Polls: Essential Research and Roy Morgan (open thread)

The government rises in one poll and comes down hard in another. Results also on carbon emission targets, Gaza and vaping.

The fortnightly Essential Research poll goes against the recent grain in recording a four-point drop for the Coalition to 32%, with Labor down one to 31%, the Greens steady on 13% and One Nation up three to 8%, and the undecided component up two to 6%. The pollster’s 2PP+ measure, which has consistently been very close throughout the year, finds Labor moving into the lead for the first time since early April by holding steady at 48% while the Coalition falls two to 46%.

Further questions record 31% support and 36% opposition to Peter Dutton’s new position on carbon emissions, with respondents told this would breach a Paris climate agreement backed by 190 other countries. There is also a 52-48 split in favour of sticking to the 2030 target over an alternative that encapsulates Peter Dutton’s position thus: “Australia should abandon the 2030 target because it’s unachievable and hurting the economy and instead focus on the 2050 target”. However, there is a 63-37 split in favour of developing renewable as the means to the end of the 2050 target over sticking with fossil fuels and waiting until nuclear is developed in 15 to 20 years.

Questions on Israel and Gaza find 52% satisfied with the Australian government’s response, although twice as many think it too supportive of Israel than too harsh, at 32% and 16% respectively. There is a four-point drop in support for Israel’s action since April to 15%, with opposition up six to 38% and a two-point increase in support for a temporary ceasefire to 21%. A question on the government’s plan to make vapes available only through pharmacies by prescription finds 56% in favour and 22% opposed. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1160.

After two improved results for Labor, the weekly Roy Morgan poll records a sharp reversal, recording a tie on two-party preferred after Labor led 53.5-46.5 last week. On the primary vote, Labor is down a point to 29.5%, the Coalition is up three to 38%, the Greens are down two to 13.5% and One Nation is down half a point to 5%. The poll was conducted Monday to Sunday from a sample of 1724.

Nine Newspapers has also published further findings from the Resolve Strategic poll which put support for the government’s 43% carbon reduction target for 2030 as a stepping stone to net zero by 2050 at 33%, with a further 19% favouring a more ambitious approach. Only 17% supported Peter Dutton’s approach of abandoning the 2030 target, with a further 13% rejecting emissions targets altogether.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,973 comments on “Polls: Essential Research and Roy Morgan (open thread)”

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  1. Confessions:

    Queensland’s border policies during COVID meant we experienced roughly four weeks of lockdowns over the space of two years. Most of the lockdowns were less than three days. Businesses remained open and life for most people went on as normal. I’d call that a success.

  2. out of sorts says Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 5:57 pm

    Pump it then Entropy. The station should supply enough power to do such a thing.

    This is an example of why these projects blow out in cost and time. All these unforeseen issues turn up. Each requires a solution that adds to the cost and delays the project. On a bespoke mega project, and all mega projects are bespoke, you can have thousands of them.

  3. sealion says Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 5:59 pm

    Japanese eye investment in Australian nuclear rollout

    Japan’s giant energy trading houses would consider helping to pay for a nuclear rollout in Australia in return for decades-long investment returns, industry insiders say.


    This is likely at best just speculation that’s then been written up. There’s no way a “giant energy trading house” would seriously consider Dutton’s proposal unless he was in government and about to spend the money. Especially not within a few days of the announcement.

  4. With Dutton’s outburst today (he’s a strongman, the PM is a child and he’ll steamroll the states), it’s not just nuclear power stations. It’s Dutton coming out in the Trump mould and in fact, modelling himself on any number of would-be dictators. Perhaps he sees himself as a Putin or one of any number of South American far-right populist and autocratic heads of state.

    The question is how many Liberal Party MPs will be cheering him on and how many will be feeling sick in the stomach.

  5. The Age 22/06
    Accelerating tolls have helped make CityLink the most profitable of operator Transurban’s 22 roads globally, and reflect what experts say are poor state government deals that push higher prices onto future motorists.
    Labor, Labor, Labor.

  6. The trouble with Dutton trying to be like Trump is that he just doesn’t have the appearance to pull it off. As disgusting as Trump is to normal people he still has that polished-up TV face that appeals to his base.

    Dutton meanwhile has been described by members of his own Liberal party as “looking like a robber’s dog”.

    There’s nothing showbizzy or golden-gilded about Dutton, he’s just an angry pitbull doing angry pitbull things. Snarling at intruders, charging at enemies, can we trust him not to bite children?

  7. Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station?
    Wasn’t that a Blair Labour boondoggle along with the Chinese Government?
    And it’s still not finished, you say?

  8. Taylormade says:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 7:26 pm
    The Age 22/06
    Accelerating tolls have helped make CityLink the most profitable of operator Transurban’s 22 roads globally, and reflect what experts say are poor state government deals that push higher prices onto future motorists.
    Labor, Labor, Labor.
    Can you expand upon how it’s Labor’s fault that they didn’t default on the money for jam contract Jeff Kennett signed with Transurban?

  9. It’s possible that Labor might do better against Dutts with a female leader?
    “Child in a man’s body”, that’s damning, yet no Labor champion has picked up the cudgels for Albo.
    You gotta wonder what sort of fist Kristina Keneally would’ve made of the job if Labor hadn’t stitched her up in Fowler?

  10. ‘Badthinker says:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 7:45 pm
    It’s possible that Labor might do better against Dutts with a female leader?
    “Child in a man’s body”, that’s damning, yet no Labor champion has picked up the cudgels for Albo.
    You gotta wonder what sort of fist Kristina Keneally would’ve made of the job if Labor hadn’t stitched her up in Fowler?”

    The appropriate way to treat Dutton’s outburst is to treat it with disdain and ignore it.

  11. Yeah, sure that ultra-masculine talk about manliness is gonna go over just so well with the voters Dutton needs to win.

    It’s pathetic schoolyard stuff at most. “Ooh, year 4 Albo talking as though he’s in year 6 like us!” Dutton already has the votes of people who approve of that talk locked and bolted.

  12. Badthinker at 7.45, no one has “picked up the cudgels for Albo” because they’re all pissing themselves laughing.

    (At Dutton)

    Dutton is the best thing that the ALP has going for them.

    I am pretty sure I read earlier that the Teals are about to target another 9 liberal seats. I wonder why they don’t target any other seats. Could it be that their research says that the Dutton/Littleproud combo will bring them more success?

  13. ‘Badthinker says:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 7:45 pm

    It’s possible that Labor might do better against Dutts with a female leader?
    “Child in a man’s body”, that’s damning…’
    … of Dutton. Beyond contempt.

  14. ‘bc says:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 7:21 pm

    sealion says Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 5:59 pm

    Japanese eye investment in Australian nuclear rollout

    Japan’s giant energy trading houses would consider helping to pay for a nuclear rollout in Australia in return for decades-long investment returns, industry insiders say.
    Oh, look. There’s a Liberal with a bag of taxpayers’ money!

  15. The appropriate way to treat Dutton’s outburst is to treat it with disdain and ignore it.
    That approach might work – on a croquet pitch.

  16. The best way to respond to Dutton’s outburst is:

    – express concern for his wellbeing, acknowledging that his colleagues had dumped on him a dud of a policy that will destroy the economy.

    – note that in politics we should aspire to debate the policy and not the man (bs, but whatever)

    – suggest his colleagues check in on him … and note that he is looking tired.

  17. yabbasays:

    I guess the biggest problem with NP is that eventually another Labor Governent would be elected and they’d have responsibility for Nuclear Waste.
    Talk about ‘be[ing] very afraid’.

  18. ABC
    Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has claimed his nuclear energy plan will cost a fraction of Labor’s pursuit of renewable energy.

    This claim of course could only be true if the word “improper” had been inserted immediately before the word “fraction”.

    The ignorance/dishonesty of Dutton is so Trumpesk.

  19. @Badthinker at 8:16pm

    Oh, right, yeah, foolproof. Elect us, when you get sick of our shit vote us out, oh but it’s radioactive shit that can’t be disposed of safely, so pick on them for not picking up our radioactive shit properly so elect us again.

    That’s all you LNP bastards are, a bunch of shit merchants. And not even shit that can be beneficial in some way, like manure is, just evil poisonous glowing radioactive shit that kills everything except those that can afford to get away from it.

  20. ABC news, we got Dutton in full panic mode, and little Johnny Howard got rolled out.
    Insiders trying to justify the brain fart is going to be entertaining to watch tomorrow.

  21. Sooner or later Dutton is going to have to release the numbers to back up his BS and if we had a functioning balanced media they’d be on him every minute of every day.
    Of course the only media trying to hold him to account are the smaller players.

  22. Mundosays:

    Why does Ed Husic have to clean up Anthony Albanese’s mess?
    Albo’s not The King, you know?
    If he can’t do the job, hand over to someone who can.

  23. Attempted 1-2 punch from the ABC:

    Headline: Peter Dutton claims nuclear energy plan will cost a fraction of Labor’s pursuit of renewable energy


    And, headline: The federal government is making a billion-dollar bet on Australian-made solar panels. Some aren’t convinced it’ll pay off


    So just to recap the agreed MSM narrative:

    – LNP is so brave in making a big nuclear pitch to the public

    – Labor is evil for daring to build a domestic renewables industry, we should just buy it from China instead (also, Labor is also selling us out to China…)

  24. Headline: Peter Dutton claims nuclear energy plan will cost a fraction of Labor’s pursuit of renewable energy

    Surely that’s hardly surprising given that it’ll produce only a fraction of the energy (…eventually)?

  25. Badthinkersays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 7:45 pm
    It’s possible that Labor might do better against Dutts with a female leader?
    “Child in a man’s body”, that’s damning, yet no Labor champion has picked up the cudgels for Albo.

    While you may find that damning. The rest of us have moved on from our school yard days and just find it pathetic now.

    Quote: “I know you are but what am I?”

  26. The task of a Prime Minister should be uplifting of the people.
    Albo failed at the first hurdle by pushing through The Voice referendum.
    It was rejected, but instead of resigning with a shred of dignity, he carried on as if nothing had happened.

  27. Badthinkersays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 9:03 pm
    The task of a Prime Minister should be uplifting of the people.
    Albo failed at the first hurdle by pushing through The Voice referendum.
    It was rejected, but instead of resigning with a shred of dignity, he carried on as if nothing had happened.

    When we don’t have an election on the August 3rd date that you have monotonously predicted on here for sometime. Will you be carrying on if nothing has happened or doing the honorable thing?

  28. Clearly the memes got under Dutton’s skin and like all bullys he couldn’t handle it.
    Less than 24 hours and into the personal attacks.
    Pretty sure I know who the baby is.

  29. It only took one rotten spud to make the whole bag go bad. Its time the whole LNP was chucked out i think. They’re well passed their best before date of 31/12/1959 i would say.

  30. Badthinker @ #1938 Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 – 9:03 pm

    The task of a Prime Minister should be uplifting of the people.
    Albo failed at the first hurdle by pushing through The Voice referendum.
    It was rejected, but instead of resigning with a shred of dignity, he carried on as if nothing had happened.

    Scott Morrison was found holidaying in Hawaii while the country burned to the ground, but instead of resigning with a shred of dignity, he carried on as if nothing had happened.

  31. frednksays:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 9:26 pm
    I suspect this is the presentation that has got the Liberals into so much trouble.

    If something sounds to good to be true it probably is.

    As the reality was this:

    Though i do note Lars was on here the other day still spruiking this project even after it was cancelled.

  32. Hi. Not sure what is going on but I am having truly weird issues seeing this blog. Been happening since last night, and since then have a couple of glimpses of certain pages then no previous or forward pages. Have backed out of site and gone back in to no avail. I note others have had similar problems. I am viewing at home on a Dell computer in my study, not a laptop, or tablet or anything. Feel like I am missing out on commentary – especially now.

  33. Kirsdarke @ #1914 Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 – 7:53 pm

    Yeah, sure that ultra-masculine talk about manliness is gonna go over just so well with the voters Dutton needs to win over.

    It’s pathetic schoolyard stuff at most. “Ooh, year 4 Albo talking as though he’s in year 6 like us!” He already has the votes of people who approve of that talk locked and bolted.

    I can’t wait for Dutton to emulate Trump some more and start calling up crims on stage at his rallies to bolster his Thug Life appeal. 😆

  34. marc0125says:
    Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 9:35 pm

    Currently there seems to be two ways to get a new page once the one you are on has finished.

    Way 1: Post a comment
    Way 2: Change http address
    from current one here:
    To next one:

    By adding 1 to page number, in this case 39 to 40.

    Oops i’m already on page 40 when i posted it. At least if anyone wants to go back see what was on page 39 they can use this link above. Then just push previous page arrow in browser to get back here on page 40.

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