More post-budget polling: Freshwater Strategic, Roy Morgan, Essential Research (open thread)

Three more polls add to a general impression of a budget with popular measures individually but concern about its impact on inflation and interest rates.

The post-budget polling avalanche rumbles on:

• Yesterday’s Financial Review had a Freshwater Strategy poll with two-party preferred at 50-50, unchanged on mid-April, from primary votes of Labor 32% (up one), Coalition 40% (steady) and Greens 14% (up one). Anthony Albanese is down one on approval to 37% and steady on 45% disapproval, while Peter Dutton is down a point on both to 31% and 40% respectively. Albanese’s lead as preferred prime minister is out from 45-39 to 46-37. Twenty-four per cent said the budget would make them better off, 23% worse off and 46% no difference, but 39% felt it would have an upward impact on interest rates compared with only 11% for downward and 28% for no effect. Nonetheless, questions on which parties were better placed to handle various areas of policy found Labor doing better on the whole than last month, having widened their lead on welfare and benefits and narrowed deficits on economic management, crime and social order and immigration and asylum. The poll was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1056.

The Guardian reports the fortnightly Essential Research poll has Labor and the Coalition unchanged at 31% and 34% of the primary vote respectively, but with the Greens down to 10%, One Nation up one to 8% and 6% undecided. The pollster’s 2PP+ measure is unchanged with the Coalition leading 47% to 46% and the remainder undecided. Last time it was noted here that the 2PP+ implied an unusually strong flow of respondent-allocated preferences to the Coalition – this remains the case this time in lesser degree, my own estimate of two-party preferred based on 2022 election preference flows being 51-49 in favour of Labor. All the major initiatives in the budget recorded strong support, but only 27% thought it would make a meaningful difference to the cost of living. Sixty per cent felt only low and middle-income households should get the $300 energy rebate, with only 35% favouring it going to all households as per the government’s approach. The poll had a sample of 1149 and was presumably conducted Wednesday to Sunday – there will be more detail in the full release later today.

• After four successive weeks at 52-48, the regular Roy Morgan poll has Labor’s two-party lead narrowing to 50.5-49.5, from primary votes of Labor 30.5% (down one-and-a-half), Coalition 37% (steady), Greens 14.5% (up one) and One Nation 5.5% (steady). The poll was conducted Monday to Sunday from a sample of 1674.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,477 comments on “More post-budget polling: Freshwater Strategic, Roy Morgan, Essential Research (open thread)”

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  1. davidwhsays:
    Friday, May 24, 2024 at 2:34 pm
    Boerwar at 2.18 well said. Grandparenting is one of the most rewarding experiences.

    Good Grandparenting i totally approve of. Grandfathering a rort, not so much though.

  2. Toadying up top the big bosses. The interesting life of Murdoch newspaper editors.

    News Corp editors try to impress as Rebekah Brooks and Lachlan Murdoch land in Sydney

    The editor-in-chief of the Australian rolls out questionable readership figures and plugs for its new true crime podcast.

    Whenever a Murdoch is in town – or the media mogul’s favourite daughter, News UK boss Rebekah Brooks – the company’s Australian editors try hard to impress.

    Brooks, Lachlan Murdoch and News’s global chief, Robert Thomson, flew in ahead of the announcement of a major restructure of the Australian newspaper as early as Monday.

    History has shown that nervous editors often save their best stories for the occasion of a “royal visit”, and this week has been no exception.

  3. 73 Tory MPs not standing at the election: Long-time Tory MP for Wokingham and former Minister Sir John Redwood has announced he is not standing for re-election.

  4. sprocket_says:
    Friday, May 24, 2024 at 3:23 pm
    I’m waiting for a Rex drive-by to see what ChatGPT thinks

    Sprocket shouldn’t be stalking others on the internet.

  5. News Corp staff are in a panic as the company prepares to announce a reported $65 million worth of job cuts….’
    Ah, just the type of workforce efficiency that the Murdoch rags stridently urge.

  6. Likely decided by a bin-diving competition.

    Also how the winners of ‘Survivor: News Limited’ will be determined.

  7. Rex Douglas @ #1410 Friday, May 24th, 2024 – 4:58 pm

    Friday, May 24, 2024 at 3:23 pm
    I’m waiting for a Rex drive-by to see what ChatGPT thinks

    Sprocket shouldn’t be stalking others on the internet.

    I guess we can conclude that some people here need ChatGPT to tell them what to think.

  8. Rossmcg says:
    Friday, May 24, 2024 at 3:03 pm
    In my 40-odd years in the workforce I never encountered a LNP government, Federal or State, that didn’t have limiting or eliminating wages growth and undermining workers’ conditions as a key plank in their industrial relations policy.
    They didn’t always spell it out but it was always their aim.
    LNP politicians hate workers. It’s in their DNA.

    Goes rather deeper than LNP politicians hating workers.

    The LNP, like Labor support people or businesses who donate to the Party. On the whole this is the plan.

    Labor supports increasing many workers pay as the ALP is the party of the Unions. People in Unions donate some of their pay via the Union to the Labor Party. The Unions are one of the biggest donors to Labor.

    These workers do not donate to the Liberals. So why should the Liberals spend taxpayers money on them? In their minds. They don’t get any advantage.

    Labor supports any individuals or businesses, such as gas producer Santos, and many other fossil fuel companies, as they donate to Labor. These companies write Labor policy. Obvious with the latest gas approvals.

    Just as Labor supports increasing members of a union’s pay, and any others working in that field.

    Of course Labor and the Liberals do not support young people studying on Youth Allowance, children and those on Jobseeker, other disadvantaged groups as they do not donate to the Duopoly.

    Should be clear to everyone the facts of Australia’s plutocracy. Not really a democracy.

    Big donations are necessary to run well funded election campaigns. To win votes, often from people who don’t pay much attention to politics.

    It is as simple as that.

  9. Just re-read the comments section. Second time today I’ve repeated someone else’s joke. Time for a snooze I reckon.

  10. The suicide rate for people on Jobseeker is 3.5x higher than for the general population. Our safety net is failing to keep people safe.See this excellent analysis from AIHW released quietly earlier this week:— David Pocock (@DavidPocock) May 24, 2024


  11. Good for Corbyn… the treatment of the Labour left by Starmer is disgusting, especially considering the claims Starmer and his camp made about Corbyns treatment of Labour members…

  12. Looking up Dr Ingrid Skop further, its interesting. She got paid by an anti-abortion “research” (lobbying?) group to do studies on the dangers of abortion. It seems Sage started retracting them after questions were raised.

    Sounds like a medical gun for hire. She ceased practicing medicine so can’t be sued for malpractice in anything she says now. Having studied ethics, I think it is reasonable to say that the ethical basis of some of Dr Skop’s career decisions is highly questionable. I don’t think intellect is the problem here.

  13. History has shown that nervous editors often save their best stories for the occasion of a “royal visit”, and this week has been no exception.

    And royalty she is! There was a story in this morning’s SMH about how she has a handbag carrier trail behind her with her handbag so she isn’t taxed with the burden of carrying anything.

    Even Queen Elizabeth carried her own handbags!

  14. Gina’s unwelcome portrait goes global.

    A portrait of Australian billionaire Gina Rinehart may light up Times Square next Monday, May 27, thanks to an online fundraiser.

    Australian comedian Dan Ilic’s indiegogo campaign has reached its goal of raising $30,000 to display Ms Rinehart on the New York billboards.

    A global sensation was likely the last thing Ms Rinehart was looking for when she reportedly asked the gallery to remove her portrait.

  15. sprocket_ @ #1395 Friday, May 24th, 2024 – 3:20 pm

    It’s quite good just copying PB comments directly into ChatGPT, as it does a summary of the comment, fact checks it, and provides a conclusion – albeit anodyne.

    For example P1’s comment and slab copy/paste at 3.07pm is parsed as:

    ‘The recent decision by Queensland authorities to reject a plan to inject carbon dioxide into the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) is indeed significant, but it raises further questions and concerns regarding the protection of this vital water resource.

    Key Points

    Project Rejection:

    Plan Details: The proposal involved injecting over 300,000 tonnes of CO2 into the Precipice Sandstone aquifer as part of a three-year trial.

    Rejection Basis: The project was rejected due to potential risks to groundwater in the GAB, a crucial water source for much of inland Australia.

    Broader Implications:

    Queensland Farmers’ Federation Concerns: There is ongoing concern about the broader regulatory framework needed to protect the GAB, as other companies are also exploring similar carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects.

    State vs. Federal Regulation: The rejection highlights the need for coordinated regulatory efforts. While Queensland has taken a step, there is a call for federal leadership to ensure comprehensive protection across all states.

    Federal Labor’s Role:

    Federal Silence: The lack of a strong federal stance on this issue is concerning, given the interconnected nature of the GAB. Protection of such a critical resource should ideally be handled at the national level to ensure uniform standards and regulations.

    Potential Action: Federal Labor could address this issue by developing a national policy framework for CCS projects, ensuring that all parts of the GAB are protected uniformly.

    Importance of the Great Artesian Basin

    The GAB is one of the largest and deepest artesian water basins in the world, providing essential water for agriculture, communities, and ecosystems across multiple states. Its protection is crucial for the sustainability and resilience of many regions.


    While the rejection of the carbon storage plan in Queensland is a positive development, it underscores the need for comprehensive and coordinated regulatory measures at both the state and federal levels. Ensuring the protection of the GAB requires federal leadership and clear policies to prevent potentially harmful projects from jeopardizing this invaluable resource.’

    Love this!

  16. davidwhsays:

    Is it that simple Rex. Or could mental illness have something to do with both?

    It’s the life negating society we live in.
    The miracle is that there are so few suicides.
    A barmaid whose daughter taught in a school in remote North Qld told me she had Aboriginal girls as young as 9 on suicide watch.
    That was 2007.

  17. ‘A Texas doctor who says that 9 year olds can safely give birth, has been appointed to the Maternal Mortality Committee.’

    All part of god’s great plan to regulate women’s uteruses!

    Nine year olds can safely give birth therefore it’s okay to have sex with a nine year old! This is today’s Republican party.

  18. BK

    News Corp staff are in a panic as the company prepares to announce a reported $65 million worth of job cuts….

    The Australian is going unWoke!

  19. Frankly the problem with Corbyn is that he failed to bridge the gap between Activist and Politician. Most people just don’t vote for activists for the simple reason that they’re uncomfortable to be around when people just want to be comfortable.

    That and my personal opinion that he conducted himself like Erich Honecker of East Germany, just without the threat of 50,000 Soviet Tanks to enforce his power, which he had little to none to begin with. Corbyn had his dogmatic vision, nothing could change that, and it was made obvious with the Brexit fracas, hence the disastrous result of the 2019 UK election for Labour.

  20. An announcement on the restructure is expected next week with the focus on rightsizing the company and setting News Corp up for the digital future. This is expected to eliminate a plethora of executive roles overseeing each masthead and each state.

    Wow. How’s that for corporate gobbledegook likely lifted straight out of the News Corp press release.

    What does it even mean?! 😆

  21. Confessionssays:
    Friday, May 24, 2024 at 6:14 pm
    ‘A Texas doctor who says that 9 year olds can safely give birth, has been appointed to the Maternal Mortality Committee.’

    All part of god’s great plan to regulate women’s uteruses!

    Nine year olds can safely give birth therefore it’s okay to have sex with a nine year old! This is today’s Republican party.

    That’s a huge stretch Confessions. I have no more regard for the Republican party than you, but to jump to the conclusion that they would condone sex with nine year old girls on the basis of that is just bizarre.

  22. Lordbain says:
    Friday, May 24, 2024 at 5:55 pm
    “Good for Corbyn… the treatment of the Labour left by Starmer is disgusting, especially considering the claims Starmer and his camp made about Corbyns treatment of Labour members…”

    You’re fine with antisemitism. Noted.

  23. Trump’s offer of a quid pro quo of ending climate fight in exchange for Oil cash has been accepted

    “(Reuters) – The leaders of three big U.S. oil companies will host a fundraising luncheon in Houston on Wednesday benefiting Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, according to a copy of an invitation seen by Reuters.

    Drillers tend to back Trump’s pro-fossil fuel and anti-regulation agenda and have been critical of President Joe Biden’s efforts to phase out oil and gas in favor of renewables.

    The luncheon, which will be held at Houston’s Post Oak Hotel, is hosted by Harold Hamm, founder of Continental Resources; Kelcy Warren, executive chairman of Energy Transfer Partners; and Vicki Hollub, CEO of Occidental Petroleum, according to the invitation.

    Trump is scheduled to speak.

    Asked about the luncheon, Hollub told Reuters she is speaking with policymakers from both parties to express Occidental’s support for federal subsidies for carbon capture technologies that can keep greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.”

  24. That’s a huge stretch Confessions

    If you can offer up a 9yo safely giving birth as justification for removing women’s abortion rights, then you are essentially condoning sex with a 9yo. And Republicans control the legislature and the administration in Texas, therefore they own this woman and her opinions.

    You want to live by the sword? Then you should prepare to die by the sword.

  25. Fubar, “you’re fine with antisemitism.” Find one anti semitic statement made by Corbyn. You are a Murdoch inspired Kool Aid glugger. You can swap notes with Borewar.

  26. Also this afternoon in western Sydney:
    “I understand Australians are doing it tough right now – and I haven’t forgotten what it’s like to struggle and strive.

    To worry about your family’s economic security, to wonder if you’ll get the opportunity to pursue your aspirations.

    That understanding drives our government.”


  27. Confessions
    I share your concern about the abortion rights. But the other part is a completely different issue.

  28. I am not sure that the MAGA’s are pro sex with 9 year old girls but when you look at the bullshit they spout I reckon it’s more than OK to say that they do.

    Fight fire with fire

  29. ‘PageBoi says:
    Friday, May 24, 2024 at 7:04 pm

    Also this afternoon in western Sydney:
    “I understand Australians are doing it tough right now – and I haven’t forgotten what it’s like to struggle and strive.

    To worry about your family’s economic security, to wonder if you’ll get the opportunity to pursue your aspirations.

    That understanding drives our government.”

    The Albanese Labor Government has done more to support COL measures in two years than the Coalition did in ten years and the Greens have delivered in 35 years.

    While we on the topic of Cringeworthy, how are the Greens coming along with shuffling around the hundreds of billions of dollars needed to get us to their promised land of Zero Net Forty? You know. Within 16 years!

    Just another cringeworthy bullshit stunt?

  30. Andrew_Earlwood

    How dare you call for a lower net migration setting than 250k per year. Completely racist idea. Why do you hate migrants? Do you don the white sheet? 250k migrants is the bare minimum setting for a vibrant, rich country like Australia. We should boost it to a million a year at least. Or completely open borders. Australia is a huge country with space for all. Why is it that racists like you always blame migrants for Australia’s ills? Shame on you.

  31. @PSH:

    “ Andrew_Earlwood

    How dare you call for a lower net migration setting than 250k per year. Completely racist idea. Why do you hate migrants? Do you don the white sheet? 250k migrants is the bare minimum setting for a vibrant, rich country like Australia. We should boost it to a million a year at least. Or completely open borders. Australia is a huge country with space for all. Why is it that racists like you always blame migrants for Australia’s ills? Shame on you.”


    Got to you, didn’t I, you racist flog. Feeling the butt hurt, obviously.

  32. Sprocket and BW
    A great initiative by NSW government regarding Renewable energy. I know P1 and Rex would say ‘meh’. But that is life.

    NSW government to subsidise solar batteries in renewables initiative

    “Solar batteries will become more accessible for NSW residents as the state launches a subsidised battery initiative.

    Households and businesses that already have solar panels on their roofs are eligible to buy cheaper, subsidised batteries to store solar energy.

    Under the new incentive, the state government will subsidise between $1600 and $2400 of the upfront installation cost for the battery for homes with solar panels.

    Solar batteries will become more accessible for NSW residents as the state launches a subsidised battery initiative. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)
    It will be a one-off payment. 

    For homes without any solar panels, the initiative will be considered in the quote for solar and battery installation.

    A $250 to $400 incentive will also be offered for connecting to a virtual power plant, and can be claimed a second time three years later. 

    Virtual power plants connect homes and businesses to a shared energy grid.

    The incentive starts on November 1 and can be accessed through approved solar suppliers, which will become accredited over the coming months.”

    P1 and Rex may even say”one swallow doesn’t make a summer”. (I am kidding. I know they don’t use proverbs)

  33. Bystandersays:
    Friday, May 24, 2024 at 7:12 pm
    I share your concern about the abortion rights. But the other part is a completely different issue.

    I agree with Confessions, Kirsdarke and Granny Anny assessment

    The reason behind this is “not to be called a Paedophile” for having sex with underage girls.
    Republican party is not only taking US to 1864 but to 18th century. They have crossed the line into the category of evil.

  34. Kirsdarke @ #1447 Friday, May 24th, 2024 – 7:40 pm

    @Granny Anny

    I think it most aligns with the fascist notion of “Tradwives”, where they aim to solve the “problem” of “pure” women not having enough children to fulfil the goal of the “14-88” creed so they set sick goals like impregnating underage girls so they only know a life of being pregnant in the kitchen.

    It’s also in the Republican-led legislation that bans abortion even in the event of incest. There are 10 US states which have gone down this path (including Texas), and given we know that incestual pregnancies most likely result from underage sex, I think it’s entirely appropriate to conclude that Republican parties who control the legislature in those states are down with impregnating children.

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