YouGov: 52-48 to Labor (open thread)

The fifth federal opinion poll of the week is the best of the bunch for Labor.

A busy week of federal polling continued yesterday with a new result from YouGov, which had Labor’s two-party lead out from 51-49 to 52-48, from primary votes of Labor 33% (up one), Coalition 36% (down two), Greens 13% (steady) and One Nation 8% (up one). Leadership ratings were not included on this occasion, but there was an Anzac Day-inspired question inviting respondents to choose between assertions that Australia “should be prepared to fight for our country’s values”, favoured by 46%, and that “we should be sceptical of politicians who want to commit troops to wars not necessary to the direct defence of Australia”, favoured by 42%. There was a marked tendency for younger respondents to favour the latter (44% to 34% among the 18-to-24 cohort) and older respondents the former (60% to 34% for those aged 65 and over). The poll was conducted Friday to Tuesday from a sample of 1514.

Results from a YouGov state poll for Queensland will be published at 2pm today in the Courier-Mail. UPDATE: For now it only offers the finding that 53% would prefer Steven Miles to Annastacia Palaszczuk as Premier and 47% vice-versa. Voting intention evidently to follow tomorrow morning.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,485 comments on “YouGov: 52-48 to Labor (open thread)”

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  1. Pru Goward and her odious liberal mates created a huge problem for women with their ‘going home, staying home’ scheme from way back. So many talented and caring people were tossed out, seventy odd domestic violence and homeless teenager services were either closed down or budgeted out of existence. Godless, immoral Tories.

  2. Absurd post Badthinker (1:58pm).

    1. The newly elected MP for Eden Monaro got her own sophomore vote on the back of her own strong performance in the intervening 2 years since the byelection.
    2. The July 2020 by-election was held at about the time that national support – on the back of JobKeeper – for the Morrison LNP government was peaking. Hence the nearly 3% swing it got.
    3. Sentiment against Morrison in Eden-Monaro over the bushfires had actually hardened on the back of a near complete lack of follow through with promises to aid reconstruction.
    4. You are forgetting: it was only well AFTER Higgins broke that it became apparent that Scotty forgot the Pfizer. … and that he backed Palmer over McGowan over border entries into WA. … and so on and so forth.

    So, of course the Morrison LNP were going to get a drubbing in Eden-Monaro in 2022. Higgins or no Higgins.

    This ‘It was the Higgins LIES wot won it for perfidious Labor’ is something nearly the exclusive domain of the cooker end of Newscorpse. It is something I only realised was a thing a few weeks ago when my ‘The Australian’ reading mate regurgitated it over drinks in my local pub. It is risible, and not worthy of genuine discourse. … and yet, here we are. … so I’m guessing it will only be a matter of time before Speersy or some other flog on ‘Their ABC’ starts repeating it. …. Facepalm.

  3. @Badthinker: “Most agree that Albo only got elected on the mistaken belief that Scott Morrison and the Liberal Government did the wrong thing by rape victim Brittany Higgins.”

    As we say on Reddit – “name checks out”.

    I don’t agree that changes in family structure have led to increased domestic violence at all. There is not increased DV now compared to the old days. Once upon a time men beating their wives was sadly treated as unremarkable and beating their children was regarded as proper parenting. It was not held back by the conservative dream of traditional family structures and family values. If anything we today are still paying for the trauma and poor examples inflicted by those violent generations on their children and their children’s children. Many studies have shown the wife beaters and wife killers of today disproportionately grew up in families where they were subject to or witnessed violence from their own fathers, and this is why it’s in large part an issue which can only ultimately be dealt with through parenting and generational change. Until then we’re just triaging the problem as best we can and providing resources to women and children to help them protect themselves.

  4. The Ecofascists have taken to doxxing the minor children of Company Executives who they have already tried to intimidate by doxxing and attempting to vandalise and invade their homes.

  5. I am no militarist but I do not see Oz spending on defence is out of the ordinary when it comes to nations of our size and wealth.
    It is a bummer so much defence hardware is expensive and is procured in the hope it never has to be used. I liken such expenditure to lifeboats on a ship/fire engines in a shed/ambulances in a garage. We all hope we will never need them but sure as hell we are in deep trouble if we do not have access to such gear.
    And, it might be added, how much such we pay say, the captain of our current Collins subs?
    I seem to remember not so many years ago, these guys (assume they were all guys) took home about $90K after tax…..Meanwhile there are those in some offices of our fair nation taking home remuneration in the millions…….at little or no personal physical risk to themselves.
    I have no qualms about and strong defence force and finding the money for it……

  6. FUBARsays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:16 pm
    The Ecofascists have taken to doxxing the minor children of Company Executives who they have already tried to intimidate by doxxing and attempting to vandalise and invade their homes.

    I gather there are doxxing laws coming in. Currently we have a consultation period. You should make a submission. Assuming your accusation is based on fact?.

  7. We are now to believe that the false claims of a political conspiracy to cover up the alleged rape had no impact on the LNP votes in the 2022 election?

    That makes complete sense – only if you are trying to gain separation from the false claims of a cover up start by Wong (according to Samantha Maiden – who was very quick to distance herself from the false claims).

  8. @Bystander: “We’ll agree to disagree on that one Arky. I prefer to take the word of the feminists themselves who are adamant that the problem is getting worse.”

    We live in an era where people love to treat feelpinions as superior to data. Regardless of my sympathy to this cause, the data does not agree it is getting worse. That does not mean it is not a problem very worth solving, but to me there’s a big difference between “it’s getting worse, change course!” and “it’s bad but getting better, maybe we should keep doing more of what we’re doing”, especially since as I’ve noted some of the problem is generational and simply won’t be fixed quickly, you can’t flick a switch and redo the upbringing of hundreds of thousands of men.

    I think the risk of feelpinions here is that they could drive us to depart from policies that actually are working rather than say putting more funding into them so they work even better.

  9. This site has about as much disagreement on it as a series of The Drum where the presenter and all panellists generously and furiously agree with one another.

    The bleeding hearts at this site for women who find themselves in DV situations, the women who find themselves homeless. The women who find themselves driven to addiction and many other terrible lives. The women who are killed. The women who are suicidal.

    Yet, (easily) most posters on here can’t even define a woman.

    So, if you can’t define a sex, how are you going to address a problem? That’s a pretty fundamental problem.

  10. It’s a sad fact that issues like DV and rape are never going to decide elections.

    I reckon the two main things swinging voters consider are:

    1. The state of the economy, as they perceive it.
    2. Which major party looks like it’s the closest to having its s__t together.

    Last election, I reckon the economy wasn’t that much of an issue, but the Libs and Nats both looked like a mess and Labor looked fairly disciplined.

    End of story. I can’t imagine that the Britney Higgins story had much effect other than to add a little to the overall feeling that the Morrison Government didn’t have its s__t together.

  11. @FUBAR: “We are now to believe that the false claims of a political conspiracy to cover up the alleged rape had no impact on the LNP votes in the 2022 election?”

    Probably a wash with your lot’s false claims about Senator Kitching.

    I still want John Howard to go to jail somehow for Children Overboard, so you should hush now with your indignation about claims that were merely mistaken. The Coalition will win a “who has told the biggest, nastiest porkies to win an election” contest 11 times out of 10.

  12. Andrew_Earlwoodsays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:12 pm
    Absurd post Badthinker (1:58pm).

    Throwing the switch to DV may be genuine, but where’s Albo going with it?
    If there was a Poll of Australian women asking which occupation they trusted most in a leader out of:
    Student Trot [Albo]; Industrial Lawyer [Bandt]; failed soldier [Lambie]; solicitor and Geelong Grammar Old Boy [Marles];
    or Policeman [Dutton], which way do you think they’d vote?
    Would Dutton have felt the collars of more DV offenders than Albo has eaten Choccie cakes on the Kokoda Track?

  13. Arkysays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:25 pm
    @Bystander: “We’ll agree to disagree on that one Arky. I prefer to take the word of the feminists themselves who are adamant that the problem is getting worse.”

    We live in an era where people love to treat feelpinions as superior to data. Regardless of my sympathy to this cause, the data does not agree it is getting worse. That does not mean it is not a problem very worth solving, but to me there’s a big difference between “it’s getting worse, change course!” and “it’s bad but getting better, maybe we should keep doing more of what we’re doing”, especially since as I’ve noted some of the problem is generational and simply won’t be fixed quickly, you can’t flick a switch and redo the upbringing of hundreds of thousands of men.

    Data can be misleading or lagging but the data suggests there is a growing divide between women and men along educational grounds. This from Diversity Council of Australia is about work but it feedbacks to attitudes about relationships.

  14. FUBARsays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:25 pm
    We are now to believe that the false claims of a political conspiracy to cover up the alleged rape had no impact on the LNP votes in the 2022 election?

    That makes complete sense – only if you are trying to gain separation from the false claims of a cover up start by Wong (according to Samantha Maiden – who was very quick to distance herself from the false claims).

    It was Reynolds who made false claim actually. It was Kitching that was victim of her false claim plus other ALP female senators. Reynolds claims have now been proven false though. As the only person in the ALP that knew before the allegations were aired was Gallagher. Though we now know only 4 days before not the 2 weeks Reynolds falsely claimed. We also now know that Gallagher was only told after the Higgins interview had been done. So she had no way to weaponize anything in that interview. Which is another false claim by Reynolds.

    Ironically is was LNP poster boy Bruce leaking all of Higgins and Sharav’s personal phone messages. That has established that Reynolds was a liar. Who had made up false claims against ALP female senators. Presumably for attempted political gain for the LNP?. What is not clear is did Reynolds carry out these nasty false framing actions on her own or was this all gamed via the LNP dirty tricks unit?.

  15. What is this campaign to have DV murders declared to be “acts of terrorism”?

    Meanwhile, in many parts of the world, there is a tendency by the authorities not to apply the term “terrorism” to acts of violence committed by “lone wolf” Islamic extremists Eg, I remember some people suggesting that Man Monis (another great moment for our bail systems) was just bonkers and not really a terrorist.

    What a Lewis Carroll type of world we would live in if someone like Daniel Billings was declared a “terrorist” and Man Monis wasn’t?

  16. Jim Chalmers is expected to rebuff expensive pre-budget recommendations by the economic inclusion advisory committee, which has called for big increases to JobSeeker and working age payments that business fears could act as a disincentive to work and fuel inflation.
    The committee, chaired by former Labor deputy leader and left-wing powerbroker Jenny Macklin, made 22 recommendations that would cost taxpayers tens of billions of dollars including a substantial JobSeeker rate increase to 90 per cent of the age pension.
    The four recommendations around working age payments include the government committing to a timeframe for staged JobSeeker increases and immediately increasing remote area allowance payments. “An increase in the rate of JobSeeker and related payments to 90 per cent of the age pension would cost approximately $4.6bn per annum and represent around 0.43 per cent of total household consumption and 0.16 per cent of GDP,” the committee report said. “There may be a one-off marginal increase to inflation if the additional payments fully flowed through to household spending, but any change is likely to be small to negligible and depend on how such a change is implemented. “In its deliberations on this issue, the committee acknowledged the difficulty of calculating the likelihood of any increase in inflation due to the proposed rise in JobSeeker and related payments.”
    The report suggests the committee was advised that “any impact would likely be small to negligible … this is primarily because the increases represent a small share of overall expenditure in the economy”.
    The Albanese government is expected to include new or extended cost-of-living supports in the May 14 budget but has ruled-out any major cash splashes. The budget is expected to continue energy relief measures backed by state and territory governments.

  17. Badthinkersays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:34 pm
    ……….Would Dutton have felt the collars of more DV offenders than Albo has eaten Choccie cakes on the Kokoda Track?
    Only if he was much more effective as a cop than he was as Minister for Home Affairs.

  18. Holdenhillbillysays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:39 pm
    Jim Chalmers is expected to rebuff expensive pre-budget recommendations by the economic inclusion advisory committee, which has called for big increases to JobSeeker and working age payments that business fears could act as a disincentive to work and fuel inflation.
    The disabled are ignored but this government wants to be reelected to do super on paid parental leave.

  19. meher baba @ #517 Friday, April 26th, 2024 – 2:37 pm

    What is this campaign to have DV murders declared to be “acts of terrorism”?

    Because the LNP are bad faith actors who are trying to sling mud at Labor anyway they can. They are like Humpty Dumpty, making words mean what they want, rather that what they mean.

  20. Donald Trump is getting destroyed in this trial by two surprising witnesses ……. Bill Palmer

    If you were to guess heading into Donald Trump’s criminal trial which witnesses would end up putting the biggest dent in him, you’d probably say Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels. And by the time those two finish testifying, that could well end up being the case. But in the meantime, two other surprising witnesses are dismantling Trump already.

    The first is David Pecker, who was expected by outside observers to merely corroborate Cohen’s upcoming testimony in advance. Instead Pecker spent Tuesday confessing that he and Trump conspired to rig the 2016 election from start to finish by running strategically timed fake stories about everyone from Ted Cruz to Hillary Clinton. This testimony alone establishes that when Trump cooked his own books, it was with the intent of covering up a larger crime, and it puts Trump on track for conviction. But that’s only the half of it.

    The second witness who’s destroying Trump right now is Karen McDougal, who hasn’t even taken the stand yet. McDougal has kept a very low public profile of late, but she had a far lengthier affair with Trump than Stormy Daniels did. Pecker is testifying today about how the National Enquirer bought McDougal’s story with no intention of running it, specifically to keep news of the affair from hurting Trump during the 2016 election.

    So not only did Trump and Pecker criminally conspire to use fake news to rig the 2016 election, they also conspired to bury real news stories. When Karen McDougal takes the stand, she’ll no doubt corroborate everything that Pecker is saying.

    We’re looking at a scenario where the testimony of Pecker and McDougal alone will be more than enough to convince the jury to convict Donald Trump on these thirty-four felony charges. By the time Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels take the stand later, prosecutors will just be piling on. But their testimony will be crucial, because while Trump will be convicted, this kind of piling on could be what lands Trump a prison sentence in this trial instead of lesser punishment.

  21. meher babasays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:30 pm
    It’s a sad fact that issues like DV and rape are never going to decide elections.


    You are probably right. As a prominent issue i suspect the Teals have the most to win on the back of it.

  22. “Would Dutton have felt the collars of more DV offenders than Albo has eaten”

    I don’t think having been a copper in 1990s Queensland. Is the winning statement you think it is on a discussion on DV.

  23. Lordbain
    if you can’t define what a woman is, how are you going to address the problem? It’s not “culture baiting,” it’s a serious question.

    IPV is also a serious problem in trans relationships and has been acknowledged by Relationships Australia, the current Federal Government and many other leading authorities.

    Sorry.. that’s Intimate Partner Violence….ipv.

    No single person on this Earth should ever have to put up with violence against them. NOBODY.

    But if you want to virtue signal and elucidate your moral elitism as higher than thou, that’s to the detriment of women as you can’t care for something you never met (since you know not one “woman”).

    Disgusting, actually.

  24. Coffee futures through the roof:
    Insane. Paid $47/k for beans other day, same brand was $32 down to $28 on special the start of 2024.

  25. From the WHO. Gender as refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.

    Gender is hierarchical and produces inequalities that intersect with other social and economic inequalities. Gender-based discrimination intersects with other factors of discrimination, such as ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disability, age, geographic location, gender identity and sexual orientation, among others. This is referred to as intersectionality.

    Gender interacts with but is different from sex, which refers to the different biological and physiological characteristics of females, males and intersex persons, such as chromosomes, hormones and reproductive organs. Gender and sex are related to but different from gender identity. Gender identity refers to a person’s deeply felt, internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond to the person’s physiology or designated sex at birth.

  26. Mexicanbeemer says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:41 pm
    The disabled are ignored…’
    $42 billion in a single year says that you are wrong.

  27. Fair enough Professor Will, and good on Albo for doing it!!!

    Former Prime Minister Gillard couldn’t define a “woman” during her appearance at Oxford.

    So now what?

    Admit that there are people who refuse to define a woman and are, in fact, offended by it. But do you seriously think everyone in his inner Cabinet (or broader parliamentary membership) share that view?

    The QLD Minister for Women can’t even define what a woman is (MP Shanon Fentiman). Ironic (?) that she is man in name, but woman in nature?

    Good lord what a world where we desperately need to help women more than ever and so many people can’t even define the person who needs help.

  28. Boerwarsays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 3:17 pm
    Mexicanbeemer says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:41 pm
    The disabled are ignored…’
    $42 billion in a single year says that you are wrong.
    NDIS budget isn’t a get out of jail card for failing to fix disabled people’s economic disadvantage and exclusion from employment.

  29. I can’t define the universe but i still live in it. I feel such a failure now.

    Lets not even start a discussion on time though. How can anything be done in a timely fashion. When people can’t even define time?.

  30. ‘Mexicanbeemer says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 3:21 pm

    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 3:17 pm
    Mexicanbeemer says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:41 pm
    The disabled are ignored…’
    $42 billion in a single year says that you are wrong.
    NDIS budget isn’t a get out of jail card for failing to fix disabled people’s economic disadvantage and exclusion from employment.’
    So, the disabled are NOT ignored – to the tune of $42 billion a year.

    Other than that, no amount of spending on any social issue can ever be enough.

  31. MarysFarmsays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:26 pm

    The bleeding hearts at this site for women who find themselves in DV situations, the women who find themselves homeless.

    Not many women on Skid Row.
    Because, they may expose themselves to exploitation in order to put a roof over their head.
    Albo could do a lot to help there by directing the spending straight to the DV victim/Homeless woman through Centrelink.

  32. Boerwar
    So, the disabled are NOT ignored – to the tune of $42 billion a year.

    Other than that, no amount of spending on any social issue can ever be enough.
    Not every disabled person is on the NDIS and when it comes to economic inclusion the disabled are ignored.

  33. Mexicanbeemer
    your quote from the WHO helps bolster my point. Thank you.

    Since, then, anyone can identify as a woman (the WHO told us above in your quote…so it must be true).

    (1) The women DV statistics could be inflated as they’re not actually all women (as per your quote); OR
    (2) Women are actually in a terrible spot when it comes to DV rates. In which case, you need to revert back to your definition of “woman” (see point 1 and realise the circular argument you are stuck in).

    Or, (3) Would you actually like to get out of your fantasy, circular, argument and help real women?

  34. Steve777says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:59 pm
    FUBAR @2:18 PM. Citation needed.

    I think it was @2:16pm. I did google “Doxxing and Company Executives” but only got USA stories on it.

  35. Mexicanbeemer says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 3:31 pm

    So, the disabled are NOT ignored – to the tune of $42 billion a year.

    Other than that, no amount of spending on any social issue can ever be enough.
    Not every disabled person is on the NDIS and when it comes to economic inclusion the disabled are ignored.
    $42 billion a year says you are wrong.

  36. Badthinkersays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 3:29 pm
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:26 pm

    The bleeding hearts at this site for women who find themselves in DV situations, the women who find themselves homeless.

    Not many women on Skid Row.
    Because, they may expose themselves to exploitation in order to put a roof over their head.
    Albo could do a lot to help there by directing the spending straight to the DV victim/Homeless woman through Centrelink.

    Sounds a fair enough idea?. Would there be some problems in determining eligibility?. As i’m wondering if there was some reason the LNP never considered doing it during their last 9 years of Government?.

  37. Boerwarsays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 3:32 pm
    Mexicanbeemer says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 3:31 pm

    So, the disabled are NOT ignored – to the tune of $42 billion a year.

    Other than that, no amount of spending on any social issue can ever be enough.
    Not every disabled person is on the NDIS and when it comes to economic inclusion the disabled are ignored.
    $42 billion a year says you are wrong.

    The royal commission into people with disabilities says you are wrong.

  38. Today some economists are saying at the next rba meeting in two weeks an interest rate rise will occur.
    Labor is losing control of inflation reduction.

  39. MarysFarm:

    “The QLD Minister for Women can’t even define what a woman is (MP Shanon Fentiman). Ironic (?) that she is man in name, but woman in nature?”

    At last, a question I know the answer to. No, not ironic.

  40. $42 billion a year demonstrates conclusively that the disabled are not ignored.

    Of course no social security spend is ever enough.

  41. Arkysays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:32 pm

    I still want John Howard to go to jail somehow for Children Overboard

    For what? Passing on information provided by public servants? That’s a little excessive. Although par for the course for Lefties – plenty of historical examples of Lefties locking up their political opponents.

    How’d you go with the Medibank branded SMS messages from the ALP – nothing to see here?

  42. I see that the states and territories reckon the Commonwealth should give them an extra
    $12 billion in funding for education.

    The queue for free money is getting longer. The empty bags are getting larger.

    The queue of those who think that somebody else should pay more tax is growing longer.

    The queue of those who think they should pay more tax does not exist.

    And so it goes.

  43. Entropy says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:36 pm

    You just won’t accept Justice Lee’s decision.

    No one except fringe conspiracy theory believers agree with anything you write on the subject.

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