Polls: Newspoll and Resolve Strategic (open thread)

Little change from Newspoll, but the first Resolve Strategic poll for the year produces a somewhat unexpected fillip for the Coalition.

The Australian reports the three-weekly Newspoll shows no change on two-party preferred, with Labor maintaining a lead of 52-48, and little change on the primary vote, with Labor down one to 33%, the Coalition steady on 36%, the Greens steady on 12%, One Nation down one to 6% and others up two to 13%. Anthony Albanese is up a point on approval to 43% and steady on disapproval at 51%, while Peter Dutton respectively steady at 37% and up one to 51%. Albanese’s lead on preferred prime minister is 47-35, out slightly from 46-35. The report provides no information on field work dates or sample size, but the last one was Wednesday to Saturday from a sample of 1245.

UPDATE: It turns out to have been Monday to Friday, with the sample again 1245. Respondents were also told of “a proposal to build several small modular nuclear reactors around Australia to produce zero-emissions energy on the sites of existing coal-fired power stations once they are retired”, of which 55% approved and 31% disapproved.

We also have from Nine Newspapers the first Resolve Strategic poll since late November/early December, which is at at odds with its competitors in recording movement to the Coalition: up three points to 37%, with Labor and the Greens each down a point, to 34% and 11% respectively, and One Nation up one to 6%. My own estimate of two-party preferred based on preference flows in 2022 is a narrowing from around 54.5-45.5 to 52-48. This pollster had hitherto been comfortably the strongest series for Labor, but these numbers bring it back to the field.

There are also peculiarities on personal ratings: Anthony Albanese records a five-point increase in approval (or to be more precise, the sum of his good plus very good results) to 41% with disapproval (poor plus very poor) down one to 47%, but his lead as preferred prime minister has narrowed from 42-28 to 39-32. Peter Dutton is up one on approval to 35% and down three to disapproval to 45%. Further findings from the poll include 52% support and 14% opposition to the revised stage three tax cuts. It was conducted Wednesday to Saturday from a sample of 1603.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

894 comments on “Polls: Newspoll and Resolve Strategic (open thread)”

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  1. MB:

    The housing crisis isn’t limited to the inner city. Even in rural areas, the prices have become eye-wateringly high.

    I just moved permanently abroad instead. The alternative would quite possibly have been homelessness. But I am fortunate enough to be in a situation where I can pack up my entire life and work anywhere on the world (time-zones and internet connections permitting). Many are not so lucky.

  2. Nath:

    I’m a balding 35-year-old man with too much hair in the wrong places and what could charitably be described as a dad bod. Sex work is not an industry I would thrive in.

  3. Sprocket

    “Toyota biting the EV bullet..

    Experience a new kind of freedom

    Brought to you by the pioneers of Hybrid electrification, the All-Electric Toyota bZ4X is more than just a means to travel between your worlds – it’s an extension of them. Adapting to your everyday needs with the performance, comfort and technology to take you further in an electric vehicle than you ever thought possible.

    Available in 2WD (Front-Wheel Drive) and All-Wheel Drive, with two-tone paint options at an additional cost.”
    – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – — –
    Notice that, despite their complaints, Toyota have within one month of the release of the Vehicle Emissions policy, started selling an EV here they previously did not import. EV choice is increasing. The policy is working already, and it is not yet in force.

    Claims car importers “could not” survive with this policy, or that it would raise 4WD prices $10K plus were pure BS. Importers bring in more efficient models to keep their fleet average under the limit, exactly as the policy intends. Gold star, Chris Bowen 🙂

  4. nathsays:
    Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 4:59 pm
    I’d like to see a new city built. It would give young people s chance to get in on inner city properties. I’m designating somewhere between Morwell and Traralgon. Make it so.

    That’s where Dutton wants to put the MSRs too. Though as MSRs don’t exist they should be right. Though if they should suddenly start existing. I wouldn’t want to live next to one. Especially the cheap and nasty option type that Dutton would likely want to keep costs as low as possible.

  5. Ashasays:
    Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 5:00 pm

    The housing crisis isn’t limited to the inner city. Even in rural areas, the prices have become eye-wateringly high.

    I just moved permanently abroad instead. The alternative would quite possibly have been homelessness. But I am fortunate enough to be in a situation where I can pack up my entire life and work anywhere on the world (time-zones and internet connections permitting). Many are not so lucky.
    Prices are eye watering and its difficult to justify because we are seeing nice ordinary houses with small backyards going for prices that in other countries would be grand mansions on large estates.

  6. Steve

    “What about F… him off,F… him off?

    Hes off to be a failure at his next job.”

    Your lyrics are probably better and more appropriate. I am reminded of the live version of The Angels’ “Am I Ever Gonna See Your face Again”, which would have also been an ideal curtain call for Scomo.

  7. Another lib in Wa emailed on Friday Brian Burke to contact him if he needed assistance.WTF squared!

    Stupid service’s Australia under labor are telling pensioners to wait five months to get a pension.
    That went into Dunkley and Tasmania via a current affair channel nine last night .
    A current Affair viewers are in the older demographic.
    Extremely damaging for Labor with voters state and federally watching that with 1.1 Million yep over a million claims backlog.

    Vote killer.

  8. Asha, that fits right in with a custom video idea I have. Here are the broad outlines:

    A corn-fed harvest mouse, a hooker, a nun, a Flemish peasant woman, whips, chains, whistles yo-yo’s, a circus midget. My grandmother riding by on a bicycle gives me the finger, and a duck!

    I’ll fill you in on the rest later.

  9. Morrison quote:

    “I suspect that much of our disillusion with politics today and our institutions is that we have put too much faith in them. At the end of the day, the state and the market are just run by imperfect people, like all of us. While politics may be an important and necessary place for service, I would also warn against it being a surrogate for finding identity, ultimate meaning and purpose in life. There are far better options than politics.”

    Pretty sad, really. Both for him personally and the nation. Having the honour of representing ones fellow men and women should actually be the highlight of your life, apart from the love of your family. Why bother going into it if you believe its just “another job”. Leave it for someone who does think its important – say, like Michael Towke.

    Reminds me of Tony Abbott 1999 attitude’s that we can’t have politicians involved in selecting the Head of State as you can’t trust them.

    Why do Liberal politicians think Liberal politicians are all such terrible people???

  10. I run pay-to-play Dungeons & Dragons games and do some occasional freelance writing / editing (Though ChatGPT has stuffed me pretty hard on the latter.) Technically, that makes me a professional dungeon master, but I typically avoid calling myself that as it suggests something very different.

  11. Guardian Australia , has spotted this during question time today

    The Australian’s Dennis Shanahan was sitting in the gallery today. Mike Bowers watched as Peter Dutton’s eyes returned to his seat throughout the question time session.

    Is this a warning sign for Dutton ?

  12. Polish farmers protesting against Ukrainian grain imports are clearly Russian stooges. How else to explain that they break into trucks and railcars and dump hundreds of tons of Ukrainian grain from them onto roads and railway tracks – and yet Russian grain can enter freely without a squeak of protest from them? At least Latvia is calling them out for it and urging a stop to be put to importing grain from Russia:

    “Latvia has banned the import of Russian grain at the legislative level, and is now proposing that the EU undertake similar measures, since all such products can be replaced by cereals harvested in Ukraine.

    “Everything that’s imported from Russia can be imported from Ukraine. And in this way, we will help Ukraine and not help Russia support its war machine,” [Latvian Minister of Agriculture Armands Krauze] added.


  13. Asha, I don’t know anything about D&D but when I was a kid I read the dragonlance novels which I think were based on D&D or something.

  14. ‘nath says:
    Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 5:24 pm

    BW, once those open cut mines start being turned into lakes and parks, that whole area is going to be quite something.’
    … somewhere in one of the cooling ponds a population of tropical fish is living on borrowed time.

  15. Boerwarsays:
    Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 5:27 pm
    ‘nath says:
    Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 5:24 pm

    BW, once those open cut mines start being turned into lakes and parks, that whole area is going to be quite something.’
    … somewhere in one of the cooling ponds a population of tropical fish is living on borrowed time.

    Unless global warming saves them?. Though don’t tell the LNP that. They could just run on that angle. We need global warming so people can barramundi fish at Morwell.

  16. @FUBAR, last night:

    ““@Arky: 94% of Australian private schools are owned & operated by organised church bodies (i.e., religions). And the great majority of those are none too shy about their desire that only co-religionists should send their kids to those schools.”

    Utter bollocks. Where do you get this garbage?”

    Deakin University, why do you ask?


  17. Morrison quote:

    “I suspect that much of our disillusion with politics today and our institutions is that we have put too much faith in them. At the end of the day, the state and the market are just run by imperfect people, like all of us. While politics may be an important and necessary place for service, I would also warn against it being a surrogate for finding identity, ultimate meaning and purpose in life. There are far better options than politics.”


    “I refuse to accept you are disillusioned with me and my lies. Unless every one of you is perfect, you have no right to criticise me for a single lie, broken promise, unordered vaccine, Robodebt death, rape coverup or child detained on Manus Island. Besides, I can make more money outside of politics now.”

  18. Socratessays:
    Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 5:37 pm


    “Good riddance to bad rubbish”

  19. Entropy says:
    Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 5:34 pm

    Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 5:27 pm
    ‘nath says:
    Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 5:24 pm

    BW, once those open cut mines start being turned into lakes and parks, that whole area is going to be quite something.’
    … somewhere in one of the cooling ponds a population of tropical fish is living on borrowed time.

    Unless global warming saves them?. Though don’t tell the LNP that. They could just run on that angle. We need global warming so people can barramundi fish at Morwell.’
    That had occurred to me. The trend lines will not meet before the tropical fish die. However, in a cruel twist of fate, the trend lines are moving quickly enough to ensure that the fish will not have a chance to evolve.

  20. Boerwar says:
    Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 5:31 pm
    Peter Lewis on the polling and Dutton’s chances in the next federal election.

    What Peter Lewis refuses to state
    federal Lib/nats need over 40% to get into federal government and to hold onto government
    The Lib/nats combined primary vote was 45.5% (91 seats),when Abbott became prime minister after 7th sept 2013

    2016 the lib/ nats combined primary vote was 42.0% (76 seats), the Turnbull led lib/nats government was retained

    2019 the lib/nats combined primary vote was 41.5% (77 seats), the Morrison led lib/nats government was retained

    2022 the lib/nats combined primary vote 35.7% (58 seats) , the Morrison led lib/nat government was voted out

    Presently the Dutton led lib/nats opposition are in a worst position ,after the 2022 federal election , they have 55 seats
    and the opinion polling have lib/nats combined primary vote at 36% , which is no real advantage over the 2022 federal election

  21. Following on from earlier discussions here on Ukraine’s inability to freely, fairly and safely conduct elections while so much of the country is an active war zone, if not under hostile military occupation:

    “President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said at a press conference yesterday that any narrative questioning his legitimacy as a result of Ukraine’s postponing elections is clearly part of Russia’s informational campaign against Ukraine.

    Ukraine’s planned presidential election in May has been called off due to the state of martial law and constant attacks from Russia, according to Kyiv.

    Zelenskyy said that neither Western allies nor Ukrainian politicians doubted his legitimacy during wartime.

    “All G7 intelligence agencies have the evidence. It’s clear to everyone that this is a Russian program. Everyone is against it,” Zelenskyy said.”


  22. Much is made of interest rates.

    When the ASX200 debuted in April 2000 at 3,182 Points, the AUD 10 Year Bond Yield was 6.37%.

    The ASX was at 3,168 and the DJIA 11,113.

    From the end of 2000, the AUD 10 Year Bond Yield had a 5 in front of it, then back to a 6.

    In 2015 the AUD 10 Year Bond Yield started trending down, to under 1% from 2019 until the current quote of 4.15%

    So 220 Basis Points below the quote in April 2000.

    And similarly less that the history of the quotes until post 2015 and the trend line in evidence post 2015 including into 2019.

    So do we critique interest rates on the long term OR on the “goldilocks” period from 2019 until 2022, “goldilocks” because the AUD 10 Year Bond Yield had a 0 in front of it, unprecedented.

    It is noted that the RBA Board is charged with containing inflation to within the 2/3% band (2% in the USA).

    Given inflation at 3% plus the cost of money added to that, where does that leave the outlook for interest rates?

    Some lending institutions are already lowering their Term Deposit Rates from near or above 5%

    Bank Treasuries arbitrage their book.

    That is how they make their money (including on volume)

  23. “Either these communities dodge a bullet or it will be Black Saturday 2009 all over again but worse”

    The weather forecast is for low 40s in parts of the state. Melbourne was 46.4 Celsius on Black Saturday. It is suppose to be 37 Celsius tomorrow. They are bad conditions but they are certainly not Black Saturday conditions though.

  24. @Grant_ExLibris

    Very true. The entire town of Beaufort (around 2000 residents) is in serious danger, not to mention the fact that the Western Highway between Melbourne and Adelaide is likely to be closed, so big logistical problems are likely to chain onto the fire danger.

  25. Rex Douglassays:
    Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 4:34 pm
    Polling specifically on S3 has shown that Gallagher and Chalmers were right in demanding Albo agree to the change.

    Yes, as were those few of us here who went against the tide and argued that far from being catastrophic for Labor it would actually be a plus for them politically. It was so obvious.

  26. @Entropy

    While the temperatures and winds aren’t particularly strong compared to Black Saturday 2009, it’s the fact that a major fire has been burning in the area there since last week and the conditions are likely to get it going back to dangerous levels again. Plus it hasn’t rained there significantly since January, so there’s a lot of dried out undergrowth from the Christmas rains that are likely to fuel the fires there.

  27. Some interesting votes on the Senate hours of meeting and order of business today.

    All relating to the Labor S3 changes bills. In short, the Greens voted with the Coalition to bring on debate – and what looks like either pulling an all nighter or more likely, concocting some other embuggerance on good government.

    Greens/Coalition motion https://www.aph.gov.au/~/media/7FF58C79EBD14C368660F2347B05A914

    It’s been a while since the Greens have pulled this type of stunt –

  28. Rex:

    Polling specifically on S3 has shown that Gallagher and Chalmers were right in demanding Albo agree to the change.

    Do you have any evidence for this claim that Gallagher and Chalmers had to “demand” the changes from the PM?

  29. Boerwar @ #733 Tuesday, February 27th, 2024 – 4:16 pm

    In relation to allowing uniformed members of the NSW police march in the Mardi Gras:


    Strong support here:

    Broadcaster Julie McCrossin said she hoped police would be able to march.

    “As someone arrested multiple times during the early days of gay liberation in 1970s Sydney, this cultural change and inclusiveness was what we were fighting for,” she said on social media site X, formerly Twitter.

    Independent state MP Alex Greenwich, whose Sydney electorate covers the parade’s Oxford Street route, said he hoped police would march despite organisers reflecting community concerns about policing practices.

    “But we’re only going to address that working together,” he said.

    City of Sydney mayor Clover Moore agreed it would be a pity if police did not march.

    “It’s taken years to get the police to have a positive attitude about diverse communities, including the LGBTQ-plus community and we need to constantly educate them,” she said.

  30. Kirsdarke

    Agree +1

    The local authorities including the CFA have been caught out and found out.


    I’ve dealt with local CFA brigades in the past … some are excellent and others are incomptent if not to be trusted at all.

  31. Chalmers can’t lose from the S3 changes: He will get credit while Albo will get any criticism:

    According to Mr Milner, now the director of lobbying firm GXO Strategies, Dr Chalmers told colleagues of the decision to break the promise: ‘Tails I win, heads he loses.’

    Mr Milner wrote: ‘Albanese’s relationship with his Treasurer is by all accounts shredded after last week.

  32. Nath:

    Ah. First I’ve heard of this.

    Well, if you can’t trust NewsCorp journalists sharing unsubstantiated leaks from unnamed sources with possible axes to grind, who can you trust?

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