Polls: Essential Research, Roy Morgan and more (open thread)

One pollster finds undecided voters jumping off the fence, another finds a Labor slump last week was a one-off, and others yet offer insights on international affairs and things in general.

The fortnightly Essential Research poll has all the main players up on the primary vote, with the Coalition up two to 36%, Labor up one to 32% and the Greens recovering the three points they lost last time to return to 13%. Room is made for this by a two-point drop in the undecided component to 4% and a three point drop for One Nation to 5%. The pollster’s 2PP+ measure has Labor and the Coalition tied on 48%, with the balance undecided, after the Coalition led 47% to 46% last time. The monthly leadership ratings record little change for Anthony Albanese, steady on 43% approval and down one on disapproval to 47%, while Peter Dutton is down three on approval to 41% and up one on disapproval to 42%.

An occasional reading of national mood records a slight improvement on April, with 34% thinking the country headed on the right track, up two, compared with 49% for the wrong track, down one. Also featured are a series of questions on artificial intelligence and one on the impact of large technology companies, with 47% thinking them mostly negative for young people compared with 19% for positive, and 68% supporting an increase in the age limit on social media platforms from 13 to 16. Sixty-two per cent supported making hate speech a criminal offence with only 16% opposed, and 50% supported a weekend a month of national service for eighteen year olds consisting of paid full-time military placement, with 25% opposed, reducing to 46% and 26% for unpaid volunteer work. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1160.

The weekly Roy Morgan poll reverses a dip for Labor last week, their primary vote up two-and-a-half points to 31% with the Coalition down a point to 36%, the Greens down one to 14% and One Nation down one-and-a-half points to 4.5%. Labor now leads 52-48 on the respondent-allocated two-party preferred measure, after trailing 51.5-48.5 last time. The poll was conducted Monday to Sunday from a sample of 1579.

Also out this week is the Lowy Institute’s annual poll focusing on international issues, which affirms last year’s finding that Japan, the United Kingdom and France are trusted to act responsibly in the world, the United States, India and Indonesia a little less so, and China and Russia not at all. Joe Biden’s net rating turned negative, 46% expressing confidence, down thirteen on a year ago, and 50% lack of confidence, up twelve. Enthusiasm for Volodomyr Zelenskyy was off its earlier high, confidence down twelve to 60% and lack of confidence up seven to 29%, though this notably compares with 7% and 88% for Vladimir Putin, while Xi Zinping was at 12% and 75%. Fifty-six per cent rated the government as doing a good job on foreign policy compared with 41% for poor. The survey was conducted March 4 to 17 from a sample of 2028.

JWS Research’s quarterly-or-so True Issues issue salience report finds little change in the most important issues since February, with cost of living one of five issues nominated by 80% of respondents, well ahead of health on 58% and housing and interest rates on 55%. Nineteen per cent rated that the economy was heading in the right direction, unchanged on February, compared with 40% for the wrong direction, up one. An index score of the Albanese government’s performance records a two-point improvement to 47% after its lowest result to date in February.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,184 comments on “Polls: Essential Research, Roy Morgan and more (open thread)”

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  1. It was the dark of the moon
    On the sixth of June
    In a Kenworth, pullin’ logs
    Cabover Pete with a reefer on
    And a Jimmy haulin’ hogs
    We was headin’ for bear
    On ‘I-1-0
    ‘Bout a mile out Shakey Town
    I says, Pig Pen this here’s the Rubber Duck
    And I’m about to put the hammer down.

  2. From Dawn Patrol (thank you BK) ”The mood on immigration is tinder dry and Dutton has lit a match, writes Niki Savva. This article is in the MUST READ category.”

    Can’t read the subscriber-only article but just some general reflections on the subject.

    I think that a significant proportion of Australians never really accepted mass immigration, especially from non-Anglo countries and more especially from non-European and non-Christian backgrounds from the 1970s.

    Many in my parents’ generation longed for a return to the pre-war relative homogeneity of Australia. They are now nearly all gone but the longing apparently persists among the generations that followed. During the years of consensus on immigration, about 1949-1996, this sentiment was kept at the margins. Some whinged and ranted privately at home or in the pub, or more publicly on talkback radio, about how these people were committing crimes, dole bludging, taking our jobs and refusing to assimilate, but that was about it. To most of us they were our neighbours, work colleagues and friends, maybe family.

    John Howard saw this mostly subterranean lake of bigotry and racism as something that he could use and weaponised it, all with plausible deniability of course. He made bigotry respectable. The rest is history.

  3. Holdenhillbillysays:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 8:12 am
    A plan by oil and gas giant Chevron to leave five decommissioned oil platforms off Western Australia’s Pilbara coast has drawn the ire of unions and green groups.
    The company owns nine platforms in the waters around Thevenard Island, off the coast of Onslow, but has not extracted oil from the area since 2014.
    Chevron must decommission the infrastructure, but has received state government approval to leave five platforms behind. Another three will be repurposed into artificial reefs under a complex arrangement involving the state and federal governments as well as peak fishing group RecFishWest.
    The ninth platform will be fully removed and recycled on the mainland.
    This is a golden opportunity for any wannabe micro-nation types.

  4. sealion

    Thank you.

    A lot of good men died on that day. Many survived but carried the physical and emotional scars for the rest of their lives. Their bereaved families, or the families that had to cope with their disabilities or their PTSD, ditto.

    They rescued western europe from itself and from horrors of Hitler and Stalin.

    As a child I imbued gratitude by way of my family who were in occupied Holland and who never forgot their rescue.

    It is why I despise the concept of the Greens’ Light Mobile Force. Sooner or later be it years, decades or centuries, it becomes a green light for somebody like Trump, Xi, Putin, Netanyahu to give the order.

  5. Boerwar at 8.57 am

    Straight from Richard Ackland’s old column in Sat Paper. While Taylor’s margin (on current boundaries) is less than Kristy McBain in neighbouring E-M, Goulburn is a Lib town and there’s hardly a non-Lib booth in his electorate. Ironically, it’s the Lib loss of Teal seats that keeps Dutton’s position firm.

  6. What I find so dishonest about Irene is the shoehorning of literally any issue and saying its Labor’s fault when it very clearly isnt. And that’s probably what devalues their posts the most.

    This is the silliness I expect from Irene and why they have no credibility.

    Labor have neglected sharks so much that sharks are now reverting to eating native fauna. Labor hate echidna by driving them to offering themselves as food for sharks. Labor will kill all Australian native animals and make sharks abuse themselves. Labor hates sharks and echidnas in equal measure, Labor is responsible for this sick development in the food chain.


  7. ‘Dr Doolittle says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9:05 am

    Boerwar at 8.57 am

    Straight from Richard Ackland’s old column in Sat Paper. While Taylor’s margin (on current boundaries) is less than Kristy McBain in neighbouring E-M, Goulburn is a Lib town and there’s hardly a non-Lib booth in his electorate. Ironically, it’s the Lib loss of Teal seats that keeps Dutton’s position firm.’
    How do you think they are traveling with their strategy to offset the Teals with gains in Western Sydney and in outer suburbs land more generally?

  8. ‘Mostly Interested says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9:06 am

    What I find so dishonest about Irene is the shoehorning of literally any issue and saying its Labor’s fault when it very clearly isnt. And that’s probably what devalues their posts the most.

    This is the silliness I expect from Irene and why they have no credibility.

    Labor have neglected sharks so much that sharks are now reverting to eating native fauna. Labor hate echidna by driving them to offering themselves as food for sharks. Labor will kill all Australian native animals and make sharks abuse themselves. Labor hates sharks and echidnas in equal measure, Labor is responsible for this sick development in the food chain.

    The other day Albanese was burning people alive.

    Feeding echidnas to sharks is a nothingburger in comparison.

    It’s a bit like the Greens claiming that Albanese calling for a ceasefire in Gaza means that Albanese is feeding the conflict in Gaze.

    Four legs good. Two legs bad.

  9. Irene emerged at the same time as Phillip Seymour Hoffman and, like him, launched into Sustainable Australia and Universal Basic Income Party promotion.

    She has since desisted from promoting that party to focus her efforts on Labor bashing.

  10. Boerwar,

    A lot of good men died on that day. Many survived but carried the physical and emotional scars for the rest of their lives. Their bereaved families, or the families that had to cope with their disabilities or their PTSD, ditto.

    They rescued western europe from itself and from horrors of Hitler and Stalin.

    Could not agree with you more.

    As for the light mobile force, also agree. You can see that idea disappearing like fog on a hot Ukrainian summer day.

  11. From last night

    D&M is a real person. Who has been to offlines and whose identity can be worked out from postings.

    Irene exists only on PB. Bot or not, Nicholas has been quite out of line complaining about calling Irene a bot. She could well be. I could be too, except I’ve been posting here before AI.

    These days I scroll over Irene’s posts. Fortunately the great length of them makes it easy to do. So I don’t get bothered by whatever nonsense is posted. I don’t scroll over D&M’s posts. They are interesting and sometimes quite moving.

  12. Lordbain says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 8:45 am
    Rewi, why should they care when they dont need to pay an actual penalty for these actions? Any slap on the wrist fees the government may have the balls for are already costed in… because they know it wont be anywhere close to whats needed. But hey, thats the duopoly for you…


    Is it a function of a duopoly? Or our specific party duopoly? Are there grand coalition or minority governments internationally that do better at holding corporations to account?

    Or is it knee-jerk political speech from a poster with a barrow to push? 😉

  13. [‘The planet just marked a “shocking” new milestone, enduring 12 consecutive months of unprecedented heat, according to new data from Copernicus, the European Union’s climate monitoring service.

    Every single month from June 2023 to May 2024 was the world’s hottest such month on record, Copernicus data showed.

    The 12-month heat streak was “shocking but not surprising” given human-caused climate change, said Carlo Buontempo, the director of Copernicus, who warned of worse to come. Unless planet-warming fossil fuel pollution is slashed, “this string of hottest months will be remembered as comparatively cold,” he said.

    Copernicus released its data the same day as United Nations Secretary General António Guterres made an impassioned speech in New York about climate change, slamming fossil fuel companies as the “godfathers of climate chaos” and, for the first time, explicitly calling on all countries to ban advertising their fossil fuel products.

    Guterres urged world leaders to swiftly take control of the spiraling climate crisis or face dangerous tipping points. “We are playing Russian roulette with our planet,” he said Wednesday. “We need an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell.”]


  14. Nicholas says:
    Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 10:36 pm
    Firstly, to set the context, on the evening of 4th May, a couple of posters expressed the opinion that “Irene” was likely a bot that was programmed to post anti-Labor diatribes.
    You dehumanized Irene by calling her an AI chatbot. That is what I was objecting to. Do you remember that? That is what I was objecting to. But because you couldn’t bring yourself to admit that it was disrespectful of you to strip Irene of her humanity you chose to imply that I am indifferent to sexual violence and domestic violence. I am repulsed by the crimes that you suffered. I am very sorry that that you endured such a horrific experience. If you can muster some self-awareness of your own one of these days perhaps you’ll realize why it is dumb and offensive to suggest that someone is indifferent to vile crimes when you have zero basis for making that claim.

    Thanks Nicholas. The problem is that the rabid Labor supporters here can’t admit and support my posts that their Albanese government is failing in most of the important policies that could benefit Australians.

    The Albanese Labor government prefers to Howard, Morrison Liberal polices of supporting wealthy people and businesses, throw a few crumbs to the 70% plus of Australian voters who don’t fall into that category.

    So they depreciate the messenger. Rather than admit the Albanese government is failing. 30-33% of first preference votes in all recent opinion polls and at the last election tells any aware person that.

    Over 2/3rds of voters now and after experiencing 2 years of Labor government would not choose a Labor government in the future.

    Why these rabid Labor voters eagerly criticise Greens polices too. With much fakery. Labor perceives The Greens as their biggest threat. Not the Liberals.

    Says everything you need to know about the Albanese Labor government – lockstep with the Liberals on most policies.

    The Greens are the political party taking up the social democratic policies once thought to be Labor policies. But they are not any more.

    The Greens are where many once Labor voters have gone. Unlikely to return under the current regime in Labor. But the Labor bosses do not care.

    Labor has chosen to be neo liberal since powerful Labor right faction boss Bill Shorten, educated an expensive, exclusive Melbourne Catholic school, who chose to mix with the millionaires and billionaires, Melbournes elite was elected in 2007.

    He has openly declared he supports business. Not your usual Union man, even if he was secretary of the AWU in the early 2000’s. Just a stepping stone to Federal Labor politics. And controls many Labor MPs now.

    He has led Labor to 4 election losses since that day. Undermined the popular Rudd government. His polices are likely to reduce Labor to a minority government after the next election as he still believes, being the main influence in policy choice, as with the Gillard government, following Liberal policies is best for Labor.

    So supporters here of Labor actually support the Liberal Party. Usually they want the Liberals to agree with their agenda. And if they don’t it won’t proceed.

  15. Rewi says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9:11 am
    Irene emerged at the same time as Phillip Seymour Hoffman and, like him, launched into Sustainable Australia and Universal Basic Income Party promotion.

    She has since desisted from promoting that party to focus her efforts on Labor bashing.


    Agreed. With the small addition that Phillip Seymour Hoffman was a reemergence after some time absent.

  16. Boerwar!

    Yes, welcome to the cause, comrade!

    Normalising, indeed, celebrating violence in sport is part of our culture of violence.

    The last time I brought this up you, rightly, pointed out that AFL is much less of a blood sport than it was 30 years ago.

    The fact remains, though, that Australians enjoy what is still referred to as the gladiatorial spectacle of contact sport.

    We have a violent culture that perpetuates intractable attitudes to aggression and violence in our communities.

  17. Irene’s plots thicken.
    Albanese likes to burn people.
    Albanese feeds echidnas to the sharks.
    Labor people support Dutton.
    Cinchy Bubs rool!

  18. Holdenhillbilly @ #293 Thursday, June 6th, 2024 – 8:12 am

    A plan by oil and gas giant Chevron to leave five decommissioned oil platforms off Western Australia’s Pilbara coast has drawn the ire of unions and green groups.
    The company owns nine platforms in the waters around Thevenard Island, off the coast of Onslow, but has not extracted oil from the area since 2014.
    Chevron must decommission the infrastructure, but has received state government approval to leave five platforms behind. Another three will be repurposed into artificial reefs under a complex arrangement involving the state and federal governments as well as peak fishing group RecFishWest.
    The ninth platform will be fully removed and recycled on the mainland.

    The final insult? Or, the final subsidy?.

    These fossil fuel companies just laugh in our faces. With the connivance of government. Labor or COALition.

    It’s time for a change. And that starts with changing your vote.

  19. All US Senate Republicans except Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski voted against Contraception Bill

    ‘Utterly medieval’: Radical GOP senators vote against birth control


    “On Wednesday, almost every Senate Republican voted to block the Right to Contraception Act—legislation that should be uncontroversial and unobjectionable. Only two Republicans, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, voted to let the bill move forward.

    “The right to contraception is a fundamental right, central to a person’s privacy, health, wellbeing, dignity, liberty, equality, and ability to participate in the social and economic life of the Nation,” the bill states. So yes, you can see why Republicans—who don’t value any of those things—took issue with it.

    Of course, that’s not the justification they’re giving.

    “This is a show vote. It’s not serious,” Texas Sen. John Cornyn said. “It’s a phony vote because contraception, to my knowledge, is not illegal. It’s not unavailable.”

    Sure, it’s not illegal or unavailable now. But that’s hardly the point.

    So, The Republican party doesn’t want Women to use contraception.
    The Republican party think that a 9 year old girl is ready for pregnancy.
    The Republic party want to ban women having Abortion.
    So, you can see how Republican party wants to attack Women’s reproductive rights.

    And Australian Liberal party supports such party

    And FUBAR, PP, Badthinker, Alabama, Taylormade, Steelydan support such Liberal party.

  20. A discussion of where chat GPI is going.


    Having worked with neutral nets I was very interested in Douglas and Milko posts describing where AI is at. As I said at the time, if Irene is a bot I would be interested if the creator posted what they have done and where they are at with the project. I’d take a lot more interest in the Irene posts with that knowledge. As it is, they are they do look like a slab of chatGDP text.

    Contrary to Nicholas assertion, Irene doesn’t seem to be upset at being called a bot, and to my knowledge we have had no post from Irene asserting things one way or the other.

  21. Mavis

    2024 may be the global greenhouse gas emissions cusp.

    Which is good, if late.

    The problem is that the rate of decline from the cusp is probably still going to get us to plus 2.5 degrees.

    Which is bad.

  22. “According to its draft Integrated System Plan due to be released in the next three weeks, the AEMO has outlined that it needs grid scale wind and solar to increase sevenfold from 19 to 126 gigawatts by 2030 and gas generation to increase from 11 to 16 gigawatts to provide underpinning support and stability in the grid.”


    Even small solar and wind projects in WA are taking years to get approved and connected to the grid – and they want a seven-fold increase on the existing?? The public are slowly learning that this doesn’t just mean the turbines and panels have to be installed but a massive network of transmission lines and substations needs to be designed, approved, constructed, and commissioned.

    How much and who is paying?

    What subsidies do they need?

    There’s a fucking big reality bus heading down the road towards these plonkers.

  23. Other posters had expresseed the opion that she may be a chatbot and I had, to myself, wondered the same , out of professional interest.
    So I joined in the convertion, from a profeioal point of view, to provide information.

    If you join others in expressing the opinion that someone is an AI chatbot you are expressing that opinion yourself. Do you know how absurd you sound when you claim that you didn’t express that opinion? It’s something that Donald Trump would say. And claiming that you have “a professional interest” in dehumanizing someone is pathetic.

  24. “Ven says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9:30 am

    And Australian Liberal party supports such party

    And FUBAR, PP, Badthinker, Alabama, Taylormade, Steelydan support such Liberal party.”

    You are an idiot. Good start to the day, numpty.

  25. Boerwar at 9.08 am

    Lots of hot air so far. Libs are probably on track to retain Lindsay unless they dump their sitting MP. Otherwise the seats don’t seem winnable unless the economy gets much worse.

    Draft distribution will clarify some things but remember the 2025 pendulum is good for Labor, whereas 2022 was not.

    Dutton took the easy route in sacrificing Teal seats. The Lib women’s revolt against Josh-the-saviour’s non-Lazarus return ironically helps him.

    But Dutton is one dimensional. He thinks banging on brusquely about anti-semitism is the key to regaining some Teal seats. It is much more complicated.

  26. Hey Griff, not sure what you mean… the political party i currently support actually wants to have a proper system for addressing white collar criminality, as opposed to the slap on the wrist the big 2 currently support. What you call “barrow pushing” I call “the current system is enabled by the Libs and Labor parties, and needs to stop”. But hey, you continue to support doing nothing to actually punish bad actors 😉

  27. Mavis @ #318 Thursday, June 6th, 2024 – 9:22 am

    Guterres urged world leaders to swiftly take control of the spiraling climate crisis or face dangerous tipping points. “We are playing Russian roulette with our planet,” he said Wednesday. “We need an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell.”]


    This is what is needed …

    He called on world leaders to take immediate action, including huge cuts in planet-heating pollution and an immediate end to any new coal projects. He pushed rich countries to commit to quitting coal by 2030, reducing oil and gas by 60% by 2035 and increasing the flow of funding to the poorest, most climate-vulnerable nations.

    And here in Australia what is our government doing?

    Exactly the opposite.

    Is anyone really surprised?

  28. BW, good to see your understanding of history is about as accurate as the rest of your rants… the allies certainly stopped Stalins reign… but waiting for him to have a stroke in 53

  29. I see that Bandt is threatening to join the Liberal conga line of defamatory actions, this time against Dreyfus.
    The kitchen got too hot?
    Can dish it out but can’t take it?

  30. Player One says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9:29 am

    This is a complete media beat up, singing to the Ecofascists tune.

    I couldn’t be bothered fisking the claims by the ecofascists.

  31. Things keep getting worse in America..

    I don’t see a way out given Alito’s totally perverse view on the Presidency.. he doesn’t see trump as a King.. he sees & agrees that POTUS is Dog!

    In April, when the Supreme Court heard arguments (https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/argument_transcripts/2023/23-939_f2qg.pdf) over Mr. Trump’s claim that he is absolutely immune from prosecution on charges that he used his office to subvert the 2020 election, Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. said prosecutions of former presidents are problematic.
    “If an incumbent who loses a very close, hotly contested election knows that a real possibility after leaving office is not that the president is going to be able to go off into a peaceful retirement but that the president may be criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent, will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country as a democracy?” he asked. “And we can look around the world and find countries where we have seen this process, where the loser gets thrown in jail.”

    Not surprised given Alito has fried his brain growing up as a fundamentalist catholic..

  32. Confessionssays:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 6:17 am
    Is Niki Savva implying that Dutton’s leadership is becoming tenuous?

    The issue with the debate on immigration is not the numbers. Both major parties have committed to cutting the intake of temporary and permanent migrants.

    The problem is the way the debate is conducted. In such a tinder dry environment, politicians conscious of community wellbeing take extra care with tone and content.

    Unfortunately, Peter Dutton has not. Not on immigration and not on nuclear energy.

    Politicians in strife, desperate to save their backsides, have often reached for dog whistles. These days it’s a loudhailer. It’s cheap and guaranteed to deliver the short-term reward of improved poll numbers. A sugar hit laced with acid.


    She also delivers a nice rebuke to the ABC for its cowardly handling of the Tingle matter.

    Savva: sugar hit laced with acid.

    I will modify, if I may: sugar hit laced with poison.

  33. Thanks be to Labor Australia is getting out of coal-fired power stations.
    It might take a decade but they are dead. They will be a distant memory when Australia, unlike the rest of the world, actually gets to Zero Net Fifty.

    Labor is spending over twenty billion on renewables, the grid and green hydrogen for manufacturing.
    Labor will use gas to firm renewables. It is only the Greens who want to turn out the lights at unpredictable moments.

    Labor will get us to Zero Net Fifty.

    Labor has delivered vehicle emissions standards.

    Labor will have to kill off the livestock herd.

    Labor will have ground planes. (I can hear the excited squeals from the tourism industry spivs as they finally pay the full real price for playing possum on the climate debate.)

    Thanks be to the Greens over 35 years: nothing except a promise to deliver Zero Net Forty. Normal Greens bullshit. They will astroturf every windfarm inside that Zero Net Forty. So sue me, Adam.

    Thanks be to the Coalition, we will be on Dead Climate Action Plan No 53: the Great Australian Nuclear Nothingburger. I note that they have not resiled from their promise to build a new coal-fired power station in Queensland. But this may be overtaken by nuclear events.

  34. Savva’s one mission is to destroy the LNP because it rejected Turnbull. Why anyone would read what she writes, except to confirm that she still hates the LNP, is beyond me.

  35. The interesting thing about Labor bashers here (and let’s face it, they use the same tosh to beat Labor about the head as did Labor friends bashing the LNP not so long ago) is that while beating up on Labor they rarely come out and say how wonderful Dutton would be as a PM. One would think the bashers from the right and to the loony right would be cheering like mad for their man….but nup…..crickets…..As for team Dutton-Sussssssan …zilch.

  36. FUBAR @ #337 Thursday, June 6th, 2024 – 9:47 am

    Player One says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9:29 am

    This is a complete media beat up, singing to the Ecofascists tune.

    I couldn’t be bothered fisking the claims by the ecofascists.

    A potential $60 billion subsidy? Barely a drop in the ocean. Hardly even worth reporting, except for those bloody Ecofascists at the ABC.

  37. The mood on immigration is tinder dry and Dutton has lit a match, writes Niki Savva. This article is in the MUST READ category.

    Metaphorically, Dutton has started “African gangs” and “stopping people on streets to demand identification aka. racial profiling” on National scale.
    If this fire is not rubbed out in the beginning, it will spread like wild Australian bush fire, which destroys every green shoots, plants and trees on its way.

  38. Boerwar says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9:56 am

    … only until the power prices keep climbing, and climbing, and climbing….

  39. From The Guardian:

    ‘The foreign minister Penny Wong is in Honiara where she is meeting with the new Solomon Islands’ prime minister, Jeremiah Manele.
    Compare and contrast Zed Seselja.

  40. Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

  41. For all the comments about how “person i disagree with” is a bot,

    1) its great to see how many people didnt learn the lessons from 2016, and

    2) how they ignore certain posters on “their side” that has a history of copy pasting rants/lists

  42. ‘FUBAR says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9:58 am

    Boerwar says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9:56 am

    … only until the power prices keep climbing, and climbing, and climbing….
    True. Forced into policy stupidity by the LNP trogs, Dutton has harnessed himself to the most expensive power source on the planet. By far. Idiot.
    Talks tough; acts slack.

  43. Thanks Nicholas. The problem is that the rabid Labor supporters here can’t admit and support my posts that their Albanese government is failing in most of the important policies that could benefit Australians.
    The Albanese Labor government prefers to Howard, Morrison Liberal polices of supporting wealthy people and businesses, throw a few crumbs to the 70% plus of Australian voters who don’t fall into that category.
    So they depreciate the messenger. Rather than admit the Albanese government is failing. 30-33% of first preference votes in all recent opinion polls and at the last election tells any aware person that.
    Over 2/3rds of voters now and after experiencing 2 years of Labor government would not choose a Labor government in the future.
    Why these rabid Labor voters eagerly criticise Greens polices too. With much fakery. Labor perceives The Greens as their biggest threat. Not the Liberals.
    Says everything you need to know about the Albanese Labor government – lockstep with the Liberals on most policies.

    I agree, Irene. Anyone who says that your political views are so unusual that they could only come from an AI chatbot clearly doesn’t get out much.

    According to William Bowe’s BludgerTrack average of polls, federal Labor’s primary vote has fallen from 37 or 38 percent in September 2022 to about 32 percent today. That is a very large drop in Labor’s primary vote. Has it happened because federal Labor has made deeply controversial decisions that have alienated lots of people? Definitely not. The decisions they’ve made are not especially controversial. They’ve lost a lot of support because they haven’t done enough, not because they’ve been controversial.

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