Freshwater Strategy: 51-49 to Labor (open thread)

Labor pokes its nose in front in what has been its weakest polling series through the term, though the primary vote records little change.

The Financial Review has a federal poll from Freshwater Strategy, the pollster’s first for the paper since mid-December, though it conducted one for the News Corp papers in early January. It has Labor leading 51-49, after its previous two polls both recorded a dead heat. There is little change on the primary vote, with Labor on 31% and the Coalition on 38%, respectively steady and down one from both the two previous polls, and the Greens on 14%, up one from the December poll and steady from January.

A preferred prime minister measure has Anthony Albanese leading Peter Dutton 42-38, little changed from 43-39 in December. A question on the tax cut amendments finds 44% supportive, 26% indifferent and 15% opposed, with 32% expecting to be better off, 12% worse off and 43% anticipating no difference. The poll was conducted Friday to Sunday from a sample of 1049.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,102 comments on “Freshwater Strategy: 51-49 to Labor (open thread)”

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  1. Tricot says:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 4:49 pm
    LVT…For heaven’s sake give over on the “stooge” tag. It is so crass.
    Those who shout for Labor here are probably dinky-di Labor supports.
    The thing is, after nine long years of LNP government, with a good chance Labor has at least three years beyond its current term, the tag of “stooge” (equally applicable to yourself I would suggest – but for all things non-Labor) will be as worn as the head of Peter Dutton where hair once grew……

    I’m always sorry for scam victims, especially when they convince themselves its true.

  2. Aaron newton at 11.28 pm

    “… nothing acsept symbolick recognition would be acseptable to Dutton …”

    Correct. The only thing the LNP would have supported was a re-run of the Howard Preamble.

    That Preamble got 39% support with no coordinated campaign of disinformation against it.

    The Voice referendum got 39% support with a massive disinformation campaign a la Putin.

    The Voice Referendum showed progress on Aboriginal recognition and justice depends on a decline in the influence of reactionaries in the LNP. It is that bleak, and that simple.

    Meanwhile, here’s an anecdote from the unexciting, low-key Dunkley by-election campaign:

    “Dunkley Watch February 23, 2024 at 3:35 pm
    I attended the Wednesday debate with ABC’s Ali Moore and it was pretty rough going for the Liberal candidate. First he failed to turn up on time ( it impressing the crowd), then he lost his temper when asked about his links to local developer proposals. He needs to be a bit more mature. If he can’t handle local questioners with respect, he will struggle with the step up to federal parliament.”

    For the ABC audio see:

    That is the obvious weak spot of the Lib campaign in Dunkley. Their memes are stereotypes to the point of banality. The ‘message to Albo’ meme has the resonance of a wet sock. There is no LNP policy alternative on the main current national issue, the S3 changes.

    Meanwhile, while it is hard to judge from a distance, in a light-on national context at the end of summer, the main local issue of the Lib candidate’s closeness to developers may well bite.

  3. An interesting Tweet from a firm likely to have good sources.

    At some point not too far off, the NACC is going to drop its first bombshell about a corruption investigation it’s pursuing, and suck all the oxygen out of the political room.”

    If true, I’m glad Labor got the Stage 3 Tax cut and Vehicle Efficiency reforms out ahead of this.

  4. In Brisbane atm and noticeable population of homeless on the city streets.
    This article seems to point at migration and not immigration as an older (Irish immigrant) tried to tell me, with great certainty, that it was all those coloured people Labor was letting in!

    btw…she was also horrified ( and showed it) at a visit to a well known brewing company yesterday when Acknowledgement of Country was done on our tour. Bloody immigrants!

  5. I am so over the coverage of Taylor Swift – Sydney is just so far behind the times – Swift is so last week here in Melbourne.

  6. Lars Von Triersays:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 5:44 pm
    Tricot says:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 4:49 pm
    LVT…For heaven’s sake give over on the “stooge” tag. It is so crass.
    Those who shout for Labor here are probably dinky-di Labor supports.
    The thing is, after nine long years of LNP government, with a good chance Labor has at least three years beyond its current term, the tag of “stooge” (equally applicable to yourself I would suggest – but for all things non-Labor) will be as worn as the head of Peter Dutton where hair once grew……

    I’m always sorry for scam victims, especially when they convince themselves
    its true.


    I feel sorry for anyone who tries to engage with LVT, believing their argument will get a fair hearing. It want, it want even get a proper counter argument. It will just get a superficial retort. As LVT doesn’t do measured and considered replies as that is outside their reasoning abilities.

  7. Dr Doolittle says:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 5:45 pm

    Aaron newton at 11.28 pm

    “… nothing acsept symbolick recognition would be acseptable to Dutton …”

    Correct. …’
    The guy who walked out on the apology? The guy who continually engages in racist dog whistles? The guy who promised another referendum and then flipped in less than a fortnight? The guy who serially links sexual perversion with his fave minority target du jour? The black gangs ruin your dinner guy? The guy who was part of governments that stripped hundreds of millions in funding from Indigenous programs? The guy who was part of governments that squeezed people out of homelands and into centres like Alice Springs?

    That guy?

    Dutton has already done a backflip on the referendum on a legislated body. Gooda forget that, did he?

    Gooda is a sucker.

  8. It’s really a wonder as to why right wing people seem to get so irrationally angry over things as simple as Welcome to Country.

    I mean it’s just words. Personally I don’t mind a bit of manners as well as learning what the location is named in the indigenous language.

  9. Boerwarsays:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 4:46 pm
    I understand that, given the desperate situation of homeless people, Greens supporters with more than two empty bedrooms are going to open their hearts and their homes.


    In the spirit of goodwill and so as to assist the Commonwealth Government plough more resources into housing, what say you to the suggestion, perhaps in list form if you will, that defined benefits superannuants should have their windfall gains, on modern standards, wound back significantly?

  10. PageBoi says:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 5:32 pm
    Cracking piece by mike Gilligan detailing the gradual sell out of Australian sovereignty by both sides of the duopoly.

    Instead of the defence of Australia we now have rank subservience to America, much to our detriment and I’d argue making us LESS safe

    Some stuff in here I didn’t know, a good read overall
    Yes. I would recommend everyone to read it.

    We basically are a launching point for a US attack on China. Our biggest trading partner. This attack of course will be with our permission and using our military equipment.
    Chosen by US military people.

    Another war will likely be started with lies that initiated the Vietnam (American ) and Iraq wars.

    Fortunately young Australians have woken up to how Australia can be drawn into wars against countries that pose no threat to us. Many have returned mentally and physically damaged.

    And enough want no part of our Defence (Attack) Force

    ‘The Albanese government’s Defence Strategic Review (DSR) was drafted by a US- educated academic without experience of Australia’s defence or its intellectual capital. Necessarily delivering a view built on books and American perspective; now at the United States Studies Centre at Sydney University, underwritten by our Defence outlays and US patronage.

    That DSR recommended that our Army be developed for amphibious attack operations -such as is embedded in US plans for combat in the Island Chain off China with US marines. One wonders how Australia’s Army greets this role- itself deeply encultured with the primacy of the direct defence of Australia.

    Minister Marles then appointed a former US admiral to further review Australia’s naval future. The criteria are withheld but it’s a sound bet that the China strategy of the Pentagon was more a factor than was Australia’s self- defence. ‘

    Of course China will know everything about the US influence over Australia, how we acquiesce to them on everything.

    The other earlier point he wrote, the signing of the ANZUS agreement in 1951, made it clear the US would never come to Australia’s aid. And that will be true today. Even if we become a target.

    With Gillard’s eagerness to have marines in the NT, near Darwin. Albanese happy to have US B-52 bombers based there too.

    So what is the value for Australia of the US Alliance? Or AUKUS?

  11. PageBoi @ #1948 Friday, February 23rd, 2024 – 5:32 pm

    Cracking piece by mike Gilligan detailing the gradual sell out of Australian sovereignty by both sides of the duopoly.

    Instead of the defence of Australia we now have rank subservience to America, much to our detriment and I’d argue making us LESS safe

    Some stuff in here I didn’t know, a good read overall

    You ain’t seen nothing yet. Just wait and see what happens if Trump gets elected, which is still more likely than not. I expect we will find out incredibly fast just how stupid we have been. If Biden is elected the result will be the same, but it may take a little longer 🙁

  12. A reminder to us of what is in store for Ukrainians who fall under Russian occupation:

    “Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev echoed Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in his threats against Ukrainians in Russian-occupied territories, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) wrote in its Feb. 22 report.

    Medvedev, now the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, said in an interview with Russian media on Feb. 22 that Ukrainian citizens in occupied Ukraine who attempt sabotage against Russia should be “exposed and punished, sent to Siberia … for re-education in forced labor camps.”

    “Medvedev’s usage of Stalin-era purge rhetoric is significant,” the ISW said.

    Stalin’s regime infamously targeted “saboteurs” and dissidents in purges throughout the 1920s and 1930s. The Holodomor, a man-made famine that caused an estimated 3.5 to 5 million Ukrainian deaths, also took place under Stalin’s command.

    Ukrainians in illegally occupied regions of Ukraine already suffer deportations at the hands of Russian authorities. A BBC investigation on Jan. 8 found that Russia has deported and detained thousands of Ukrainian civilians, holding them without charges, trials, or access to legal counsel.

    Many were arrested for failing to support Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine.”

  13. I think its vitally important Albo experience the Taylor Swift concert tonight so he can remain in touch with the populace.

    I also think its important he attend Katy Perry so he can stay in touch with the populace.

    But it was a condemnation on him that he failed to attend Blink 182 and I worry that his failure to attend, coupled with reduced Australian Open attendance this year, is a sign of man distracted.

    I can only hope Taylor and Katy are a renewed sign of focus.

  14. At the risk of being ostracised or worse… an update on Taylor Swift in Sydney from a Melbourne perspective

    My 28yo daughter thanks to her boyfriend superlative efforts in securing tickets was able to attend Taylor’s last Melbourne concert on Sunday last week. Sellout crowd. 96,000 or thereabouts.

    The mood on the train going in and coming home was electric with lots of singing and laughing by passengers. Coming home even the train driver asked over the PA ‘how was the concert folks?’ and got a resounding cheer from everyone on the packed train.

    Despite all the naysayers the vibe in Melbourne last weekend was electric and extremely positive. Taylor is clearly a good role model (although her BF is a bit of a plonker) and there were some interesting letters in The Age this week comparing the behaviour of those attending a Taylor Swift concert at the ‘G to those attending a Collingwood v Carlton match. Chalk and cheese.

    Fast forward to today… my daughter texted me saying she and a girlfriend had secured tickets to one of the Sydney show and were on the day XPT service to Sydney for a ‘girl’s weekend away’ to see Taylor on Saturday. The XPT stops at Strathfield and they would then head out to Olympic Park with the other ‘Ta ta gators” to soak up the vibe.

    Just like the Beatles back in the ’60s. Wasn’t the largest ever crowd to see the Beatles in Adelaide when literally half the city turned out to see them on the motorcade along the Glenelg Highway?

    Fun times.

    Hopefully the weather will behave in Sydney over the next few days.

  15. …are people seriously bitching about Albanese attending the Taylor Swift concert?

    I mean we get it that you’d rather he be locked in an iron coffin with spikes on the inside, but you’re really meant to maybe not say ridiculous things like that in public settings without coming across as cooked fruit-loops.

  16. Kirsdarke @ #1958 Friday, February 23rd, 2024 – 6:13 pm

    It’s really a wonder as to why right wing people seem to get so irrationally angry over things as simple as Welcome to Country.

    I mean it’s just words. Personally I don’t mind a bit of manners as well as learning what the location is named in the indigenous language.

    Anger is a very strong reaction to (say) Sydney is on Gadigal land of the Eora nation, which it is. Anger must be from challenged unresolved issues, down to and including a fair dose of suppressed guilt. That’s how I “rationalise” their anger.

    Something to do with the past, like colonisation, which is what happened, on Gadigal land of the Eora nation.

    And when offered a way through it, they get more angry.

  17. Grant_ExLibris @ #1965 Friday, February 23rd, 2024 – 6:32 pm

    At the risk of being ostracised or worse… an update on Taylor Swift in Sydney from a Melbourne perspective

    My 28yo daughter thanks to her boyfriend superlative efforts in securing tickets was able to attend Taylor’s last Melbourne concert on Sunday last week. Sellout crowd. 96,000 or thereabouts.

    The mood on the train going in and coming home was electric with lots of singing and laughing by passengers. Coming home even the train driver asked over the PA ‘how was the concert folks?’ and got a resounding cheer from everyone on the packed train.

    Despite all the naysayers the vibe in Melbourne last weekend was electric and extremely positive. Taylor is clearly a good role model (although her BF is a bit of a plonker) and there were some interesting letters in The Age this week comparing the behaviour of those attending a Taylor Swift concert at the ‘G to those attending a Collingwood v Carlton match. Chalk and cheese.

    Fast forward to today… my daughter texted me saying she and a girlfriend had secured tickets to one of the Sydney show and were on the day XPT service to Sydney for a ‘girl’s weekend away’ to see Taylor on Saturday. The XPT stops at Strathfield and they would then head out to Olympic Park with the other ‘Ta ta gators” to soak up the vibe.

    Just like the Beatles back in the ’60s. Wasn’t the largest ever crowd to see the Beatles in Adelaide when literally half the city turned out to see them on the motorcade along the Glenelg Highway?

    Fun times.

    Hopefully the weather will behave in Sydney over the next few days.

    Tonight looks to be throwing a classic summer storm at it. The rest of the nights look good. Hope everyone is OK. Nearby lightening has seen part of the stadium told to seek shelter. This is electric!

  18. I will never be able to comprehend just how butthurt some people get from hearing a Welcome to Country. It’s a so single goddamn sentence.

  19. Regarding Dunkley byelection.

    The Liberal candidate is the current City of Frankston Mayor. An earlier post today described his behaviour at an ABC OB as pretty ordinary.

    I have a real problem with Councillors in local government standing for state or federal elections whilst still holding a position.

    If a sitting Councillor wishes to stand for a state or federal seat then they should immediately resign their commission or step aside from their role. No different if you are an employee of local or state government. You must resign or step aside immediately.


    That said the coverage of the election at least in The Age has been non-existent. Either the result is a forgone conclusion or there is little to no interest.

  20. Boerwar:

    Given how concerned you are obviously are about Australia’s housing situation, I take it you are going to start fervently advocating for the only thing that will fix this crisis: policies designed to create enormous increases in housing supply and drastic reductions in house prices?

    R… Right?

  21. Mick Gooda’s comments are as much, if not more, a criticism of people such as Megan Davis and Noel Pearson as it is of Labor.

    I’m sure everyone remembers Pearson’s ‘bedwetter’ response to Gooda’s publicly expressed concerns in the lead up to the referendum.

    When Pearson later himself expressed concern the referendum would fail no one accused him of wetting the bed.

    It was only after the event that he conceded the years, the decades he had spent cosying up to the Libs (and not the Wets, the hardline Tories at that) didn’t amount to a hill of beans when it really mattered.

    It is true and fair to be outraged by the campaign that defeated the referendum.

    But the trend had well and truly been set before Gooda said anything.

    I, like many others, have no confidence that concessions would have changed the Libs’ position from No to Yes. But the truth is we’ll never really know because no one can trust anything Dutton might say in that respect.

  22. @Grant_ExLibris

    From what I understand, Frankston Mayor Nathan Conroy has indeed resigned as Mayor while campaigning as the Liberal candidate for Dunkley.

    This has caused quite a lot of headaches for the council as the acting Mayor in his place has had a lot of troubles in the past few months.

    But I don’t know if he has resigned his actual seat in the Frankston City Council in the meantime.

  23. I suspect some of those criticising Albo for sharing an experience with 50,000 young Australians are closet Charlie Kirk devotees

  24. ”I will never be able to comprehend just how butthurt some people get from hearing a Welcome to Country. It’s a so single goddamn sentence.”

    Right-wingers are assimilationists. They want first Nations people to go away, in the sense of assimilating into the broader population or going back to the fringes.

  25. I’ll go one step further.

    Mick Gooda has been an exceptional public servant over the course of his career, deserving far more respect than has been shown by some here, who profess to support Aboriginal and Islander peoples, either in the past 24 hours or in the period leading to the referendum.

  26. Wranslide

    “ In the spirit of goodwill and so as to assist the Commonwealth Government plough more resources into housing, what say you to the suggestion, perhaps in list form if you will, that defined benefits superannuants should have their windfall gains, on modern standards, wound back significantly?”

    I have differing views on this one, not based on self interest. I was in a state government defined benfit scheme that I had to give up when I moved to Adelaide.

    Many people knew what those schemes were worth 30 years ago and considered it as a factor in their employment decisions. They were valued in salary comparisons. It would retrospectively reduce their income to cut or excessively tax them now.

  27. Kirsdarkesays:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 6:34 pm
    …are people seriously bitching about Albanese attending the Taylor Swift concert?

    I mean we get it that you’d rather he be locked in an iron coffin with spikes on the inside, but you’re really meant to maybe not say ridiculous things like that in public settings without coming across as cooked fruit-loops.

    After Lars started Tay Taying, Lars lost the plot or (some may say) bearings.
    US Conservatives became reactionaries overnight after Taylor Swift supported Biden re-election.
    Maybe that disease is spreading here. Who knows!

  28. If the rumor is true about Albo going to a private Katy Perry concert at Pratt’s house might be a worse look than going to Tay Tay but Albo doesn’t strike me as a pop fan but he is a music fan.

  29. Grant and Kirsdarke
    What I don’t understand is why lower pre-poll is an indication that opposition may not do well.
    Can you clarify that?

  30. @Ven

    I can’t really back it up without rummaging around for references, but I think the general idea is that if voters are seriously pissed off at a government in a by-election in which they’re defending one of their own seats, then voters would be motivated enough to turn up on day 1 en masse with the intention of voting against them.

    If that isn’t the case, then it’s probably a more casual affair, just turn up when you get the chance and vote as you do in any other election in order to do the usual civic duty and avoid the fine.

  31. There are a lot of people who mouth ‘sovereignty was never ceded’ without really engaging with what it means.

    Those who hate welcomes/acknowledgment to/of country are divided between the simple minded ‘I don’t like it’ racists and those who fear for the legitimacy of the Australian state.

    Who are also racists.

  32. “I am so over the coverage of Taylor Swift – Sydney is just so far behind the times – Swift is so last week here in Melbourne.”
    First time Melbourne’s been ahead of Sydney since the temporary Parliament was setup there.

  33. ‘Asha says:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 6:44 pm


    Given how concerned you are obviously are about Australia’s housing situation, I take it you are going to start fervently advocating for the only thing that will fix this crisis: policies designed to create enormous increases in housing supply and drastic reductions in house prices?

    R… Right?’
    I have previously listed policies that I support that would address the gross imbalance between supply and demand.

    Here is one. Stop tourism. This one is blindingly obvious. When covid knocked out tourism it ALSO knocked out homelessness completely. It was not that hard, actually. How did that happen? Governments paid for homeless people to stay in tourism accommodation. Plus you save on carbon emissions big time. Plus you improve biodiversity outcomes. Plus you actually use tourism subsidies to do some good instead of subsidizing middle class tourism consumption.

    Here is another. Net migration to be set at the equivalent to actual dwelling construction.

    Here is another. Empty house tax. Proceeds to go to accelerating construction of housing for homeless people.

    Here is another. The next time Labor comes up with $10 billion to build houses for homeless people the Greens just get out of the fucking way and stop delaying it for six months.

    Get rid of negative gearing.

  34. Rewi says:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 6:55 pm

    I’ll go one step further.

    Mick Gooda has been an exceptional public servant over the course of his career, deserving far more respect than has been shown by some here, who profess to support Aboriginal and Islander peoples, either in the past 24 hours or in the period leading to the referendum.’
    Gooda, P1, Rewi and others who are defending the Peter Dutton who lives in some sort of alternative history fever dream could gain just a tiny smidge of credibility and respect by making a lengthy list of all those positive things that Dutton did for Indigenous people over the past decade.

  35. Boerwar

    How would we stop tourism?

    The other ideas you’ve given have clear policy prescriptions, but ‘stop tourism’ is a bit vague. Would you just stop spending public money promoting tourism, or is something more required.

  36. ‘Asha says:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 7:28 pm


    Fair enough!

    Though, I thought you were against removing negative gearing?’
    I’m for it. What I have said is that any government that is sick of being the government and does not want to be the government after the next election should promise to get rid of negative gearing.

  37. ‘Rewi says:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 7:29 pm


    How would we stop tourism?

    The other ideas you’ve given have clear policy prescriptions, but ‘stop tourism’ is a bit vague. Would you just stop spending public money promoting tourism, or is something more required.’
    Finished sniping? Or is this a variation on the theme? You could start by letting us all know whether you support the continuation of the industry which generates 8% of global CO2 emissions, which is predominately the domain of the world’s wealthy people, which is terrible for biodiversity and which has a massive housing opportunity cost to homeless people.

  38. ‘Mexicanbeemer says:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 7:35 pm

    Tourism will never be banned.’
    The world’s wealthy people would never stand for it?

  39. Boerwar

    Your assertion that I defend Dutton, as any objective observer will see, has no bearing in reality. Your refusal to engage with perfectly reasonable questions that flow from your hyperbole is laughable.

    As usual, your odious pugnacity blinds you to all but your fantasy world in which all who criticise you or your arguments are instantly your enemies, to be torn asunder by repetitious abuse and slander.

    It is the aspect of your character simultaneously most repulsive and humorous.

    3.5 stars.

  40. Boerwarsays:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 7:39 pm
    ‘Mexicanbeemer says:
    Friday, February 23, 2024 at 7:35 pm

    Tourism will never be banned.’
    The world’s wealthy people would never stand for it?
    Most people travel and enjoy doing it.

  41. Serious suggestion about global transport, what are the barriers to utilizing mainly wind and solar power to shipping?

    I mean, ships have been powered by wind for literally thousands of years. Backing that up with modern solar power for when the wind isn’t there, which as far as I know usually happens mostly in clear conditions when there’s plenty of sunlight available, and there’s a fairly decent alternative to fossil fuel shipping.

    Obviously it’ll take quite a while for the technology to be perfected, but, once it is, it does sound pretty good. No fuel required, just sunlight and wind, with of course some fossil fuel as a backup, but not as the primary fuel source.

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