Polls: Essential Research and Roy Morgan (open thread)

The government rises in one poll and comes down hard in another. Results also on carbon emission targets, Gaza and vaping.

The fortnightly Essential Research poll goes against the recent grain in recording a four-point drop for the Coalition to 32%, with Labor down one to 31%, the Greens steady on 13% and One Nation up three to 8%, and the undecided component up two to 6%. The pollster’s 2PP+ measure, which has consistently been very close throughout the year, finds Labor moving into the lead for the first time since early April by holding steady at 48% while the Coalition falls two to 46%.

Further questions record 31% support and 36% opposition to Peter Dutton’s new position on carbon emissions, with respondents told this would breach a Paris climate agreement backed by 190 other countries. There is also a 52-48 split in favour of sticking to the 2030 target over an alternative that encapsulates Peter Dutton’s position thus: “Australia should abandon the 2030 target because it’s unachievable and hurting the economy and instead focus on the 2050 target”. However, there is a 63-37 split in favour of developing renewable as the means to the end of the 2050 target over sticking with fossil fuels and waiting until nuclear is developed in 15 to 20 years.

Questions on Israel and Gaza find 52% satisfied with the Australian government’s response, although twice as many think it too supportive of Israel than too harsh, at 32% and 16% respectively. There is a four-point drop in support for Israel’s action since April to 15%, with opposition up six to 38% and a two-point increase in support for a temporary ceasefire to 21%. A question on the government’s plan to make vapes available only through pharmacies by prescription finds 56% in favour and 22% opposed. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1160.

After two improved results for Labor, the weekly Roy Morgan poll records a sharp reversal, recording a tie on two-party preferred after Labor led 53.5-46.5 last week. On the primary vote, Labor is down a point to 29.5%, the Coalition is up three to 38%, the Greens are down two to 13.5% and One Nation is down half a point to 5%. The poll was conducted Monday to Sunday from a sample of 1724.

Nine Newspapers has also published further findings from the Resolve Strategic poll which put support for the government’s 43% carbon reduction target for 2030 as a stepping stone to net zero by 2050 at 33%, with a further 19% favouring a more ambitious approach. Only 17% supported Peter Dutton’s approach of abandoning the 2030 target, with a further 13% rejecting emissions targets altogether.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,973 comments on “Polls: Essential Research and Roy Morgan (open thread)”

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  1. Badthinker says:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 10:33 am
    Dutts playing Rope-A-Dope atm.


    Self-insight is a sign of growth. Good for you.

  2. Let’s see where the polling lands.
    If it turns out the public have been open to Nuclear for a while, was Labor intending to go Nuke soon anyway?
    They’d have flogged it off to the PLA before the first sod was turned, imo.

  3. Just floating this idea: should Labor call Dutton’s bluff and say they are open to a bi-partisan approach to exploring nuclear as a long term solution but in the interim seek bi-partisanship on the primacy of renewables, these meeting greenhouse commitments and ensuring investment certainty?

  4. You’d think Dutton was pretty safe right now given the current polling, but I wonder if his recent forays into wild captain calls have put him in a bit of danger. It’s never a good portent for a political leaders longevity when multiple frontbenchers are comfortable going off script. It suggests that they think the leader is on borrowed time and that they are better off looking after their own reputation rather than being a team player.

  5. I was worried when Dutton was true to type and said NO to the 34% target. I recall responding to Socrates with this concern. But I am reassured when he chose to paint a whopping target on his back with this nuclear thought bubble. Even the Murdoch press appears to be gagging a little as they attempt to polish the turd.

    Edit: spelling

  6. Just floating this idea: should Labor call Dutton’s bluff
    I think it is a good idea but it would cause problems internally and probs too late now. And, they probably see staying the course as an opportunity.

    Let’s see where the polling lands.
    I am curious too. I have long thought that small target theory is over-rated – especially if you have either a good sales team or a favorable section of the media (and the rest of the MSM a little lazy). Putting a target on yourself gives you the run of the cycle, excites people and gets them talking about your ideas, and….. feeds the chooks who otherwise might be picking holes in other things.

    Australia is a conservative place, but not in all respects.

    Then again, I thought that about the Voice ref too.

  7. Is this website down, or is it me? The last post I am seeing was from VTC Et3e at 1.30 a.m. this morning (Saturday). Hope to see you again, soon, maybe?

  8. You’d think Dutton was pretty safe right now given the current polling, but I wonder if his recent forays into wild captain calls have put him in a bit of danger.

    My own view is he has forayed into the nuclear announcement because his leadership wasn’t assured.

    Remember it was only a couple of weeks ago people in his own partyroom were encouraging a Frydenberg return because of his potential leadership qualities?

  9. Lynchpin @ #1653 Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 – 10:58 am

    Just floating this idea: should Labor call Dutton’s bluff and say they are open to a bi-partisan approach to exploring nuclear as a long term solution but in the interim seek bi-partisanship on the primacy of renewables, these meeting greenhouse commitments and ensuring investment certainty?

    This makes obvious sense but is a long way distant from current Australian political reality.

    The OTT bagging of nuclear has potential to cause problems for the party, particularly as there has been recent support in some party circles for nuclear being in the mix.

  10. The Oz, P4:

    Amid rising specualtion of an early election …
    Crosby Textor … has marked Mr Duttons announcment this week … as the official start of the election campaign
    … Not possible in a 30 day election period.
    In this context, Labor must surely be weighing an early election …

    Here’s an idea for a meme:
    a 3 eyed fish wearing a red Vote Labor 1 t-shirt while steering a Tesla?

  11. Badthinker says Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 7:43 am

    Greens have been quiet on Nuclear.
    Bob Brown?

    The issue with nuclear in Australia is economic. That’s not really the strong point of the Greens.

  12. Remember it was only a couple of weeks ago people in his own partyroom were encouraging a Frydenberg return because of his potential leadership qualities?

    No, I don’t reember that.
    I do remember The Australian‘s Frydenburg boomlet running out of puff in 36 hours.

  13. I really cannot imagine a situation where the government is foolish enough to go to the polls before the Queensland state election, nor can I fathom why they would want to rush to an early election at a time when their polling is at what seems to be the lowest point it has been all term. It makes no sense.

  14. bcsays:

    The Oz, P4:

    Pressed repeatedly, he [Deputy PM Richard Marles} could not deny the coalition estimate … the cost of the Labor plan including solar, wind, batteries and transission would exceed the $1 trillion that Dutton had put on it..

    See the problem?
    Plus, most of the clowns have already said their only objection is Cost, while posting 3 eyed fish memes at the same time.

  15. Badthinkersays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 10:33 am
    Dutts playing Rope-A-Dope atm.

    Half right, he is certainly playing a dope. Though putting the rope around your own neck is not how you do that play normally.

  16. Asha

    The Government is plainly incompetent.
    Recent polling indicates L-NP well short of even minority governent.
    The Queensland election won’t be fought on Federal issues, though an early Federal election wouldn’t hurt the Miles Governent, provided it’s in August, imo.

  17. Confessionssays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 11:31 am

    “My own view is he has forayed into the nuclear announcement because his leadership wasn’t assured”

    Looking at Angus Taylor’s face at Dutton’s announcement, I’d tend to agree. Guy looked like he’d just eaten a $#!t sandwich!

  18. pied pipersays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 12:13 pm
    Japanese eye investment in Australian nuclear rollout.

    Because Fukushima pretty well sells itself?

  19. Folklore suggested that the WA version of the Nats were different from the Federal version, emphasised by criticism of Barnaby Joyce’s activities towards women when pissed, which is most of the time.

    Now it would seem that there is little difference. Mia Davies pulled the pin and Shane Love took over. Since then MLC Louise Kingston has resigned to become independent due to their leader’s behaviour and today’s West Australian tells us that their State Director Douglas Rogers has also quit, apparently due to the antics of Mr Love.

    On top of all that we have the State Liberals owned by religious cookers affectionately known as the Clan, with a sports commentator owned by 7West media being foisted onto the Libs by mining interests in an effort to get their party back. To make matters even more interesting we have a chaotic attempt by the Federal LNP to sell their nuclear folly as a distraction to their real aim that is to prevent coal power being substantially replaced by renewables.

    It was assumed that at the next state election the ALP’s massive majority would have to take a hit without actually delivering a LNP Government. As time goes by that will become more and more unlikely.

  20. Lynchpin says:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 12:14 pm
    Not sure what’s happened to the site. It’s stuck on 1:30 am unless you make a comment———-
    Yes, i had the same problem! Thought it was my elderly iPad. Posting solved it, so far.

  21. Lynchpinsays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 12:14 pm
    Not sure what’s happened to the site. It’s stuck on 1:30 am unless you make a comment

    That’s how i got here too. Though i now regret my first comment wasn’t “open sesame”.

    My first comment was actually “it looks like this page stopped at 1:30 am”. A comment that i then deleted. Once this new page thread magically appeared and therefore did not fit with the comment i had made anymore.

  22. The issue of cost you raise above re Marles – there’s an important difference. That’s not a cost to the taxpayer, I believe.

  23. Japanese eye investment in Australian nuclear rollout.
    Bc they arent allowed to build additional ones in Japan?

  24. [‘Former President Donald Trump and his political operation outraised President Joe Biden for the second month in a row in May, as a flood of donations after Trump’s criminal conviction quickly eroded the financial advantage Biden held for much of the campaign cycle.

    Biden and the Democrats raised $85 million in May, his campaign said in a statement, a figure that is well short of the staggering $141 million that Trump and his political operation said it collected last month, fueled by tens of millions of dollars collected in the immediate aftermath of his May 30 conviction in a New York criminal case for falsifying business records.

    Biden’s campaign said Thursday that his committees entered June with a massive $212 million cash stockpile. The Trump campaign has not yet disclosed cash-on-hand figures for all of its committees.

    Campaigns don’t have to do so until next month, but Federal Election Commission filings late Thursday offered a partial picture, showing Trump’s main committee with more than $116.5 million in cash reserves at May 31 while Biden’s main campaign account held $91.6 million — a stark reversal of fortune from just a month earlier, when Biden had a $35 million cash edge.

    The Biden team said its war chest — built up over the course of the campaign — has helped establish a substantial campaign infrastructure and touted its hiring, together with the Democratic Party, of more than 1,000 staffers across battleground states.’]


  25. Themunzsays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 12:28 pm
    Now I can see those that were missing.

    Your first post was an act of faith. That has allowed you to enter this new realm.

  26. ‘I believe in the power of art, the power of the paintbrush. I know that art can change lives — it changed mine — and I hope that art can change the world too.’

    His portrait of Gina Rinehart may have triggered the events that will prove to be the ultimate revenge for the Voice. Incensed by her portrayal by Namatjira and unsuccessful in reversing its display, she has unleashed her minions to push for a costly, ineffective and absolutely unnecessary scheme. Sure, she will find a way to make another mountain of money along the way if we are stupid enough to fall for it.
    However, this scheme will either f*** this country big-time if it gets up or, more likely, clear the way for a bold and progressive government to tackle the many real challenges that face us.
    More power to this kadaitcha man so that he may save us from ourselves (and punish the evil shits who worked so hard against the Voice).

  27. There were said to be 50,000 Scots in Cologne for the 1 all draw with Switzerland

    Belting out Flower of Scotland before kick-off.


    Afterwards, the Mayor (Oberbürgermeisterin von @koeln) sent a message!

    “Henriette Reker @HenrietteReker
    Jun 20
    Dear Scots, those have been a wonderful couple of days with you. I could not be a happier mayor. You are always welcome to come back to Cologne! #tartanarmy @ScotlandNT #euro2024 x.com/RalphGoldmann/…

  28. Entropysays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 12:31 pm
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 12:28 pm
    Now I can see those that were missing.

    Your first post was an act of faith. That has allowed you to enter this new realm.

    Once more thu the looking glass:-)

  29. Themunzsays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 12:42 pm
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 12:31 pm
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 12:28 pm
    Now I can see those that were missing.

    Your first post was an act of faith. That has allowed you to enter this new realm.

    Once more thu the looking glass:-)

    I think it is more Battlestar Galactica. We can only remain here for 32 minutes before Lars finds us and we will have to jump again.

  30. Team Katich:

    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 12:35 pm

    [‘Mavis, Trump Media down 50%. Peeps arent buying into Bidens campaign. Can we trade these two in for new ones please?’]

    Too late for that, TK. George Soros may come to Biden’s rescue like
    Timothy Mellon has done for Trump, with a $50m donation, said to
    be the largest-ever political benefaction.

  31. To make matters even more interesting we have a chaotic attempt by the Federal LNP to sell their nuclear folly as a distraction to their real aim that is to prevent coal power being substantially replaced by renewables.
    If that’s what’s happening, I can’t see it being unpopular with voters.
    Just like The Voice, Labor are stuck with the fantasy that voters will buy it’s lame appeals to authority.
    Marlesy wouldn’t deny Dutton’s $1 Trillion+ price tag on the switch to Renewables yesterday.
    How many Seats will they lose by waiting an extra 7 days, let alone 11 months?
    I’d say Labor MPs in Marginals are screaming for a 1/7/24 announcement, unless they’ve got rocks in their head?

  32. Two new reactors under construction in Japan at last count with the national goal to have 33 reactors working by 2030
    So… “no additional ones”?

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