, blah, blah?

  37. no spacefick examples were uncovered which clubs whoe is involved plus the crime comition heads position is now clearly untenable with his publick indorcement of perottits policy in the middle of a election campaign the liberals do not mind politicizing the suposidly independent publick survice Costellow should stop protending he is a anti gambling campaigner and just admit he is a liberal stooge

  38. caf

    In my personal sphere, we have a father and son who went down the covid conspiracy rabbit hole. Big pharma, not trusting the science or medicos. Father eventually got vaxxed. Son did not, but decided to take ivermectin pills.

    Anyhoo fast forward to this year. Son has been diagnosed with MS, and has started treatment. Weekly injections for now. Eventually injection once a month. This is to reduce the number of relapses and help lower damage etc.

    Where does one start with understanding the hypocrisy and stupidity and double think of these people.

  39. “poroti says:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:28 am
    FMD. If Rowland was a Minister in a Liberal government,especially SfM’s, there would have been a clamour in the Bludger Lounge calling for her to resign or return the money.”

    Who knows, but on the other hand, are you comparing our power with the power of the mainstream media? And in any event, what’s wrong with the truth? If any of us supports crap, are you going to accept it or are you going to reply in outrage?

  40. Simon Henny Penny Katichsays:
    Friday, February 10, 2023 at 9:47 am
    I don’t want to participate in PB debates anymore but you are forcing me. Juvenile delinquents like Nath (as he called himself) must be ROFLing right now after reading my name.

    I would say the ROFL is because you are letting people into your head rent free. My advice; focus on you, be true to you, rather than react to others. We all have agency.

    The blog needs politically diverse posters. So please feel free to offer opinion, information, links (yes, even DailyKos).

    Now, the important issue is – how many months should Jadeja and Kholi be been banned for ball tampering?

    Did they tamper? I didn’t know that.

  41. sport bet adds are all over nine notice how costellow never called for gambling adds to be band from tv in fact he has not called for any thing that would effectiva chanel nine the liberal party and did very little in defending both tasmanian labor or gillard when they did somthing costellow has no problim with liberal donations from sports bet this Rowland story is no big deal the donation was legal just proves the integrity lynn on barilarow is hurting the liberals as the coalition is sceen in the same waythe last labor government was sceen in 2011

  42. costellow is basickly like Andrew wilkie the first chance they get to attack labor they take but have no problim with liberal lack of integrity wilkie is basickly a liberal leaning independent

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