YouGov: 52-48 to Labor (open thread)

The fifth federal opinion poll of the week is the best of the bunch for Labor.

A busy week of federal polling continued yesterday with a new result from YouGov, which had Labor’s two-party lead out from 51-49 to 52-48, from primary votes of Labor 33% (up one), Coalition 36% (down two), Greens 13% (steady) and One Nation 8% (up one). Leadership ratings were not included on this occasion, but there was an Anzac Day-inspired question inviting respondents to choose between assertions that Australia “should be prepared to fight for our country’s values”, favoured by 46%, and that “we should be sceptical of politicians who want to commit troops to wars not necessary to the direct defence of Australia”, favoured by 42%. There was a marked tendency for younger respondents to favour the latter (44% to 34% among the 18-to-24 cohort) and older respondents the former (60% to 34% for those aged 65 and over). The poll was conducted Friday to Tuesday from a sample of 1514.

Results from a YouGov state poll for Queensland will be published at 2pm today in the Courier-Mail. UPDATE: For now it only offers the finding that 53% would prefer Steven Miles to Annastacia Palaszczuk as Premier and 47% vice-versa. Voting intention evidently to follow tomorrow morning.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,485 comments on “YouGov: 52-48 to Labor (open thread)”

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  1. I was just out in Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn and the local state MP and LOTO John Pesutto was out with a staffer with a big camera. He was looking in a luggage shop win and said to the staff he was in a need of new bag. I wonder if that is in case he is sent packing.

  2. Bill Shorten says Services Australia is “headed in the right direction”, announcing the agency has processed 500,000 backlogged claims in the span of 10 weeks.
    The Government Services Minister said the onboarding of 3000 additional staff had helped the agency reduce its claims backlog from a peak of 1.35 million earlier this year, to about 850,000.
    The backlog is expected to be back at what is considered a normal level of 500,000 by the middle of 2024.
    Services Australia processes payment claims for Centrelink and Medicare services, including JobSeeker, the Disability Support Pension and parental payments. “We absolutely acknowledge the frustration of people waiting for payments, but for the first time in a long time we are headed in the right direction,” Mr Shorten said. “This is what good government looks like. “These new recruits helped reduce claims by almost 40 per cent and Australians will continue to see improvements as the new staff increase their skills and experience.

  3. Arkysays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 10:51 am
    Bloody Scott Morrison has probably just put a large cohort of the population off using antidepressants that they might need very much, just from the association.

    It’s generally very helpful for high profile people to be open about mental health issues and medication to remove the stigma, but that doesn’t apply to unpopular politicians.


    Just WTF???

  4. Luigi Smithsays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 10:57 am
    If I recall correctly, the LMITO was introduced by the LNP as part of the Stage 1 tax cuts. It was always intended to be a temporary measure for (as the name suggests) low and middle income earners. The other part of Stage 1 was a permanent reduction for greater-than-median income earners by increasing the 37% marginal rate threshold to $90,000.

    Agree entirely with your post. The current tax settings we have now are those entirely put in place by the LNP Government. It want be until we are in the 2024/25 tax year that any modifications to the tax settings put in place by the LNP will kick in. With the S3 tax settings scheduled by the LNP coming in the that financial year. Which now include Labors changes to those setting. The problem Labor faced was not only had the LNP been responsible for tax settings for their last 9 years of Government. They had put in place legislation to control the tax settings up to 3 years after they left Government with their S3 legislation not scheduled to apply till next financial year.

  5. @Bystander:
    “In 20/21 a survey was done showing that a woman was being killed on average every fifteen days. (24 per year). Four years later it appears to be more than twice that. In fact there has been a steady increase over the last thirty years, or so. So what’s going on? What are we doing wrong?”

    I am going to call massive bullshit on this one sorry.

    Australia’s homicide rate since 1990 has more than halved, and that is as true for women as it is for men. I don’t know where you’re getting your stats.

    Here you go, see for yourself:

    And all mentions of 20/21 in statistical arguments set off red flags for me because it’s the pandemic year and people use “since 20/21” in statistical argument to pull all sorts of nonsense about rises or falls that only apply because that year was an outlier.

    I am not at all saying there’s not a problem. But the problem has not been getting bigger and the steps taken over the past 30 years HAVE been working. There’s just further to go.

  6. From BK yesterday, thanks.

    The chair of Mental Health Australia has quit his position at the peak body, citing his frustration with the Albanese government’s inaction on mental health. Natassia Chrysanthos writes that in a move that will intensify scrutiny on Labor’s dedication to the issue, Matt Berriman, a former cricketer and businessman who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and attempted suicide, resigned yesterday after three years petitioning the government to improve the system.

    Many here think the perennial Labor government desire for a budget surplus is all important. But improved mental health programs are likely one of the casualties.

    World reknown Psychiatrist and 2012 Australian of The Year Patrick McGorry said the Bondi Stabbings by Joel Cauchi were ‘preventable’ if we had a functioning mental health system.

    As well as many millions of adults and children, 1 in 6 Australian children, living in poverty.

    Of course reduced funding of military equipment and direct money to community needs would also help.

  7. Arkysays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:18 am

    If the population is 4 times larger and homicide rates have halved. The number of homicides will have doubled. Obviously this is a stupid use of statistics though. You are totally correct that these numbers should be expressed as per capita rates and not be manipulated by dubious quantification that doesn’t take into account population increase.

  8. We’ll agree to disagree on that one Arky. I prefer to take the word of the feminists themselves who are adamant that the problem is getting worse.

  9. Holdenhillbilly says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:10 am
    Chalmers the GOAT:
    Stephen Koukoulas @TheKouk
    Looks like there will be a second straight budget surplus – 2023-24 is looking solid for a surplus.
    Excellent news and shows just how tight budget settings are and how fiscal policy is aiding the anti-inflation trend.


    Budget surpluses mean some community needs are unfunded. Usually effecting the many million low income earners, or those on benefits.

    And the 1 in 6 Australian children living in poverty. The gap between the haves and have nots is rising under the Albanese Labor government.

    And we know, as Alan Kohler pointed out, the government’s enormous immigration program and unwillingness to fund the over 650,000 needed low rental social housing properties, has meant rents are steadily rising.

    This is one of the main reasons why inflation is still higher than the Reserve Bank wants.

    The Albanese government is actively working against the Reserve Bank.

    Does a shortage of affordable rentals, other services lead to more crime?

    Don’t think GOAT applies to Chalmers. Of course he belongs to the right faction of Labor. Whose economic policies are similar to the Liberal Party.

  10. ABS does a Victim of Crime series. 36% of homicides in 2022 were family or domestic violence.

    Victim of Homicide and Homicide related offences
    Male Female
    2010 285 171
    2011 321 148
    2012 311 141
    2013 275 152
    2014 270 148
    2015 263 145
    2016 286 166
    2017 297 132
    2018 249 130
    2019 285 122
    2020 264 133
    2021 259 106
    2022 259 118

    Victims of Murder
    Male Female
    2010 140 93
    2011 155 89
    2012 161 84
    2013 148 92
    2014 151 94
    2015 149 87
    2016 150 81
    2017 144 63
    2018 135 84
    2019 156 68
    2020 150 74
    2021 141 49
    2022 154 67

  11. Entropy says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:23 am
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:18 am

    If the population is 4 times larger and homicide rates have halved. The number of homicides will have doubled. Obviously this is a stupid use of statistics though. You are totally correct that these numbers should be expressed as per capita rates and not be manipulated by dubious quantification that doesn’t take into account population increase.

    The female homicide rates ( are neither age-standardised nor perpetrator-specific. They are simply the crude rates for females over a 30 year period.

  12. Irene says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:20 am

    Do tell – what is your preferred level of Defence Spending?

    What is your preferred force structure? Equipment – personnel?

    How much of Australia are you looking to trade off to an enemy?


    “If an incumbent who loses a very close, hotly contested election knows that a real possibility after leaving office is not that the president is going to be able to go off into a peaceful retirement, but that the president may be criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent, will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country as a democracy?”

    For those still hoping the Supreme Court will in any way dampen Trumps 2024 campaign…

    And yes, the logic is insane, but hey, that is the US

  14. A metric around preventable murders may assist eg a person charged with sexual assault and other charges who is granted bail by a court registrar (even subject to APVO) and then murders the same victim = one preventable murder

  15. Morning all. A belated thanks BK for the morning roundup, which I only just caught up with because Xanthippe and I had a very pleasant brunch at the Magill Estate cafe.

    There are a lot of significant stories this morning. First on Morrison. I have zero sympathy for the worst Australian PM I saw in my life time.

    I have to ask: why did Morrison feel such anxiety? (Why go for the top job if you felt like that?). Was Morrison suffering Imposter Syndrome? Was he scared we would see through him? He should have been.

    This also shows that all Morrison’s uniform cos-play was just image management. Acting the part was all Morrison knew. Was he reassuring himself or us?

  16. Lordbain @ #414 Friday, April 26th, 2024 – 11:39 am

    “If an incumbent who loses a very close, hotly contested election knows that a real possibility after leaving office is not that the president is going to be able to go off into a peaceful retirement, but that the president may be criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent, will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country as a democracy?”

    For those still hoping the Supreme Court will in any way dampen Trumps 2024 campaign…

    And yes, the logic is insane, but hey, that is the US

    I know comparing the US with the Roman era is an exercise fraught with danger but…

    This is starting to remind me of the late Roman Republic era. They had laws that meant whilst you were in major offices you couldnt be charged with crimes, but afterwards once you lost that protection all bets were off. Caesar kept the law at bay for many years by rolling from one senior office to another, but eventually he used his army to stop legal proceedings permanently.

    Of course that last bit wont happen here, but the Supreme Court effectively changing 250 years of practice would be a watermark moment for the US republic.

  17. Irenesays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:28 am
    Holdenhillbilly says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:10 am
    Chalmers the GOAT:
    Stephen Koukoulas @TheKouk
    Looks like there will be a second straight budget surplus – 2023-24 is looking solid for a surplus.
    Excellent news and shows just how tight budget settings are and how fiscal policy is aiding the anti-inflation trend.


    Budget surpluses mean some community needs are unfunded. Usually effecting the many million low income earners, or those on benefits.

    And the 1 in 6 Australian children living in poverty

    And we know, as Alan Kohler pointed out, the government’s enormous immigration program and unwillingness to fund the over 650,000 needed low rental properties, has meant rents are steadily rising.

    This is one of the main reasons why inflation is still higher than the Reserve Bank wants.

    The Albanese government is actively working against the Reserve Bank.

    @Irene making things up again. While it is true the RBA has inflation settings they try adhere too. The also have GDP growth numbers they must adhere to as well. If you totally cut immigration GDP growth would plummet well outside the RBA range too.

    The current immigration rates are no different to under the LNP though. We just getting some backlog due to the Covid years. In fact the number of foreign students in Australia was much higher in 2019 (pre Covid) than they are now.

    “There were 713,144 international students in Australia on 29 February, 2024”

    “In 2019, there were 956,773 enrolments generated by 758,154 full-fee paying international students in Australia”

    Rents are increasing because we don’t have measures in place to encourage first home ownership over investor owners. Which means the rental pool continues to increase. We should take NG tax breaks away from owners of existing properties. Giving it only to those who build new properties. Be they either investors or owner occupiers.

    If paying a mortgage off on a house becomes cheaper than rental costs. Those people on the highest rents will more to home ownership. Making home ownership easier is best way to cap rents. Who is going to live in a house they pay $800 a week for. When they can own an equivalent house paying a mortgage of $750 a week?.

  18. On the debate over male violence vs women, thanks to Arky for posting some data. There have been some terrible crimes committed in the last two weeks. They can blind us to what is going on.

    Overall Australia has seen a halving of the murder rate in the past 30 years as Arky said. Kudos to Howard’s gun law reforms, we also saw a decline in suicides, especially gun related. Men do most of the killing in both cases (suicide and homicide), especially young men in rural areas.,17534#:~:text=OECD%20countries%20with%20the%20highest,lowly%2030th%20on%20the%20table.

    Comparatively Australia’s murder rate is lower than NZ, UK and USA (five times worse!). NZ might validly complain that their rate was bumped up by the 60 killed in Christchurch by an Australian man, sure enough from a rural town.

    What isn’t declining is murders of women by men, mostly from DV, and I think Cat and Victoria had a valid point to raise there. Whether it is social media portrayal, alienation, police inaction, lack of emergency accommodation, or court failings (as Shellbell suggested) we ought to be looking at why one category of murders (male vs female) is going back up.

    Personally, I think the anti-woke far right media BS like suggesting rapist Bruce Lehrmann was the real victim of recent legal and media attention, may be part of the problem. It creates a climate where violence towards women is more likely. It ought to be reined in IMO.

  19. “ Morrison is lucky. In any other country they would have shot him.”


    Wow! Boerwar has got Fronzie’s jacket superglued to his back and water skis wielded to his feet: and he ain’t giving those puppies up for no Bludger.

  20. I am concerned Biden’s ideological commitment to defending Israel is creating a problem for world peace, and indirectly Biden’s reelection. It could suppress enough left wing votes to give Trump the election. THis US video sums it up well.

    I have to go out so will refrain on commenting on the AUKUS story, apart from leaving this link for Andrew Earlwood. It still isn’t too late to back out of AUKUS. The only risk is embarrassement.

  21. ‘Andrew_Earlwood says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 12:04 pm

    “ Morrison is lucky. In any other country they would have shot him.”


    Wow! Boerwar has got Fronzie’s jacket superglued to his back and water skis wielded to his feet: and he ain’t giving those puppies up for no Bludger.’
    Morrison set the national bar. He gets to jump over it.

  22. NSW police have an good data sheet here:

    There are 39,000 ADVOs issued in 2023 and 23,000 breeches of those ADVOs. I presume that there were some ADVOs which were breeched many multiple times – so it is not the case that 60% of ADVO are being breeched in a year.

    There were 29 DV murders in NSW in 2023. It doesn’t say how many were committed where there was a ADVO in place – I presume some of those it was the case, but not all. 16 were women and 3 were children. (I guess 10 were men then?)

  23. Socrates says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 12:05 pm
    I am concerned Biden’s ideological commitment to defending Israel is creating a problem for world peace

    Yeah!! Eff it – let them try and defend themselves. Maybe their neighbours can finish off what the Germans didn’t. You know it makes sense. It’s all the Israeli’s fault. From the River to the Sea!!!! (Not genocidial or racist, apparently).

  24. EmmaMsays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:33 am
    Entropy says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:23 am
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:18 am

    If the population is 4 times larger and homicide rates have halved. The number of homicides will have doubled. Obviously this is a stupid use of statistics though. You are totally correct that these numbers should be expressed as per capita rates and not be manipulated by dubious quantification that doesn’t take into account population increase.

    The female homicide rates ( are neither age-standardised nor perpetrator-specific. They are simply the crude rates for females over a 30 year period.

    I have no problem with that data as it expressed per 100000. I was just warning against using data like homicides rate like 1 homicides per every X days. Then using it to compare to a period well in the past when population was much lower.

    I do believe we have a huge DV problem against women. Though i’m less sure it has just recently occurred. Even if that is what the media wants to currently portray. My feeling is we have always had a huge DV problem against women. Which we should have always done something about and still should. Though everything that has been tried in the past has not really worked. We need to keep trying though.

  25. Steve777 @ #424 Friday, April 26th, 2024 – 12:11 pm

    The Anzac Cultre Wars seemed to be pretty quiet this year, or maybe I wasn’t paying attention.

    I no longer watch free to air TV so didnt see any of the ad nauseum morning TV stuff, but I did catch a bit on the radio during various trips to the shops.

    I think with the moving on of the two older morning TV men from 7 and 9 they chose to tone it all down a little, I think we had peak ANZAC day a few years back and it clearly doesn’t hold eyeballs like it used to.

  26. If ‘the solution’ is for every man accused of DV and/or sexual violence to be refused bailed and locked up on remand then there are going to be a heck of lot of folk in custody waiting trial that are subsequently acquitted outright, or only convicted of crimes that carry lesser sentences than the time served on remand.

    I’m not saying that such ‘preventative measures’ will not be effective in lowering the homicide rates of women, but with potentially thousands upon thousands of men potentially locked up awaiting trial, regardless of an assessment of the strength of the production case, or consideration of the likely penalties if they end up being convicted, perhaps the proposed solution is a tad excess … and perhaps inconsistent with some basic tenants of justice in a free and democratic society.

    I’ve always thought that as a starting point if and when a relationship turns violent .. or even just toxic … it should end.

    Encouraging … and indeed facilitating … abused women to leave a violent relationship … and to maintain a safe distance from their abuser when they do … may be far more effective … and in keeping with our traditions of freedom and individual liberty … than merely locking folk up for months … and in some cases years … on remand, awaiting trial.

    To that end, the LNP kowtowing to ‘the mens movement’ and defunding women’s refuges and programs to assist in this progress is a particularly toxic aspect of the perpetual Kultcha wars were have been stuck with since the cancer of Howard’s Way of politics emerged nearly 30 years ago. On the other hand lifting the ‘show cause’ threshold for bail requirements in cases of charged conduct involving serious assaults (sexual and physical) is something worth looking at objectively, as the alleged perpetrator in the case of the hour does appear to have been facing … not trivial … allegations, when he allegedly murdered his former partner.

  27. ‘Trump admits to another crime’: Social media mocks ex-president’s latest interview answer

    Donald Trump on Thursday was ridiculed on social media after saying in a Newsmax interview that he never incarcerated Hillary Clinton while he was the president simply because he felt it would be “horrible” to do it.

    Dem strategist Adam Parkhomenko replied with some questions:

    “What exactly did Trump do in the process of not putting Hillary Clinton in jail? What conversations and meetings did he have that led him to ultimately make the decision he says he made as he mulled over the crime he would have committed.”

    @ConservBlue2020, who identifies as a former Republican, said Thursday, “This dude literally campaigned ‘on lock her up’. Ya, okay.”

    Popular account @UROCKlive1 had this to say:

    “He SO wanted to put Hillary in jail and was miserably disappointed to learn that he couldn’t actually do that because she hadn’t committed any crimes. He didn’t think that should matter, and that as president he should have every right to lock her up, but DOJ disagreed.”

  28. ‘Socrates says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 12:05 pm

    I am concerned Biden’s ideological commitment to defending Israel is creating a problem for world peace,…’
    That’s interesting.

    For completeness, I am also concerned that Putin’s and Xi’s ideological commitment to defending Iran and its axis is creating a problem for world peace….

    …fortunately for them, neither of them have to face either a free MSM or anything like as embarrassing as a free and fair election.

    Both Israel and Iran and its proxies have at senior levels expressed vision statements that are genocidal. There is a logical inference involved in supporting either.

    IMO, Iran, Hamas, Heshbollah, the Iranian terrorist proxies inside Iraq and Syria and the Houthis have already won this war. The victory is based on the willingness to fight in such a way as to put civilians and civilian infrastructure at risk, the ability to suffer and the ability to turn that suffering into an international victory. The open details include by how much Iran and its axis wins, and when they will have won. The latter is what the negotiations are about.

    Israel has effectively destroyed three things: its national reputation, the moral impact of the Holocaust, and its aura of invincibility. (I use ‘aura’ here because there is more perception than reality in this. In practical conventional and nuclear terms, Israel is effectively still invincible.)

    The implication is that Russia and China are also winners.

    The Western democracies (including Australia) are, collectively, the big losers.

  29. ‘Andrew_Earlwood says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 12:21 pm…’
    Good post, IMO.

    Funding directed at housing for victims of domestic violence and cash payments for victims of domestic violence are both useful, IMO.

  30. Boerwarsays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:50 am
    Morrison is lucky. In any other country they would have shot him.

    In the theoretical country that Morrison proposed that shoots at people marching for women’s right. It is not hard to believe they could do similar for those that draw attention to mental health issues too.

    “Not far from here, such marches, even now are being met with bullets, but not here in this country,” Mr Morrison told Parliament.”

    Note: Any name suggestions for Morrison’s theoretical country, Shootestan?, Gunastan?, Gunnedah, oops that one exists as town though.

  31. Socrates says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 12:05 pm
    I am concerned Biden’s ideological commitment to defending Israel is creating a problem for world peace, and indirectly Biden’s reelection. It could suppress enough left wing votes to give Trump the election. THis US video sums it up well.

    I have to go out so will refrain on commenting on the AUKUS story, apart from leaving this link for Andrew Earlwood. It still isn’t too late to back out of AUKUS. The only risk is embarrassement.

    Agree with everything you have written here.

    Biden’s continuing sending weapons to Israel ( as are British PM Sunak and the German Chancellor, plus even Australia’s small parts input for Israeli weapons) will make many in the US not vote for him.

    The US college protest chant against Biden :
    “Genocide Joe has to go”.

    Likely apply here in Australia too.

    Are all these leaders really aware of Netanyahu’s plan? Gaza land to become desirable homes for Israelis. Apparently being advertised now.

    Could we be so lucky to back out of USUKA?

  32. ‘Bonza says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    “From the River to the Sea!!!! (Not genocidial or racist, apparently).”

    I mean Bibi himself has used that very phrase recently
    All sides in the current fight have expressed genocidal vision statements. As noted previously, if genocide is your vision, then any lesser action that promotes that vision just has to be morally acceptable.

  33. I am just trying to recall all the national programs that Morrison launched when he was Minister for Health to address national mental health issues.

    Did he forget to ask Jenny about what to do?

  34. Bonzasays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 12:26 pm
    “From the River to the Sea!!!! (Not genocidial or racist, apparently).”

    I mean Bibi himself has used that very phrase recently

    Oh – well that completely makes it absolutely fine for everyone.

    I’m sure the Palestinian leadership will be pulled into line at their next election. No?

  35. I still like my anklet+geographic exclusion zones for peeps on AVOs.

    Basically this alerts the police when the AVO subject is moving towards striking distance of his potential quarry.

    My experience with people on AVOs is that it can be quite difficult to police. Setting up a geographic exclusion zone combined with the anklets sets up a strong evidence base for breaking an AVO.

  36. ‘FUBAR says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 12:34 pm

    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 12:26 pm
    “From the River to the Sea!!!! (Not genocidial or racist, apparently).”

    I mean Bibi himself has used that very phrase recently

    Oh – well that completely makes it absolutely fine for everyone.

    I’m sure the Palestinian leadership will be pulled into line at their next election. No?’
    Making genocidal vision statements does not seem to rely on the state of democracy.

    Israel is a damaged democracy but we can still say that the Netanyahu Government represents the democratic will of the people of Israel. To a lesser extent the same could be said for Iran. It can’t be said at all for Heshbollah, Hamas or the Houthies.

    All of the above have made genocidal vision statements.

  37. ‘BK says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 12:36 pm

    Did he forget to ask Jenny about what to do?
    Did God not get around to telling him?’
    She must have run out of eagles.

  38. Bonzasays:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 12:26 pm
    “From the River to the Sea!!!! (Not genocidial or racist, apparently).”

    I mean Bibi himself has used that very phrase recently

    If Bibi said it. It is very likely to be genocidal and racist. As he is in the habit of practicing both.

  39. Of course Irene was sucked in:

    No, an Israeli Real Estate Company Is Not Selling Beachfront Homes in Gaza
    The real estate company’s ads for ‘presale’ lots in Gaza and plans to ‘prepare the groundwork for a return’ to the enclave were meant to be ‘a joke’ for its followers, but inadvertently caused an international scandal

  40. Arky
    I totally agree with you regarding the need for more shelters for women and children who are under threat. It’s a no-brainer.

    I am about to read Erin Pizzey’s book who established the first such shelter in the world (in England) and has since established them in many countries, despite the initial attacks from militant feminists, who were determined to shut her down. Apparently they didn’t take too kindly to her discovery that women can be violent too.

  41. “Biden can’t risk alienating the racist far left
    As US campuses show, today’s antisemitism comes not from torch-wielding thugs but college-educated middle classes”

    “Inside and outside the gates of the university, in the face of counterprotests by pro-Israeli and Jewish groups, the Hamasniks have vented their hate. “Al Qasam’s Next Target”, read a sign held by one with an arrow pointing to a Jewish student group near by. (Al Qasam is the armed faction of Hamas that carried out the October 7 attacks in Israel.) “Al Qasam, you make us proud,” a group chanted. “Burn Tel Aviv,” said another.”

  42. It is good to see that the Albanese Government has allocated a $billion for the construction of housing for victims of domestic violence.

  43. ‘FUBAR says:
    Friday, April 26, 2024 at 12:41 pm

    “Biden can’t risk alienating the racist far left
    As US campuses show, today’s antisemitism comes not from torch-wielding thugs but college-educated middle classes”

    “Inside and outside the gates of the university, in the face of counterprotests by pro-Israeli and Jewish groups, the Hamasniks have vented their hate. “Al Qasam’s Next Target”, read a sign held by one with an arrow pointing to a Jewish student group near by. (Al Qasam is the armed faction of Hamas that carried out the October 7 attacks in Israel.) “Al Qasam, you make us proud,” a group chanted. “Burn Tel Aviv,” said another.”
    It is good to see that Coalition supporters and their reactionary forebears have finally come to the realization that racism is evil and has evil consequences.

    It only took them nearly two and a half centuries in Australia, but they are getting there.

  44. Bystander @ #447 Friday, April 26th, 2024 – 12:40 pm

    I totally agree with you regarding the need for more shelters for women and children who are under threat. It’s a no-brainer.

    I am about to read Erin Pizzey’s book who established the first such shelter in the world (in England) and has since established them in many countries, despite the initial attacks from militant feminists, who were determined to shut her down. Apparently they didn’t take too kindly to her discovery that women can be violent too.

    Some facts:

    Women are more likely to experience abuse at the hands of a partner. 1 in 6 women have experienced physical or sexual violence by a current or former partner, while for men it is 1 in 16. 75% of victims of domestic violence reported the perpetrator as male, while 25% reported the perpetrator as female.

    But yeah, men. 😐

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