Polls: Essential Research and Roy Morgan (open thread)

The government rises in one poll and comes down hard in another. Results also on carbon emission targets, Gaza and vaping.

The fortnightly Essential Research poll goes against the recent grain in recording a four-point drop for the Coalition to 32%, with Labor down one to 31%, the Greens steady on 13% and One Nation up three to 8%, and the undecided component up two to 6%. The pollster’s 2PP+ measure, which has consistently been very close throughout the year, finds Labor moving into the lead for the first time since early April by holding steady at 48% while the Coalition falls two to 46%.

Further questions record 31% support and 36% opposition to Peter Dutton’s new position on carbon emissions, with respondents told this would breach a Paris climate agreement backed by 190 other countries. There is also a 52-48 split in favour of sticking to the 2030 target over an alternative that encapsulates Peter Dutton’s position thus: “Australia should abandon the 2030 target because it’s unachievable and hurting the economy and instead focus on the 2050 target”. However, there is a 63-37 split in favour of developing renewable as the means to the end of the 2050 target over sticking with fossil fuels and waiting until nuclear is developed in 15 to 20 years.

Questions on Israel and Gaza find 52% satisfied with the Australian government’s response, although twice as many think it too supportive of Israel than too harsh, at 32% and 16% respectively. There is a four-point drop in support for Israel’s action since April to 15%, with opposition up six to 38% and a two-point increase in support for a temporary ceasefire to 21%. A question on the government’s plan to make vapes available only through pharmacies by prescription finds 56% in favour and 22% opposed. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1160.

After two improved results for Labor, the weekly Roy Morgan poll records a sharp reversal, recording a tie on two-party preferred after Labor led 53.5-46.5 last week. On the primary vote, Labor is down a point to 29.5%, the Coalition is up three to 38%, the Greens are down two to 13.5% and One Nation is down half a point to 5%. The poll was conducted Monday to Sunday from a sample of 1724.

Nine Newspapers has also published further findings from the Resolve Strategic poll which put support for the government’s 43% carbon reduction target for 2030 as a stepping stone to net zero by 2050 at 33%, with a further 19% favouring a more ambitious approach. Only 17% supported Peter Dutton’s approach of abandoning the 2030 target, with a further 13% rejecting emissions targets altogether.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,973 comments on “Polls: Essential Research and Roy Morgan (open thread)”

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  1. Rossmcg says:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 2:17 pm
    Dutts has taken the angry pills

    I read the whole article on Apple News on my phone. Dutton has sunk to Trump like depths of depravity.

    This much appears on the SMH website before the paywall. “Dutton goes off script, labels Albanese a ‘child in a man’s body’
    By Matthew Knott
    June 22, 2024 — 1.53pm
    Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has launched a strikingly personal attack on Anthony Albanese, deriding the prime minister as a fraud, an appeaser and a “child in a man’s body” as he vowed to override premiers opposed to the construction of nuclear-power plants in their states.

    Dutton’s comments – delivered to an audience of Liberal Party politicians, administrators and party activists in Sydney on Saturday – represent a significant escalation in the opposition’s rhetoric and a potential preview of election campaign attack lines the Coalition will deploy as they try to paint Albanese as a weak leader.”

  2. sprocket_ says:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 2:25 pm

    Slightly off topic, but why are England allowed in the Euros?

    Surely a consequence of Brexit would have them excluded from sport on the continent.

    Probably the same reason Australia is allowed in the Eurovision Song contest

  3. After coming under attack for declining to release the cost of his plan to build seven government-funded nuclear power plants, Dutton said Australians will “soon see” details of how much the policy costs.

    Why would Labor oppose Nukes on Cost unless they were well ahead in plans for a Public/Private Partnership Nuke scam and got gazumped by Dutts?
    That appears to be behind the construction delays in the UK – the builders are also going to be the operators and they’re making demands re future rates?
    As Centre says, you don’t want private enterprise anywhere near a natural monopoly like power generation.

  4. Badthinkersays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 2:46 pm
    After coming under attack for declining to release the cost of his plan to build seven government-funded nuclear power plants, Dutton said Australians will “soon see” details of how much the policy costs.

    Why would Labor oppose Nukes on Cost unless they were well ahead in plans for a Public/Private Partnership Nuke scam and got gazumped by Dutts?
    That appears to be behind the problems in the UK – the builders are also going to be the operators and they’re making demands re future rates?
    As Centre says, you don’t want private enterprise anywhere near a natural monopoly like power generation.

    Tell that to Jeff Kennett. Though it has been LNP policy up to now. Until they just went all socialist on us this week. If they had gone socialist on something that made economic sense like Wind, Solar and Batteries. It would actually be a policy worth considering. Though i would have some problems with the taxpayer shouldering all the burden. As having commercial interests involved tends to make sure the projects are financially viable. As it means not just the Government has run through the numbers.

    Lets face it, past LNP Governments have been very bad at picking financially viable projects or going about them the correct way to get value for the taxpayers bucks too.

  5. If Peter Dutton does get replaced as Federal Liberal Party before the 2025 federal election , would Dutton seek revenge on those who replaced him.

  6. Wow amazing that Trump could well be on track to win back the presidency.

    What a hoot!

    I bet the loony Greens will want us to distance ourselves from the USA.

  7. It says something about both Morrison and Trump that Morrison may be a rational choice for Australian back door diplomacy with the United States.

  8. Badthinker:

    Why would Labor oppose Nukes on Cost unless they were well ahead in plans for a Public/Private Partnership Nuke scam and got gazumped by Dutts?

    Indeed, I cannot fathom a single other reason why the government might be opposed to writing off all the money and time that has been invested in renewable energy sources so that billions more could be spent on building nuclear power plants that won’t be ready for decades. It surely couldn’t possible because it’s all just an uncosted crock of shit designed to ensure we keep burning on fossil fuels once the Coalition gets into the power, look at the books, and oh-so-sadly announce that, no, sorry, this isn’t in fact viable, looks like we’re going to just have to continue destroying the planet.

    I’m not opposed to nuclear power in principle, but there is no scenario in which this is a cheaper or faster alternative to fossil fuels than the government just continuing their present course with renewables. It’s a patently obvious con job.

  9. Andrew Tate’s warped philosophy has been around for decades in African-American rap music…some of the lyrics from now household names are beyond just misogynist they actually glorify rape. The thing is we can go hard now because Tate is white. Much of the damage of the glorification of the pimp lifestyle was done a decade or so ago.

  10. Peter Dutton won’t be going anywhere, he will give the next election a real shot.

    Catch you guys next time, knock yourselves out 🙂

  11. Any chance of answers to my questions at 1.05pm Badthinker?

    If you don’t know, vote no.

    It’s looking more and more like Liberal MP’s will also be voting no to Dutton with the imminent libspill.

  12. It should be pointed out too that there has been a noticeable tightening in the presidential race in recent months, with barely anything in it between Biden and Trump now, both with and without the inclusion of third party candidates. While things remain much too close for my comfort, particularly given the advantage the GOP has in the electoral college, the trend is in Biden’s favour right now. The recent special election results also suggest the Democrats may well overperform the polls on November.

  13. Hi Granny
    Not the right person to ask, but i do say this:
    If Australia is going to have NP anyway, the Labor Party are the last people you want writing the cheques.
    If it gets built on the Dutton Plan, Bechtel or similar will buid it on time, on budget.
    Labor, well you remember how well the Pink Batts Scheme went, now imagine those people building a Nuclear Power Station?

  14. Badthinkersays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 3:18 pm
    Hi Granny
    Not the right person to ask, but i do say this:
    If Australia is going to have NP anyway, the Labor Party are the last people you want writing the cheques.
    If it gets built on the Dutton Plan, Bechtel or similar will buid it on time, on budget.
    Labor, well you remember how well the Pink Batts Scheme went, now imagine those people building a Nuclear Power Station?

    What rot, private enterprise did all the installations in that scheme. It is Snowy Hydro 2 and the Copper Fraud Band. That shows which party you don’t want near any major infrastructure projects.

    Pink batts was a highly successful scheme in Victoria though. Some states just have to many dodgy private operators around it seems.

  15. ‘Steelydan says:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    Andrew Tate’s warped philosophy has been around for decades in African-American rap music…some of the lyrics from now household names are beyond just misogynist they actually glorify rape. The thing is we can go hard now because Tate is white. Much of the damage of the glorification of the pimp lifestyle was done a decade or so ago.’
    … and in the latest real news the Nationals leader in WA has received the mother of all gratis character assessments on the misogyny front.

    The Liberals and the Nationals just do not get it.

  16. TOM RED
    Replying to
    Under Dutton’s plan, nuclear energy would go from being 0% of our current energy mix, to about 11%. Over the same time, gas would go from being 5% of our current energy mix, to 55%. It’s not a nuclear plan, it’s a gas plan.


    The fossil fuel cartel vampires draining the life from civilisation.

  17. “centre” wants a ‘level playing field’ for all forms of power: then he spruikes nuclear. This seems … odd, given that he then hides behind Dutton’s ‘plan’ to take his nuclear power plant off the books and into a corporate entity alla NBN Co.

    Why not take ALL ‘new generation’ “off the books” and place then all in one huge corporation (“NECo”?) and then let experts make the decision as to what form of energy and when and where to build it?

    The problems with nuclear – starting from scratch in 2025 – are as obvious as the nose on your face. In a nutshell it’s too late. If the LNP were actually serious about nuclear being ‘in the mix’ for the new generation of energy generation in this country then they only have themselves to blame:

    THEY banned nuclear generation back in 1998.

    Howard then got Ziggy to do a study the next decade and he reported back in 2006 – concluding that it would take 20 years to get the first plants up and running.

    If nuclear was to be a substantial (ie. 50 GigaWatts +) part of the mix, then it was in the words of that great modern beat poet ‘a known known’ twenty years ago that not only would it take twenty years to establish a nuclear power industry it would on the most optimistic timeframe take a further twenty years or more to fully roll out 50+ GigaWatts of nuclear power generation in australia – taking us right up to 2050.

    Instead of acting THEN – back in 2006/7 – Howard and then his political progeny kicked nuclear power as a possibility into the long grass for another eighteen years.

    THAT is the fundamental problem: the train has already long left the station for nuclear power to form a realistic and meaningful part in our future energy mix.

    In 15 years time – when Dutton says he’ll have the first two nuclear reactors up and running (which is manifest bullshit) – under Labor’s current rollout something like an addition 120-150 GigaWatts of renewable generation will have come on line. Dutton says on the one hand that renewables will still make up a majority of the power grid but on the other hand ‘nuclear baseload’ will help stabilise it. From what I’ve read recently, and confirmed by engineers on bludger, that is not how nuclear works. It is a very poor ‘backstop’ and ineffective form of firming power when the grid is largely made up of variable generators like renewables. In other words, even under Dutton’s ‘plan’ nuclear is a very poor choice (and that’s on top of all the other brain farts that have been manifest by the LNP and Newscorpse on the issue since the last election).

    What will be needed, in conjunction with the renewables rollout underway is ‘firming’ – which will be provided by (1) the inherent nature of renewables (ie. when the sun ain’t shinning THEN in Australia at least – and especially along the long coastlines – the wind is blowing in spades, (2) batteries, (3) pumped hydro and (4) large spinning machines that use their angular momentum to firm energy supply. The ‘back stop’ if one is actually needed – will be rather small and best provided by gas peakers and biofuel generation.

    Unfortunately for you – ‘centre’ – your ‘level playing field’ argument is a busted flush for nuclear. … and the LNP are to blame for that.

  18. ” as he vowed to override premiers opposed to the construction of nuclear-power plants in their states.”

    Ahh, that will be a good policy to go to an election with. Dont care about State Govts, we know better and will squash them like bugs if they dont toe our line. Cave dwellers in W.A were cummin to get yah!!!

  19. If you have a sunny backyard and like to catch some rays while not getting bitten by ants, pour boiling water on coffee grounds, let cool, then spread the tea on the lawn.
    Will take a few months, but the ants will find a home elsewhere.

  20. Ah, yes, pink batts, something that happened over twelve years ago, achieved the goals it was intended to (bolstering the economy during the 2008-2009 financial crisis as well as insulating a bunch of homes), but tragically also resulted in some unnecessary deaths thanks to a few reckless bastards putting profits above of their employees’ wellbeing. Now, which party is it again that hates red tape and employers being held to overly stringent safety standards and all that other silly stuff that gets in the way of the all-important bottom line?

    Meanwhile, the Coalition have a number of roaring successes. Like the NBN, and the vaccine rollout, and the 2018 census, and Centrelink, and the Murray-Darling basin, and the utter clusterfuck that is the present-day Australian housing market, and the ten years in office when they actually could have done something about energy policy but instead just sat about twiddling their thumbs.

    In reality, if the Coalition were in charge to building publicly funded nuclear power stations, they’d give the job to whatever dodgy mate promises to do as cheap and a half-arsed job as possible while somehow also going at least three or four times overbudget.

  21. “As Centre says, you don’t want private enterprise anywhere near a natural monopoly like power generation.”

    Actually Badthinker, if you had actually read center from upthread it says:

    “The nuclear power plants will be deemed to be government assets and could be sold in the future for an absolute fortune.”

    Seems pretty keen on power generation being sold off actually.

    Seems you have misquoted the current village idiot.

    “If Peter Dutton does get replaced as Federal Liberal Party before the 2025 federal election , would Dutton seek revenge on those who replaced him.”

    Yes. 🙂

  22. SD:

    Andrew Tate’s warped philosophy has been around for decades in African-American rap music…some of the lyrics from now household names are beyond just misogynist they actually glorify rape. The thing is we can go hard now because Tate is white. Much of the damage of the glorification of the pimp lifestyle was done a decade or so ago.

    Mate, what in the fuck…?

  23. Rex Douglassays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 3:31 pm
    Has posting images been managed out of bludger comments ..?

    I think the system is experiencing some difficulty. That has been occurring since yesterday afternoon. So i wouldn’t conclude any changes seen are due to design.

    Quote: “We will be restoring normality as soon as we are sure what is normal anyway.”

  24. Allegra Spender
    It’s no surprise that my favourite weekly mag, the Economist, has as its title this week “The Dawn of the Solar Age”.
    It explains how solar prices have come down and are continuing to come down.
    Solar is on track to be half as expensive as today’s cheapest form of energy.

    Allegra Spender
    From 2009 to 2019 the price of electricity from solar came down 89 percent – and it’s still falling.

    The price of electricity from nuclear went up 26%.

    I know which trend I’m betting on.

    Allegra Spender
    We actually have the opportunity for energy abundance with solar – connecting people around the world to clean cheap electricity
    People who never had access to electricity before.


    Genuine conservatives would naturally align with Spender, not Dutton.

  25. Sprocket

    “Slightly off topic, but why are England allowed in the Euros?

    Surely a consequence of Brexit would have them excluded from sport on the continent.”

    England’s continued failure to advance past the Euro semis makes the European teams feel good about themselves.

  26. Dutton goes full Voldemort:


    “ Labelling Albanese “a political appeaser, not a leader of conviction”, Dutton said: “Whatever audience Mr Albanese is addressing, he tells them what they want to hear, not what needs to be said.”

    He continued: “I think Mr Albanese is a decent man who cares deeply about his country, but I believe he is completely out of his depth as prime minister.”


    Dutton has been out of his depth – in all occupations and as a human being – ever since he ceased punching down on aboriginal youths in Fortitude Valley back in his Queensland copper days. There was a reason why his police colleagues used to leave dog turds in his desk once he got his first promotion.

  27. A reminder that Dutton is the guy who accused Albanese of having a glass jaw a couple of years back.

    Anybody who is not thick-skinned enough to handle a bit of mockery is not fit for the leadership of a democratic nation. Being mocked relentlessly, both fairly and unfairly, is part of the job.

  28. Meanwhile, the Coalition have a number of roaring successes. Like the NBN, and the vaccine rollout…

    The vaccine rollout was the worst.

    The choice to go with Astrazeneca was a collosal mistake given its blood clot dangers and its banning.

    Pfizer was the proper choice.

  29. The choice to go with Astrazeneca was a collosal mistake given its blood clot dangers and its banning.
    AntiVaxxer, eh?

  30. One more thing: Dutton and the LNP fully deserve to be lampooned to the end of time with cartoon nuclear power memes, given that his ‘policy’ is itself a cartoonish joke.

    He says he wants a ‘mature debate’ on nuclear but start away starts lying about his chosen topic:

    – 3 years is not a realistic time frame to start construction
    – 8 years is not a realistic timeframe to then have nuclear power from the first plants under construction enter the grid
    – using Tim Smith’s beloved UAE example the minimum timeframes to fully establish a first nuclear power plant as operational – and on a green fields cite in an autocracy t – is fully 18 years
    – to provide a meaningful contribution to the national energy grid it will take further decades to get all the others up and running.
    – disused coal power plant sites will take longer than a green fields site, because of remediation and the exiting transmission lines are unlikely to be then suitable for the established new nuclear plant to simply ‘plug into’

    And he still hasnt talked about overall cost, what generation capacity he is aiming for and just how nuclear will then play with a network that even on his own ‘plan’ will be mostly made up of renewables. Nor has he discussed exactly how he plans to establish the workforce Human Resources or regulatory frameworks. Yet he is promising 2027/8 as the kick-off date.

    Non of that is evidence of any real concern for ‘facts’ or ‘a mature debate’: on in my view he – the LNP and their Newscorpse boosters – all deserve to be mocked and memed into oblivion.

  31. If I recall correctly, happy to be corrected, we were offered an early deal from Pfizer but Morrison and Hunt rejected it for the cheaper Astrazeneca.

  32. Let’s recap on Blinky the 3 eyed fish:
    Burnsie was running for Governor, so he leant on employee Homer Simpson
    to help out with the normal family charade for the cameras.

    The right comparison here is Bill Shorten at a mass meeting at Gladstone Wharves trying [poorly, imo] to impersonate a human being and being asked a civil question on Labor’s Tax Policy that he didn’t like.
    BTW, did that sparky ever find work in Gladstone again?

  33. imaccasays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 3:36 pm
    “As Centre says, you don’t want private enterprise anywhere near a natural monopoly like power generation.”

    Actually Badthinker, if you had actually read center from upthread it says:

    “The nuclear power plants will be deemed to be government assets and could be sold in the future for an absolute fortune.”

    Seems pretty keen on power generation being sold off actually.

    Seems you have misquoted the current village idiot.

    Maybe ones a Liberal and the others National. Those two parties haven’t come up with a straight story yet. For any aspect of Dutton’s nuclear plan and whether renewable get totally blocked or not. As we await the 20 or so years for the arrival of these nuclear follies.

    You say, “Yes”, I say, “No”
    You say, “Stop” and I say, “Go, go, go”
    Oh no

  34. suprised Bermingham is still on duttons front bench as senate leader he refused to campaign against the voice and now is contradicting his energy policy could be the first teel senater

  35. Andrew_Earlwoodsays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 3:44 pm
    Dutton goes full Voldemort:


    “ Labelling Albanese “a political appeaser, not a leader of conviction”, Dutton said: “Whatever audience Mr Albanese is addressing, he tells them what they want to hear, not what needs to be said.”

    He continued: “I think Mr Albanese is a decent man who cares deeply about his country, but I believe he is completely out of his depth as prime minister.”


    Dutton has been out of his depth – in all occupations and as a human being – ever since he ceased punching down on aboriginal youths in Fortitude Valley back in his Queensland copper days. There was a reason why his police colleagues used to leave dog turds in his desk once he got his first promotion.

    He tried to relive those days with “Operation Fortitude” on the streets of Melbourne as a Government Minister.

  36. Aaron

    Good to see you about.

    It’s interesting that Birmingham would undermine Dutton like he did. Suggests some instability within the coalition.

  37. Looking good for LNP’s prospects of getting volunteers on the booths for the first time since the 2013 election, when there was massive support for repealing S18[c].

  38. Entropy @ #1751 Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 – 2:42 pm

    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 2:35 pm

    Do not know of a poster Alabama

    That’s fine, sometimes when there is a new name posting. It is an old poster just going with a new moniker. Sometimes obviously it is a new poster or a poster who has rarely posted in the recent past getting much more active.

    Nah, centre is an old PB lag who only turns up to show his support when he thinks the Coalition have taken their political Viagra. He usually ends up expostulating prematurely. 😐

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