Polls: Essential Research, Roy Morgan and more (open thread)

One pollster finds undecided voters jumping off the fence, another finds a Labor slump last week was a one-off, and others yet offer insights on international affairs and things in general.

The fortnightly Essential Research poll has all the main players up on the primary vote, with the Coalition up two to 36%, Labor up one to 32% and the Greens recovering the three points they lost last time to return to 13%. Room is made for this by a two-point drop in the undecided component to 4% and a three point drop for One Nation to 5%. The pollster’s 2PP+ measure has Labor and the Coalition tied on 48%, with the balance undecided, after the Coalition led 47% to 46% last time. The monthly leadership ratings record little change for Anthony Albanese, steady on 43% approval and down one on disapproval to 47%, while Peter Dutton is down three on approval to 41% and up one on disapproval to 42%.

An occasional reading of national mood records a slight improvement on April, with 34% thinking the country headed on the right track, up two, compared with 49% for the wrong track, down one. Also featured are a series of questions on artificial intelligence and one on the impact of large technology companies, with 47% thinking them mostly negative for young people compared with 19% for positive, and 68% supporting an increase in the age limit on social media platforms from 13 to 16. Sixty-two per cent supported making hate speech a criminal offence with only 16% opposed, and 50% supported a weekend a month of national service for eighteen year olds consisting of paid full-time military placement, with 25% opposed, reducing to 46% and 26% for unpaid volunteer work. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1160.

The weekly Roy Morgan poll reverses a dip for Labor last week, their primary vote up two-and-a-half points to 31% with the Coalition down a point to 36%, the Greens down one to 14% and One Nation down one-and-a-half points to 4.5%. Labor now leads 52-48 on the respondent-allocated two-party preferred measure, after trailing 51.5-48.5 last time. The poll was conducted Monday to Sunday from a sample of 1579.

Also out this week is the Lowy Institute’s annual poll focusing on international issues, which affirms last year’s finding that Japan, the United Kingdom and France are trusted to act responsibly in the world, the United States, India and Indonesia a little less so, and China and Russia not at all. Joe Biden’s net rating turned negative, 46% expressing confidence, down thirteen on a year ago, and 50% lack of confidence, up twelve. Enthusiasm for Volodomyr Zelenskyy was off its earlier high, confidence down twelve to 60% and lack of confidence up seven to 29%, though this notably compares with 7% and 88% for Vladimir Putin, while Xi Zinping was at 12% and 75%. Fifty-six per cent rated the government as doing a good job on foreign policy compared with 41% for poor. The survey was conducted March 4 to 17 from a sample of 2028.

JWS Research’s quarterly-or-so True Issues issue salience report finds little change in the most important issues since February, with cost of living one of five issues nominated by 80% of respondents, well ahead of health on 58% and housing and interest rates on 55%. Nineteen per cent rated that the economy was heading in the right direction, unchanged on February, compared with 40% for the wrong direction, up one. An index score of the Albanese government’s performance records a two-point improvement to 47% after its lowest result to date in February.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,184 comments on “Polls: Essential Research, Roy Morgan and more (open thread)”

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  1. Boerwar @ #340 Thursday, June 6th, 2024 – 9:56 am

    Thanks be to Labor Australia is getting out of coal-fired power stations.

    Right. Labor is getting out coal-fired power stations by … approving new coal extraction … and extending the life of existing coal-fired power plants.

    Good work, eh?

    Oh … and let’s not mention gas, ok?

  2. Nicholas and Irene are like that!
    Albanese likes to burn people.
    Albanese feeds echidnas to the sharks.
    Labor people support Dutton.
    They really do!

  3. Hundreds of jobs at CSIRO are under threat as part of the national science agency’s plans to make Australian research more “sustainable” in the future. The public sector union expects more than 500 jobs across corporate services and some research units to be cut in the coming months, while warning the “gutting” of CSIRO could mean hundreds more might be on the horizon. A majority of the redundancies are expected to target some of the 1,600 support roles within the agency’s ESS unit, covering finance, business development, commercialisation, health and safety, and human resources, writes Sarah Basford-Canales.

    CSIRO may not exist or totally defunded if Dutton becomes PM because CSIRO exposed LNP Nuclear scam

  4. The Labor Government and Albo in particular has been accused of all sorts of heinous acts by our Green colleagues here. This evil is apparently retroactive, often reaching back to the time before Labor came to power.

    Feeding echidnas to sharks is definitely a new one, fiendishly clever in that it torments the sharks as well as the echidnas. I missed or skipped over the relevant posts. How does it work? Is it like a Bond supervillain with a shark tank in his lair, with minions providing a constant supply of echidnas?

  5. Ground planes now. You know it makes sense.
    Kill all livestock now. You know it makes sense.
    Switch off all coal plants now. You know it makes sense.
    Switch off all gas plants now. You know it makes sense.
    Lock up all ICE vehicles and machinery now. You know it makes sense.
    If economic collapse and starvation makes sense, that is.

  6. Over to you BW.

    According to David Estcourt, Peter Dutton could be investigated by the national security watchdog after a Victorian Supreme Court judge found that under his watch as home affairs minister, the department failed to disclose scathing reports questioning an assessment tool used to detain terror cell leader Abdul Nacer Benbrika.

  7. *Do I point out that the ‘Labor feeds echidnas to sharks’ line was used as an exemple by a Labor supporter to parody Irene, or just let it run…?*

  8. Morning all. Thanks for the roundup BK. A fairly grim read all up. International politics, the economy and our climate are all in trouble.

    The growth figures for the economy were pretty terrible for a country with lower but still high net immigration. The domestic economy is lethargic at best.

    Chalmers has done the best he can with the budget. If the RBA does not freeze or cut interest rates on these growth rates they need to be replaced or restructured.

  9. Dr Doolittle:
    But Dutton is one dimensional. He thinks banging on brusquely about anti-semitism is the key to regaining some Teal seats. It is much more complicated.
    Any proof for that claim?
    I’d say Dutton has forced Labor off the fence over Israel, to the point that they’ve attacked and gagged their Greens allies in Parliament.
    The Dutton approach re the Teal seats is correct because trying to outflank the Teals from the left is a mugs game., imo

  10. Hang on, Boerwar, grounding all aircraft immediately was your irony-free policy idea.

    Don’t be attributing it to someone else now.

  11. ‘Rewi says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 10:09 am

    Hang on, Boerwar, grounding all aircraft immediately was your irony-free policy idea.

    Don’t be attributing it to someone else now.’
    The slag artists can’t have it both ways.

  12. For the record, I am not against immigration, noting the Savas article. We do not have enough construction workers to build the houses we need. As a nation we have too many administrators and not enough tradies. And our refusal to deal with a housing market that is a massive cause of inter-generational inequality leads half a generation to give up on having kids. I can’t blame them.

  13. Nicholas

    If you join others in expressing the opinion that someone is an AI chatbot you are expressing that opinion yourself. Do you know how absurd you sound when you claim that you didn’t express that opinion? It’s something that Donald Trump would say. And claiming that you have “a professional interest” in dehumanizing someone is pathetic.

    Yes, I agree tht i mused over whether Irene was a bot.

    But you refuse to say why it was me you singled out with your tawdry, sexualised fantasy, while not having a go at the males – that is what I am complaining about – the casual misogyny.

  14. BW, your literally making arguments based on strawmen you and your group have made. And yet somehow you argue the “slag artist” (pot meet kettle indeed) cant have it both ways.

  15. Labor’s unhinged attacks on the Greens in relation to the Gaza war and protests shows that Labor is frightened of an electoral backlash particularly in western Sydney and the inner city. The Greens are simply drawing attention to how the Labor leadership has abandoned core constituencies in favour of the Israel lobby. Now Labor is lashing out as they don’t want attention drawn to this, and they are beginning to realise there will be negative electoral consequences for their actions.

  16. Socrates

    You get the feeling, don’t you, that as far as the domestic economy goes something’s going to give and there’s going to be a correction in at least one sector.

    Which one, though?

  17. Boerwar @ #356 Thursday, June 6th, 2024 – 10:04 am

    Ground planes now. You know it makes sense.
    Kill all livestock now. You know it makes sense.
    Switch off all coal plants now. You know it makes sense.
    Switch off all gas plants now. You know it makes sense.
    Lock up all ICE vehicles and machinery now. You know it makes sense.
    If economic collapse and starvation makes sense, that is.

    Increase subsidies to fossil fuels instead of investing the money in renewables. If you think it makes sense, you are completely senseless.

  18. Donald Trump’s three-times biographer and friend of Michael West Media, David Cay Johnston writes about the con-man he has known for 30 years; and his prospects of another US presidency. He says dictatorship is a real possibility.

    Why dictatorship is really possible if Trump becomes POTUS again?

    1. He said he wanted to be dictator on day 1.
    2. He would have a compliant US Congress, which is ready to lick his arse at any moment.
    3. He would have a compliant US Supreme Court.
    4. Do the executive, legislature and Judiciary will be under his thumb.
    5. It won’t be long before he would find a complaint Military leadership.
    6. He would have compliant Justice department, who will do his bidding. He said in open that he will
    put Biden, Clinton, and other democratic leaders in jail.
    7. He is currently leading in six out of seven swing states and MAGA voters committed to voting. They will crawl on glass, carried on sick bed to vote.

  19. ‘Lordbain says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 10:11 am

    BW, your literally making arguments based on strawmen you and your group have made. And yet somehow you argue the “slag artist” (pot meet kettle indeed) cant have it both ways.’
    Slag artists are the ones who slag Labor’s actions, regardless of the circumstances and who are, in this particular circumstance, being markedly hypocritical.

    How is this?

    You can’t be demanding instant and real action on climate change and ignore your particular elephants in the room.

    We can’t be for Zero Net Fifty and ignore the contribution of air travel and livestock.

    You are looking at instantly reducing Australia’s greenhouse emissions by around 10%.

    Ironically, because of wet years, livestock numbers are up. In other words the livestock industry is growing its emissions.

    Plane trips are expected to double. So the aviation industry is growing its emissions.

    The renewables transition has started.

    The hard bits await. My particular point is that NO Australian Party is going near the hard bits, least of all the compulsive slaggers.

  20. Boerwar,

    Last night I said I would give my thoughts on whether Irene is a chatbot , so here they are.

    There is certainly something odd about the way her posts have evolved, including topics and language. Quite a few other posters have also noted this.

    But despite this, I suspect she is probably just a poster trying to cut through and get attention.

    I doubt she is a Green, unless she is also a sustainable Australia fan. As one of the Greens I was handing out alongside at the last state election told me, we get a few people who join the party because they are anti-immigration and quite rascist about it, but we identify them and get rid of them pretty quickly.

  21. Mavissays:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9:22 am
    [‘The planet just marked a “shocking” new milestone, enduring 12 consecutive months of unprecedented heat, according to new data from Copernicus, the European Union’s climate monitoring service.

    Every single month from June 2023 to May 2024 was the world’s hottest such month on record, Copernicus data showed.

    The 12-month heat streak was “shocking but not surprising” given human-caused climate change, said Carlo Buontempo, the director of Copernicus, who warned of worse to come. Unless planet-warming fossil fuel pollution is slashed, “this string of hottest months will be remembered as comparatively cold,” he said.

    Copernicus released its data the same day as United Nations Secretary General António Guterres made an impassioned speech in New York about climate change, slamming fossil fuel companies as the “godfathers of climate chaos” and, for the first time, explicitly calling on all countries to ban advertising their fossil fuel products.

    Guterres urged world leaders to swiftly take control of the spiraling climate crisis or face dangerous tipping points. “We are playing Russian roulette with our planet,” he said Wednesday. “We need an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell.”]


    Mavis: Every single month from June 2023 to May 2024 was the world’s hottest such month on record, Copernicus data showed.

    The thing is it is hot by that magical number 1.5°C set at Paris CLIMATE CHANGE Conference.
    So, 1.5°C is almost certainly baked into the atmosphere.

  22. BW, you could get rid of everything you listed… but the continued support for Coal Powerplants we see in certain Labor states (NSW), and the expansion on Gas (Federal Labor) outclass them all by magnitudes.

    You cant fix an issue by ignoring/expanding the biggest source of the problem

  23. The last COP out did some anxious debating about a target of 1.5 degrees.
    What a bullshit target that was!
    We were already going past it.

  24. you refuse to say why it was me you singled out with your tawdry, sexualised fantasy, while not having a go at the males – that is what I am complaining about – the casual misogyny.

    Seriously, you want to make this an identity politics thing? You think I systematically and consistently treat women less favourably than men? Your gender played no role in my decision to respond to your post. It just happened to be the one that I responded to because it was representative of what a group of you were saying. I think that the male posters who called Irene an AI chatbot evinced a level of stupidity and offensiveness that equalled yours.

  25. ‘Lordbain says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 10:28 am

    BW, you could get rid of everything you listed… but the continued support for Coal Powerplants we see in certain Labor states (NSW), and the expansion on Gas (Federal Labor) outclass them all by magnitudes.

    You cant fix an issue by ignoring/expanding the biggest source of the problem’
    The poster who noted that the Greens are innumerate is 100% right.
    We can close down all the coal fired power stations today by passing a law.
    We can instantly close down all gas plants.
    We can resolutely refuse to build any firming plants (which will, once the renewables are in place, only be switched on in exceptional circumstances).
    The resulting blackouts would instantly send the economy into a deep recession.
    The core problem with 35 years of publicly bullshitting everyone is that the Greens have internalized their own bullshit.

  26. The Liberals think that they are onto a vote winner here. It is pleasing to see that they are finally and completely concerned about racism.

    From the Guardian:

    ‘Just after the house sitting began for the day, Liberal MP Julian Leeser attempted to suspend standing orders to change the government business of the day, and bring forth debate on his private members’ bill, which would establish a ‘commission into antisemitism at Australian universities’.’

  27. Nicholas,

    Your gender played no role in my decision to respond to your post.

    That is the thing about casual misogyny. The person exhibiting it has no idea they are doing it. It is pervasive, and deadly to women.

    Or perhaps it was jsut too hard to write a 1980s sexual fantasy about a man?

  28. BW, its been a bit late to stop the economy going into recession… but hey, per capita only counted when it was the Libs, and definitely not during a Labor government 😉

    But hey, thats only the latest in the long string of hypocrisy from certain posters here when it comes to Labor actions vs anyone else actions

  29. Labor will get us to 43/30.

    It will not get us to zero net fifty without grounding planes and killing our livestock. These are the sectors in our economy that are growing their emissions. It could reduce the 43 to 33 by doing those two things. IMO, it should.

    The Greens have promised Zero Net Forty. What they have so far delivered is Zero net details on how they are going to engineer a $300 billion plus change in the economy in 16 years. We can write that off as bullshit. You know how serious they are about this when Bandt announced that the best job for a coal miner was another mining job. That would be laughable if it were not so sick. Name a single new (or existing) mine anywhere anytime that the Greens have supported.

    Nuclear Button has just introduced another of the Coalition’s 53 Climate Inaction Plans. Enough said.

  30. ‘Lordbain says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 10:39 am

    BW, its been a bit late to stop the economy going into recession…
    Classic Greens. Trying to talk the economy down while offering a suite of policies that will send Australia into a deep recession.

  31. Yes BW, I have the ability to talk the economy down… on this forum. I mean sure its not like the economy has been in per capita recession for almost half a year now, and its not like this has been discussed by economists for years now. And its not like Labor used this to beat the libs during their time in opposition… its the Greens talking shit about the economy on forums that are actually the cause…

  32. Socrates says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 10:10 am
    For the record, I am not against immigration, noting the Savas article. We do not have enough construction workers to build the houses we need. As a nation we have too many administrators and not enough tradies. And our refusal to deal with a housing market that is a massive cause of inter-generational inequality leads half a generation to give up on having kids. I can’t blame them.

    Building a new house atm, all the tradies are recent arrivals in Australia…house wouldn’t be built without them (rural town NSW).
    The gaps (empty shops) in the Main Street are being filled by immigrant run business, the two aged care facilities are staffed by Nepalese (lovely folk) and the IGA (one of three supermarkets ) is booming thanks to the Indian Sikh ownership.

  33. Back to where we were before Lord Bain and P1 deflected:

    Labor will get us to 43/30. Because it wants to. In a tight budget it has allocated $20 billion to it. It is counting on the private sector investing. But the Liberals and the Greens are injecting funding and regulatory delays whenever they can in Parliament. They are both astroturfing against windfarms and transmission lines. They are both slagging everything that Labor is trying to achieve. They share a power lust that is helping to kill the planet.

    Labor will not get us to zero net fifty without grounding planes and killing our livestock. These are the sectors in our economy that are growing their emissions. It could reduce the 43 to 33 by doing those two things. IMO, it should. We went without air travel for 99.99999999999999999999% of human existence. We can do it again. We went by in paleolithic times with largely vegetarian diets. We can do it again.

    The Greens have promised Zero Net Forty. What they have so far delivered is Zero net details on how they are going to engineer a $300 billion plus change in the economy in 16 years. We can safely write that off as bullshit. Yet this is the standard against which they judge Labor’s actions. Bullshit is their metric.

    You know how serious the Greens are about actually implementing Zero Net Forty when Bandt announced that the best job for a coal miner was another mining job. That would be laughable if it were not so thoroughly sick. Name a single new (or existing) mine anywhere anytime that the Greens have supported.

    Nuclear Button has just introduced another of the Coalition’s 53 Climate Inaction Plans. Enough said.

  34. Player Onesays:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9:44 am
    Mavis @ #318 Thursday, June 6th, 2024 – 9:22 am

    Guterres urged world leaders to swiftly take control of the spiraling climate crisis or face dangerous tipping points. “We are playing Russian roulette with our planet,” he said Wednesday. “We need an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell.”]


    I don’t about”Russian roulette” but we do have a Russian war.

  35. On a more positive note, here are UK cartoons and other miscellany

    Peter Brookes

    Rob Murray

    Morten Morland

    Ben Jennings

    Dave Brown


    (Clacton is the seaside seat where Farange is standing)

    Martin Rowson

    Christian Adams

    Tjeerd Royaards



    Guy Venables

    Dennis Goris


    The Chaser


    “The work wasn’t intended to bully”, says Michael Miller, executive chairman of News Corp Australasia in response to Kat Wong’s questioning around whether it was okay for News Corp to bully people like Yassmin Abdel-Magied, Antoinette Lattouf, Brittany Higgins & those in the trans community

  36. Rewi

    “You get the feeling, don’t you, that as far as the domestic economy goes something’s going to give and there’s going to be a correction in at least one sector.

    Which one, though?”

    There are job cuts going on in my sector right now (transport infrastructure in Adelaide). I suspect many others too.

    Unemployment data always lags reality. Ironically so does inflation data. I fear the RBA has waited far too long to cut rates.

    Dog’s Brunch

    I’m glad for your town. More than half Australia’s engineering workforce is foreign born now. When I started work back in the mid-80s that was perhaps 25%. We ceased training enough local born people for STEM careers starting back in the early 2010s. The reliance on foreign born technical skilled labour has been going up for at least 10 years.

  37. LVT

    D&M what’s with the 80’s sexual fantasy reference ?

    Me voting Labour because of my halcyon days watching Bob Hawke celebrating the Americas Cup win, and experiencing that heady flush of sexual awakening, or some such thing.

    You can find it if you want, but I am now bored wiuth the issue, and wil leave it alone.

  38. Player One says:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 10:59 am

    Boerwar @ #392 Thursday, June 6th, 2024 – 10:54 am

    Back to where we were before Lord Bain and P1 deflected …

    The irony is strong in this one! ‘
    Blame it on the fact that in your world there is no difference between Liberal and Labor.

    Here is the state of play:

    Labor will get us to 43/30. Because it wants to. In a tight budget it has allocated $20 billion to it. It is counting on the private sector investing. But the Liberals and the Greens are injecting funding and regulatory delays whenever they can in Parliament. They are both astroturfing against windfarms and transmission lines. How good is that for private investment! They are both slagging everything that Labor is trying to achieve. They share a power lust that is helping to kill the planet.

    But. Labor will not get us to zero net fifty without grounding planes and killing our livestock.

    These are the sectors in our economy that are growing their emissions. It could reduce the 43 to 33 by doing those two things. IMO, it should. We went without air travel for 99.99999999999999999999% of human existence. We can do it again. We went by in paleolithic times with largely vegetarian diets. We can do it again.

    The Greens have promised Zero Net Forty. What they have so far delivered is Zero net details on how they are going to engineer a $300 billion plus change in the economy in 16 years. We can safely write that off as bullshit. Yet this is the standard against which they judge Labor’s actions. Bullshit is their metric.

    You know how serious the Greens are about actually implementing Zero Net Forty when Bandt announced that the best job for a coal miner was another mining job. That would be laughable if it were not so thoroughly sick. Name a single new (or existing) mine anywhere anytime that the Greens have supported.

    Nuclear Button has just introduced another of the Coalition’s 53 Climate Inaction Plans. Enough said.

  39. FUBARsays:
    Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9:57 am
    Savva’s one mission is to destroy the LNP because it rejected Turnbull. Why anyone would read what she writes, except to confirm that she still hates the LNP, is beyond me.

    If that is Savva’s mission, I am fine with that.
    The current LNP should be destroyed for the good of the country.
    From that ashes should rise a right of Centre party that is made up of Teals and Moderate Liberals.

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