Thursday miscellany: Greens and Liberal Senate vacancies, etc. (open thread)

Victorian Greens Senator Janet Rice to call it a day, Warren Mundine withdraws from contention to replace Marise Payne, and Josh Frydenberg confirms he will sit out the next election.

Apart from a few Indigenous Voice snippets, which I’m holding back for a dedicated post, the only polling action this week has been the regular Roy Morgan result, which has Labor leading 54-46, unchanged on last week, from primary votes of Labor 32.5% (up half), Coalition 35% (up half) and Greens 14% (down one-and-a-half). On the preselection front, there is the following to relate:

• Victorian Greens Senator Janet Rice has announced she will retire from parliament in the first half of next year. James Massola of The Age reports her successor will be chosen by a vote of 2000 to 3000 party members in November. The front-runner is Steph Hodgins-May, who has run three times for the party in Macnamara (known as Melbourne Ports up to 2016) and came within an ace of winning the seat in 2022. Other potential nominees are Monash councillor Josh Fergeus, academic and unionist Apsara Sabaratnam and lawyer Sarah Jefford.

• With Warren Mundine’s withdrawal last week from the preselection race to fill Marise Payne’s New South Wales Liberal Senate vacancy, the position is now thought likely to go to Andrew Constance, former state government minister and unsuccessful candidate for Gilmore at last year’s federal election. However, the Sydney Morning Herald reports he may face competition from one of a number of factional conservatives: “Mina Zaki, an Afghanistan-born, anti-Taliban activist and cyber expert at consulting firm KPMG; barrister Ishita Sethi; lawyer Pallavi Sinha; Monica Tudehope, who has previously worked as Dominic Perrottet’s policy director; and former NSW Liberal MP Lou Amato”. Mundine has opted to remain in the business sector, but the Sydney Morning Herald further noted he had “caused angst” among hitherto supportive conservatives by defying the no campaign line on the desirability of a treaty or a changed date for Australia Day. The Sydney Morning Herald earlier reported the preselection was not likely to be determined until November.

• Josh Frydenberg announced last week he will not seek to win Kooyong back from teal independent Monique Ryan at the next election. Rachel Baxendale of The Australian says this has left Liberals questioning who might take over as leader if circumstances demand it after the next election, with Andrew Hastie “described by several as the party’s best hope, despite his relative inexperience”. Amelia Hamer, director of strategy at tech start-up Airwallex, has been mentioned as a likely contender for the Liberal preselection in Frydenberg’s absence, while a report in The Age put forward a number of familiar names as potential starters: “Lucas Moon, an anti-pokies campaigner at Hawthorn RSL, Melbourne councillor Roshena Campbell, former candidate Georgina Downer, Caroline Elliot, or past Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chair Karyn Sobels”.

Alexi Diemetriadi of The Australian reports Hunters Hill mayor Zac Miles has resigned from the Liberal state executive ahead of a run for Liberal preselection in Bennelong, and that Shoalhaven councillor and former deputy mayor Paul Ell is “understood” to be considering running in Gilmore, where he stood aside in favour of Andrew Constance before the last election.

• The Australian’s Feeding the Chooks round-up of Queensland politics relates that long-serving Labor members Graham Perrett and Shayne Neumann are under pressure to make way for female candidates in their seats of Moreton and Blair, with former state secretary Julie-Ann Campbell favoured by the Left in Moreton and state Ipswich MP Jennifer Howard “weighing up her options for a tilt at Blair”.

• Poll Bludger contributor Adrian Beaumont has a new post at The Conversation on developments in the campaign for the October 14 election in New Zealand.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,617 comments on “Thursday miscellany: Greens and Liberal Senate vacancies, etc. (open thread)”

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  1. If anyone wants to read the best burn of Vivek Ramaswamy that you will ever read, then this is the article for you:

    They followed weeks of other earned insults and deserved call-outs of Ramaswamy and his candidacy. Among these, there was the labeling of Ramaswamy as the human equivalent of “an anti-woke Facebook meme” by political scientist David Faris, “the personification of click bait,” in the estimation of Charles Blow, a “LinkedIn post come to life” according to the The New York Times’ Farhad Manjoo, and “the model of a high-school debate champion,” per the National Review.

  2. TK:

    I’m a morning person so love the bright early mornings. It’s why I think when I retire I’m going to have to move to WA.

  3. Denmark is beautiful but it has an extremely high bushfire risk. With global heating it just isn’t a feasible place to live, sadly.

  4. World News
    Paris is battling an infestation of bloodsucking bedbugs on trains and in movie theaters as the city gets ready to host the 2024 Olympics:
    US accuses China of global media manipulation:
    Armenia will be invaded if West does not stand up to Azerbaijan, Armenia’s ambassador to Britain warns:
    Grant Shapps to send UK troops to Ukraine:
    Pillaged Artefacts From Ukrainian Synagogues Surface in Moscow Museum:
    US calls on Serbia to withdraw its ‘unprecedented’ military deployment on Kosovo border:
    Italy wants migrant rescue ships sent back to countries funding their operation:
    Sea lion escapes enclosure at Central Park Zoo due to New York flooding:
    Record rain in New York City generates ‘life-threatening’ flooding, overwhelming streets and subways :
    GOP waging a “coordinated national effort to undermine American elections,” says leading official:
    Trump Calls For People To Be ‘Shot’ If They Rob Stores In Terrifying Remarks:
    2024 polls: Majority of voters say Trump should be disqualified:
    Jack Smith Cites Trump Execution Remark on Milley in New Filing:
    Catastrophic shutdown averted as McCarthy sides with Democrats over far right in his own party:
    House passes 45-day funding bill, likely avoiding a government shutdown:

  5. The federal treasury is assessing what further action to take against PwC Australia in response to the firm revealing a number of additional confidentiality breaches involving government secrets.

    The treasury has already referred the firm to the Australian federal police, which has an ongoing investigation into how confidential information about multinational tax policy was misused to make millions of dollars from private sector clients.
    Separate to that breach, PwC Australia has now admitted that, in 2016, a partner forwarded documents related to confidential consultation with treasury and Australian Taxation Office (ATO) officials regarding the GST treatment of digital currencies to colleagues who had not signed a confidentiality agreement. “As you know, Treasury referred previous unauthorised disclosures to the AFP for investigation,” a Treasury spokesperson said.
    “Treasury is reviewing the statement of facts released by PwC, including some of the claims over other disclosures made by PwC personnel, and will consider what further appropriate action should be taken.”

  6. Paris is battling an infestation of bloodsucking bugs on trains and in movie theaters.
    That would be the Wallabies squad. No hope of advancement but still there until October 9.

  7. Okay, so yesterday we had the warm-up act, the AFL GF. Today is the Big Dance, the Rugby League Grand Final. Go the Broncos! (Only because their captain is a Rabbitoh, born and bred) 😀

  8. Taylormade @ 8.12pm.
    Totally agree with your comments regarding Jack Ginnivan.
    He should have been traded to GWS as part of the Bobby Hill deal.
    Out of the Melbourne Footy Fishbowl his skills and talents would have been recognised and he would have been able to thrive, in much the same way as Jesse Hogan has done.
    My GWS member mates roll their eyes whenever I mention Ginnivan as a Giant – as I have been on this bandwagon for the past two seasons.

  9. It’s an hour later than we think. The curtains are fading even as I type. The cows are confused (so I’m told). Daylight Saving has started.

    But seriously, I do like the extra daylight in the evening. Daylight at 5:00 AM is surely a waste.

  10. Daylight at 5:00 AM is surely a waste.

    When I woke up today at 6am (5am normally) it was 18 degrees and cool. Perfect for getting your exercise done like going for a walk. Esp at this time of year when it is getting light.

    With 36 degrees forecast today and temp forecast to be 31 degrees at 7pm and high 20s from 8pm onwards, you can’t do anything except just sit. That’s a waste!

  11. Don’t forget, no Dawn Patrol today. But we still have Insiders, which should be informative with Jordan Steele-John as the guest to talk about the Disability RC Report.

  12. I am not going to bother with Insiders this morning.
    Watering systems for Mrs BK’s burgeoning garden plus ever-growing lawns are calling.

  13. C@tmomma says:
    Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 6:14 am
    I thought to myself, gee, it seems a bit dark for this time of the morning. And then I remembered…it’s that time of the year when Queenslanders remind us how backward they are. 1 hour, to be exact.

    If only we were just 1hr behind C@T.

  14. Too true.

    Though it was lost in the four-year cyclone that was the presidency of Donald Trump, one of his most immoral acts was to pardon soldiers who were accused of committing war crimes by killing unarmed civilians or prisoners. Military leaders, including his own defense secretary and the secretary of the Army, objected, saying it would undermine good order and discipline. Lawlessness can easily beget lawlessness.

    But the American system is ill prepared to deter leaders bent on undermining the rule of law. Checks and balances spread powers across the government, but that isn’t enough to temper or stop bad-faith actors looking to subvert the law. According to a new article in The Atlantic, Gen. Mark Milley, upon becoming the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 2019, “found himself in a disconcerting situation: trying, and failing, to teach President Trump the difference between appropriate battlefield aggressiveness on the one hand, and war crimes on the other.”

    Mr. Trump, as General Milley discovered and many Americans already knew, is a man unencumbered by any moral compass. He goes the way he wants to go, legalities and niceties be damned. Last week in a post on his social network, Mr. Trump argued that General Milley’s actions would have once been punishable by death.

    Most Americans probably didn’t notice his screed. Of those who did and were not alarmed, far too many nodded along in agreement. As Josh Barro said in a Times Opinion round table this week about the former president’s recent comments, “Trump is and has been unhinged, and that’s priced in” to the views that many voters have of him.

    It is no exaggeration to say that Mr. Trump is running for the presidency on a platform of lawlessness, promising to wield the power of the state against his enemies — real or imagined. Today, millions and millions of Americans support him for that reason or despite it.

    ‘The standard you walk past, is the standard you accept.’ And Donald Trump just brushes past most of them.

  15. Steve777@ 8.27am.
    There was a HUGE footy game on saturday.
    There is a minor footy game being played in Sydney this evening.

  16. The Americans really do need to tidy up its electoral and Parliamentary processes. These regular shutdowns or threats of shutdowns must be playing havoc with good governance, not to mention the USAs international commitments and its reputation.

    It can’t happen here of course except that it did, sort of, in 1975. The only reason that it hasn’t happened since is that the Coalition have never since been able to muster a Senate majority when in Opposition. It will happen pretty quickly if and when that becomes the case in future.

  17. But seriously, I do like the extra daylight in the evening. Daylight at 5:00 AM is surely a waste
    What fess said. But yeah, on normal days the later light is nice. Thing is, in a +2 climate the number of plus 35 days in Adelaide is ugly reading. Even at 1.5 it’s nearly a month of it. And the hills seem little respite these days. I am buying an aircon today for what’s to come – and I do not like it.

  18. NRL GF will win the music battle. Kiss and Seymore? WTF? What next? Dig up Meatloaf?

    They will have their work cut out to win the sporting entertainment tho.

  19. It usually takes a few days to adjust to daylight savings.

    Hence me getting up at old time this morning. Lol!

    Yesterday we such a big day. Daughter in law is a Collingwood supporter, and so is one of my daughter’s partner.

    For.those reasons I did want them to win.

    They are very Happy campers.

  20. Fortunately, The NRL doesn’t have a dirge like “Up There Cazaly” to de-mothball at every Grand Final.
    It is embarrassing watching poor old Mike Brady attempting to rouse the crowd, most of whom weren’t alive in 1979, to sing the chorus to this ole dog of a song.
    Did anyone else notice the very poor double tracking of the vocals, where Mike was singing over a very younger Mike, or someone else, singing the verses?

  21. The Americans really do need to tidy up its electoral and Parliamentary processes.
    Too late. I thought Biden could do something but it appears not. Manchin/sinema didn’t help but Biden seemed to avoid spending political capital on it.

    So, it’s not getting any better anytime soon. It will likely just keep getting worse as the tail wags the GOP dog now.

    The US needs to split. Or, de-federalise to some degree (as a first step). And not just to the extent that the GOP want. It could get cross party suppirt, even win constitutional amendments if nec.

  22. Watermelonsays:
    Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 1:11 am

    I say that, us being non-US-nationals, “legally” is the critical word here. Look into that bit.

    Pardon me, I often take some things for granted which I shouldn’t. I work for a company which has offices in the US, and we employ many locals there. Also, I imagine there are some who have family who are US citizens. It is not hard to see how those of us with those sorts of connections to the US can easily arrange for donations to be made to PAC’s or parties.

  23. An election was held in Slovakia yesterday (overnight our time):

    “Progressive Slovakia party ahead in parliamentary polls

    The centrist Progressive Slovakia party led by European Parliament Vice President Michal Simecka is projected to win parliamentary elections. Robert Fico’s populist Smer-SD party is set to finish second.

    Slovaks on Saturday chose the liberal party Progressive Slovakia to lead the country in an early parliamentary election that would decide their future support for Ukraine, according to exit polls.

    The polls showed the party coming out ahead of Robert Fico’s populist SMER-SSD party.”

    Looks like Slovakia is dodging a bullet, electing a centrist, liberal progressive party with strong European integrationist values, ahead of the more extreme, ‘populist’ Eurosceptic party. 🙂

  24. Andrew_Earlwoodsays:
    Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 9:20 am
    Daylight savings! Huzzah!!!

    For those of us who rise to an alarm, but have teenagers and kids who don’t, today is a godsend! 😉

  25. Qld doesnt have daylight savings, if it did the rednecks would fade.

    Seriously it was such a bummer not to get that extra hour of light at the good end of the day. As far as national online business meetings it’s a bloody nightmare not being in sync with the rest of the Eastern Seaboard.

    Through this year we are navigating having 1 year old twins now being off their routine by an (artificial) hour. Probably just ride it out for 6 months.

  26. Thanks HH for the World Wrap – it is a very good guide of the weeks events around the world and is most appreciated.
    UK Cartoons:

    US Cartoons:

  27. Morning all. For me its not so much daylight saving as stolen mornings. I envy the Qlders. Still, the annoyance helps distract me from yesterday’s GF.
    Go Broncos. (Yawn)

    This is an interesting (to transport planners) story about why most Melbournians don’t catch buses. Except for systems like the Brisbane busways (BRT) I suspect the same is true Australia wide.

  28. The problem with the GOP is overstated. The real problem is they are electable by the people of a superpower. That’s what we should worry about.

    I’m reading Isaacsons biography of Elon Musk. I highly recommend it.

  29. First world issue, but I’m curious about the governance process undertaken.

    Has anyone had this situation in their local council area, what was the process, and what was the outcome?

    The local council has opened up to public comment a proposal for dogs to be allowed off leash at one end of a local beach. It’s for restricted hours and restricted months. The beach next door has an extensive off leash area year round.

    I’ve already put in a submission, but I was interested to reference similar decisions for and against such a proposal.

  30. Soc, thanks for todays long read/listen. Been thinking about the growing debacle of Mount Barker and the SE freeway and the limited scope for office jobs there and the push to get people back from WFH to offices. Great bus service there.

    Be great to take trucks off the freeway and dedicate a lane to fast buses. But will peeps use it?

  31. If you’ve spent thens of thousands of dollars up front and then thousands a year to own and run a car, you’ll use it rather than use public transport given the choice. The latter is OK if you’re going to the CBD or somewhere on the direct route there, but not so good for cross-suburban journeys, where you normally have to go most of the way into the City then back out.

  32. Thirty years ago, I loved Daylight Savings and missed it when Queensland abandoned it.

    Then we lived in the US for 18 years. There were days when there was simply too much daylight. And it always felt that I’d just adjusted when it would flip back and I needed to adjust again. (Although perhaps this was partially due to the stress of my main clients living 2 time zones east of me.) And now back in Brisbane, as the days warm up, I’m glad I get to sleep in the cool mornings and that the furnace in the sky goes away early.

    There is also evidence that continual switching of daylight hours is detrimental to sleep. You sleep less overall, with negative health outcomes. (Search for “health effects of daylight saving”.) Effects are more pronounced the further you live from the equator and the further west you live in a time zone.

    Scientists believe that these health problems may result from a combination of chronic sleep deprivation and “circadian misalignment”. …my colleagues and I believe that the health-related science for establishing permanent standard time is strong.

  33. The Wallabies chances of making it to the quarters finals are bleak:

    [‘Saint-Etienne: The Wallabies need a bonus point win over Portugal on Sunday (Monday morning AEDT) to stay alive in the Rugby World Cup for another week after Fiji sealed a come from behind 17-12 victory over Georgia in Bordeaux.

    Australia’s chances of miraculously sneaking into a quarter-final look even more unlikely, with Fiji now only needing to win or come within seven points of Portugal in their final pool match next Sunday to advance to the last eight.’] – SMH

  34. Thankyou Holdenhillbilly for the headlines. Scanning them, I wonder if some of Europe’s nations are thinking about following in Russia’s aggressive footsteps.

    Armenia will be invaded if West does not stand up to Azerbaijan, Armenia’s ambassador to Britain warns:
    Grant Shapps to send UK troops to Ukraine:
    Pillaged Artefacts From Ukrainian Synagogues Surface in Moscow Museum:
    US calls on Serbia to withdraw its ‘unprecedented’ military deployment on Kosovo border:

    And the US drama merchants (the GOP) have made their point. There’s a very old joke that springs to mind, about the arsehole being the body’s most important organ.

    Catastrophic shutdown averted as McCarthy sides with Democrats over far right in his own party:
    House passes 45-day funding bill, likely avoiding a government shutdown:

  35. Re buses.

    I live on the NSW Central Coast. I can catch one of several different buses to the nearest station, for a trip to Sydney for a concert or the theatre, from a stop 6 minutes walk away. The timetable journey times are between 28 and 43 minutes.

    If I jump into my car and park at Tuggerah station, it takes 12 minutes.

    Guess what I do. It also helps when returning, when the buses are 30 minutes apart and never wait for the chronically late trains. Into bed an hour earlier.

  36. Banana benders and sun are an interesting pair. Toured Russia in winter a while back and some of our group were Qlders. That it was dark at 3pm till 10.30am actually caused them significant mental grief. After a month of this they were happy to go home.

  37. Catastrophic shutdown averted as McCarthy sides with Democrats over far right in his own party:
    House passes 45-day funding bill, likely avoiding a government shutdown:

    Hi guys
    Although the funding passed HOR, It is currently held up in Senate by Senate Democrat Bennett (Co) because there is no Ukraine funding and there is less than 4 hr:18 min.

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